

ADA & IT Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC) Southwest ADA Center

Provides training and information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including state and local government responsibilities under Title II of the ADA, as well as information on accessible electronic and information technology for people in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.

Arkansas Department of Education Special Education Information
Offers special education information for parents, teachers, school administrators and members of the public.
Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs
Information on benefits and services available to veterans who are residents of the state of Arkansas.
Arkansas Disability Coalition
Works for equal rights and opportunities for Arkansans with disabilities. In conjunction with Arkansas Support Network and FOCUS, Inc. it also serves as the states' Parent Training and Information Center to assist parents who have children ages 0-26 with special education needs.
Arkansas Governor's Developmental Disabilities Council
Supports people with developmental disabilities in the achievement of independence, productivity, integration and inclusion in the community.
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Provides comprehensive medical, vocational and therapy services as well as education and training for people with disabilities to assist with their return to employment.
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services Directory
Contact information for key agencies and services to assist people with disabilities in Arkansas, including Rehabilitation Services field offices.
Arkansas Support Network
Works to support the presence and participation of children and adults with developmental disabilities in their homes and communities.
FOCUS of Arkansas
A non-profit organization that works to provide individuals with developmental disabilities, particularly those who are underserved, with services and supports to ensure independence and inclusion for individuals with disabilities. FOCUS is also part of the Arkansas Parent Training and Information Network which advocates for equal rights and opportunities for children and adults with disabilities.
Henderson State University Disability Resource Center
Facilitates the delivery of disability-related support services and accommodations. Programs and services include adapted testing, alternative print formats, assistive and adaptive technology and help with accessible living accommodations.
The Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet) provides resources, information, in-service training and technical assistance for postsecondary institutions to improve existing services or to establish new services for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

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