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Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


Research and Development of Field Methods

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This crosscutting topic bibliography is a subcategory of the following bibliography:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W


Williams, J.H., and Johnson, C.D., 2004,
Acoustic and optical borehole-wall imaging for fractured-rock aquifer studies: Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 55, no. 1-2, p. 151-159, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2003.06.009.
Masoner, J.R., and Christenson, S.C., 2007,
Adjustable floating open-water evaporation pan: U.S. Patent No. 7,162,923 B1.
Smith, D.V., and Brown, P.J., 2002,
Advances in directional borehole radar data analysis and visualization, in Koppenjan, S., and Lee, H., eds., Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Santa Barbara, California, April 29-May 2, 2002: The University of California, Santa Barbara and Bechtel Nevada/Special Technologies Laboratory, p. 1-5.
Smith, D.V., Wright, D.L., and Abraham, J.D., 2000,
Advances in very early time electromagnetic (VETEM) system data analysis and image processing, in Powers, M.H., Ibrahim, A.B., and Cramer, L., eds., Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP2000), February 20-24, 2000, February 20-24, 2000: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. 469-475.
Carter, J.L., and Resh, V.H., 2001,
After site selection and before data analysis--sampling, sorting, and laboratory procedures used in stream benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring programs by USA state agencies: Journal of the North American Benthological Society, v. 20, no. 4, p. 658-682.
Turnipseed, A.A., Anderson, D.E., Burns, S., Blanken, P.D., and Monson, R.K., 2004,
Airflows and turbulent flux measurements in mountainous terrain, Part 2--Mesoscale effects: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v. 125, p. 187-205, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2004.04.007.
Turnipseed, A.A., Anderson, D.E., Blanken, P.D., Baugh, W.M., and Monson, R.K., 2003,
Airflows and turbulent flux measurements in mountainous terrain. Part 1--Canopy and local effects: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v. 119, no. 1-2, p. 1-21, doi:10.1016/S0168-1923(03)00136-9.
Lessoff, S.C., and Konikow, L.F., 1997,
Ambiguity in measuring matrix diffusion with single-well injection/recovery tracer tests: Ground Water, v. 35, no. 1, p. 166-176, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.1997.tb00072.x.
Tiedeman, C.R., and Hsieh, P.A., 1999,
Analysis of an open-hole aquifer test in fractured crystalline rock, in Morganwalp, D.W., and Buxton, H.T., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999--Volume 3 of 3--Subsurface Contamination from Point Sources: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4018C, p. 783-793.
Chalmers, A., Nilles, M.A., Krabbenhoft, D.P., and Prestbo, E., 2005,
Analysis of mercury wet-deposition data collected with a newly designed sampler, Boston, Massachusetts metropolitan area, 2002-04: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1368, 17 p.
Constantz, J.E., Stonestrom, D.A., Stewart, A.E., Niswonger, R.G., and Smith, T.R., 2001,
Analysis of streambed temperatures in ephemeral channels to determine streamflow frequency and duration: Water Resources Research, v. 37, no. 2, p. 317-328, 2000WR900271, doi:10.1029/2000WR900271.
Lane, J.W., Jr., Williams, J.H., Johnson, C.D., Sr. Savino, D.-M., and Haeni, F.P., 2001,
Application of a geophysical "tool-box" approach to characterization of fractured-rock aquifers--a case study from Norwalk, Connecticut, in Symposium of the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Denver, Colorado, March 4-7, 2001: Wheat Ridge, Colo., Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. CD-ROM.
Kuwabara, J.S., and Harvey, R.W., 1990,
Application of a hollow-fiber, tangential-flow device for sampling suspended bacteria and particles from natural waters: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 19, no. 3, p. 625-629.
Placzek, G., Lane, J.W., Jr., and Coutu, G., 1996,
Application of adaptive noise-cancelling methods to ground-penetrating radar data, in 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Boston, Massachusetts, October 7-10, 1996: San Francisco, Calif., Miller Freeman Inc., p. 958-962.
Williams, J.H., Lane, J.W., Jr., Singha, K., and Haeni, F.P., 2002,
Application of advanced geophysical logging methods in the characterization of a fractured-sedimentary bedrock aquifer, Vertura County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4083, 28 p.
Grégoire, C., Lane, J.W., Jr., and Joesten, P.K., 2004,
Application of borehole radar for monitoring stream-enhanced remediation of a contaminated site in fractured limestone, Maine, USA, in Hack, R., Azzam, R., and Charlier, R., eds., Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Planning in Europe--a European Perspective, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences: Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, p. 385-392.
Joesten, P.K., Lane, J.W., Jr., Savoie, J.G., and Versteeg, R.J., 2001,
Application of borehole-radar methods to image two permeable reactive-iron walls at the Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Denver, Colorado, March 4-7, 2001: Wheat Ridge, Colo., Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. CD-ROM.
Lane, J.W., Jr., Day-Lewis, F.D., Versteeg, R.J., Casey, C.C., and Joesten, P.K., 2004,
Application of cross-borehole radar to monitor field-scale vegetable oil injection experiments for biostimulation, in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2004), Colorado Springs, Colorado, February 22-26, 2004: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. CD-ROM, 20 p.
Johnson, C.D., Lane, J.W., Jr., Williams, J.H., and Haeni, F.P., 2001,
Application of geophysical methods to delineate contamination in fractured rock at the University of Connecticut landfill, Storrs, Connecticut, in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Denver, Colorado, March 4-7, 2001: Wheat Ridge, Colo., Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. CD-ROM.
Babiarz, C.L., Hurley, J.P., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Gilmour, C., and Branfireun, B.A., 2003,
Application of ultrafiltration and stable isotopic amendments to field studies of mercury partitioning to filterable carbon in lake water and overland runoff: The Science of the Total Environment, v. 304, no. 1-3, p. 295-303, doi:10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00576-4.
Shuter, E., and Teasdale, W.E., 1986,
Applications of drilling, coring and sampling techniques to test holes and wells: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 2, sec. F, chap. 1, 97 p.
Perkins, K.S., 2005,
Aquifer recharge estimates based on unsaturated zone measurements, southern New Jersey: San Jose State University, M.S. thesis, 87 p.
Tiedeman, C.R., and Hsieh, P.A., 2001,
Assessing an open-well aquifer test in fractured crystalline rock: Ground Water, v. 39, no. 1, p. 68-78, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2001.tb00352.x.
Lane, J.W., Day-Lewis, F.D., Harris, J.M., Haeni, F.P., and Gorelick, S.M., 2000,
Attenuation-difference radar tomography--results of a multiple-plane experiment at the U.S. Geological Survey fractured-rock research site, Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, in Noon, D.A., Stickley, G.F., and Longstaff, D., ed., GPR 2000, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Gold Coast, Australia, May 23-26, 2000: Queensland, Australia, University of Queensland, p. 666-675.
Majure, J.J., and Eash, D.A., 1991,
An automated method to quantify physical basin characteristics, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4034, p. 558-561.
Hornecker, M.M., 1999,
Automated soil moisture observations and infiltration modeling at the closed Norman, Oklahoma Landfill: Norman, University of Oklahoma, School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, unpublished Masters thesis, 165 p.


Winston, R.B., and Shapiro, A.M., 2007,
BAT3 Analyzer--Real-time data display and interpretation software for the Multifunction Bedrock-Aquifer Transportable Testing Tool (BAT3): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1105, 65 p.
Moulton, C.W., Wright, D.L., Hutton, R.S., Smith, D.V., and abraham, J.D., 2002,
Basalt-flow imaging using a high-resolution directional borehole radar, in Koppenjan, S., and Lee, H., eds., Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Santa Barbara, California, April 29-May 2, 2002: The University of California, Santa Barbara and Bechtel Nevada/Special Technologies Laboratory, p. 1-6.
Gibs, J., Imbrigiotta, T.E., and Turner, K., 1990,
Bibliography on sampling ground water for organic compounds: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-564, 22 p.
Weiss, J.V., and Cozzarelli, I.M., 2008,
Biodegradation in contaminated aquifers--Incorporating microbial/molecular methods: Ground Water, v. 46, no. 2, p. 305-322, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2007.00409.x.
Rhea, D.T., Harper, D.D., Farag, A.M., and Brumbaugh, W.G., 2006,
Biomonitoring in the Boulder River watershed, Montana, USA--Metal concentrations in biofilm and macroinvertebrates, and relations with macroinvertebrate assemblage: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 115, no. 1-3, p. 381-393, doi:10.1007/s10661-006-7086-7.
Wright, D.L., and Nelson, P.H., 1993,
Borehole dielectric logging for environmental applications--A review and a time-domain laboratory experiment, in Hallenburg, J.K., ed., Transactions of the 5th Annual Symposium, Minerals and Geotechnical Logging Society, Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 24-28, 1993: Tulsa, Okla., The Minerals and Geotechnical Logging Society, The Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, p. T1- T23.
Shapiro, A.M., Lane, J.W., Jr, and Olimpio, J.R., 1999,
Borehole packers for in situ geophysical and microbial investigations in fractured rock, in Morganwalp, D.W., and Buxton, H.T., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999--Volume 3 of 3--Subsurface Contamination from Point Sources: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4018C, p. 841-845.
Wright, D.L., Abraham, J.D., Ellefsen, K.J., and Rossabi, J., 1998,
Borehole radar tomography and dielectric logging at the Savannah River site, in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Ground-Penetrating Radar, Lawrence, Kansas, May 27-30, 1998: University of Kansas, Radar systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory, p. 539-544.
Singha, K., Kimball, K., and Lane, J.W., 2000,
Borehole-radar methods--Tools for characterization of fractured rock: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-054-00, 4 p.
Hsieh, P.A., 2000,
A brief survey of hydraulic tests in fractured rocks, in Faybishenko, B., Witherspoon, P.A., and Benson, S.M., eds., American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 122: Washington, D.C., p. 59-66.


Talma, A.S., Weaver, J.M.C., Plummer, L.N., and Busenberg, E., 2000,
CFC tracing of groundwater in fractured rock aided with 14C and 3H to identify water mixing, in Sililo, O., ed., Groundwater--Past achievements and future challenges: Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, p. 635-640.
Plummer, L.N., and Busenberg, E., 1993,
CFC's--Tools for age-dating and tracing shallow ground water, in U.S. Geological Survey Yearbook, Fiscal Year 1992, p. 45-47.
Tiedeman, C.R., Hsieh, P.A., and Christian, S.B., 1995,
Characterization of a high-transmissivity zone by well test analysis--Steady state case: Water Resources Research, v. 31, no. 1, p. 27-37, 94WR01965, doi:10.1029/94WR01965.
Day-Lewis, F.D., Lane Jr., J.W., Hsieh, P.A., and Gorelick, S.M., 2001,
Characterization of fractured-rock aquifers using radar, tracer, and hydraulic data, in Fractured Rock 2001 Conference, Proceedings, Toronto, Ontario, March 26-28, 2001: CD-ROM.
Buursink, M.L., and Lane, J.W., Jr, 1999,
Characterizing fractures in a bedrock outcrop using ground-penetrating radar at Mirror Lake, Grafton County, New Hampshire, in Morganwalp, D.W., and Buxton, H.T., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999--Volume 3 of 3--Subsurface Contamination from Point Sources: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4018C, p. 769-776.
Shapiro, A.M., 2001,
Characterizing ground-water chemistry and hydraulic properties of fractured-rock aquifers using the multifunction bedrock-aquifer transportable testing tool (BAT3): U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-075-01, 4 p.
Shapiro, A.M., 2007,
Characterizing hydraulic properties and ground-water chemistry in fractured-rock aquifers--A user's manual for the Multifunction Bedrock-Aquifer Transportable Testing T ool (BAT3): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1134, 127 p.
Hsieh, P.A., 1987,
Characterizing the hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses--Methodology and case studies, in Farmer, I.W., and others, eds., Rocks Mechanics--Proceedings of the 28th U.S. Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, June 29 - July 1, 1987: Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, p. 465-472.
Wood, W.W., and Sanford, W.E., 1995,
Chemical and isotopic methods for quantifying ground-water recharge in a regional, semi-arid environment: Ground Water, v. 33, no. 3, p. 458-468.
Vroblesky, D.A., Nietch, C.T., and Morris, J.T., 1999,
Chlorinated ethenes from ground water in tree trunks, in Morganwalp, D.W., and Buxton, H.T., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999--Volume 3 of 3--Subsurface Contamination from Point Sources: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4018C, p. 607-614.
Dunkle, S.A., Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., Phillips, P.J., Denver, J.M., Hamilton, P.A., Michel, R.L., and Coplen, T.B., 1993,
Chlorofluorocarbons (CC13F and CC12F2) as age-dating tools and hydrologic tracers in shallow ground water of the Delmarva Peninsula, Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA: Water Resources Research, v. 29, no. 12, p. 3,837-3,860, 93WR02073, doi:10.1029/93WR02073.
Plummer, L.N., and Busenberg, E., 1999,
Chlorofluorocarbons, in Cook, P., and Herczeg, A., eds., Environmental tracers in subsurface hydrology, chapter 15: Kluwer Academic Press, p. 441-478.
Busenberg, E., and Plummer, L.N., 1991,
Chloroflurocarbons (CCl3F and CCl2F2)--Use as an age-dating tool and hydrologic tracer in shallow ground-water streams, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4034, p. 542-547.
Kammer, J.A., and Smith, J.A., 1989,
Collection and analysis of unsaturated-zone soil gas for volatile organic compounds, in Mallard, G.E., and Ragone, S.E., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, September 26-30, 1988: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4220, p. 617-623.
Green, A., Lane, J.W., Jr., Johnson, C.D., Williams, J.H., Mondazzi, R.A., and Joesten, P.K., 2004,
Combined use of borehole geophysics and packers to site potable wells in a contaminated area, in U.S. EPA/NGWA Fractured Rock Conference--State of the Science and Measuring Success in Remediation, Portland, Maine, September 13-15, 2004: National Ground Water Association.
Moench, A., and Hsieh, P., 1985,
Comment on "Evaluation of Slug Tests in Wells Containing a Finite-Thickness Skin" by C. R. Faust and J. W. Mercer: Water Resources Research, v. 21, no. 9, p. 1459-1461, 5W0449, doi:10.1029/WR021i009p01459.
Sonntag, W.H., 1987,
Comparative test of two sampling devices for obtaining purgeable organic compounds from ground-water wells, in Franks, B.J., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Program on Toxic Waste--Ground-Water Contamination--Proceedings of the third technical meeting, Pensacola, Florida, March 23-27, 1987: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-109, p. E-7-E-9.
Rosenberry, D.O., Winter, T.C., Buso, D.C., and Likens, G.E., 2007,
Comparison of 15 evaporation methods applied to a small mountain lake in the northeastern USA: Journal of Hydrology, v. 340, no. 3-4, p. 149-166, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.03.018.
Alvarez, D.A., Stackelberg, P.E., Petty, J.D., Huckins, J.N., Furlong, E.T., Zaugg, S.D., and Meyer, M.T., 2005,
Comparison of a novel passive sampler to standard water-column sampling for organic contaminants associated with wastewater effluents entering a New Jersey stream: Chemosphere, v. 61, no. 5, p. 610-622, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.03.023.
Imbrigiotta, T.E., Ehlke, T.A., and Lacombe, P.J., 2002,
Comparison of dialysis membrane diffusion samplers and two purging methods in bedrock wells, in Gavaskar, A.R., and Chen, A.S.C., eds., Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, Calif., May 20-23, 2002: Columbus, Ohio, Battelle Press (CD), (Contact The Conference Group Inc. for information on the availability of the proceedings.).
Archfield, S.A., and LeBlanc, D.R., 2005,
Comparison of diffusion- and pumped-sampling methods to monitor volatile organic compounds in ground water, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, July 1999-December 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5010, 53 p.
Rosen, M.E., Pankow, J.F., Gibs, J., and Imbrigiotta, T.E., 1992,
Comparison of downhole and surface sampling for the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ground water: Ground Water Monitoring Review, v. 12, no. 1, p. 126-133.
Paillet, F.L., and Allen, B.S., 1995,
Comparison of flowmeter estimates of fracture zone permeability with the results of conventional straddle packer injection tests, in International Symposium of the Minerals and Geotechnical Logging Society (6th), Santa Fe, New Mexico: p. Y1-Y23.
Paillet, F.L., Williams, J.H., Oki, D.S., and Knutson, K.D., 2002,
Comparison of formation and fluid-column logs in a heterogeneous basalt aquifer: Ground Water, v. 40, no. 6, p. 577-585, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2002.tb02544.x.
Smith, J.A., Cho, H.J., Jaffe, P.R., MacLeod, C.L., and Koehnlein, S.A., 1991,
Comparison of four methods for sampling and analyzing unsaturated-zone water for trichloroethene at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, in Mallard, G.E., and Aronson, D.A., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Monterey, California, March 11-15, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4034, p. 708-712.
Paillet, F.L., Cheng, C.H., Hess, A.E., and Hardin, E.L., 1986,
Comparison of fractured permeability estimates based on tube-wave generation invertical seismic profiles, acoustic waveform-log attenuation, and pumping-test analysis, in Proceedings of the Surface and Borehole Geophysical Methods and Ground Water Instumentation Conference and Exposition, Denver, Colorado, October 15-17, 1986: Dublin, Ohio, National Water Well Association, p. 398-416.
Constantz, J., Cox, M.H., and Su, G.W., 2003,
Comparison of heat and bromide as ground-water tracers near streams: Ground Water, v. 41, no. 5, p. 647-656, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2003.tb02403.x.
Horowitz, A.J., Elrick, K.A., and Hooper, R.C., 1989,
A comparison of instrumental dewatering methods for the separation and concentration of suspended sediments, in Mallard, G.E., and Ragone, S.E., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Phoenix, Ariz., September 26-30, 1988: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4220, p. 495-500.
Thomas, C.L., Stewart, A.E., and Constantz, J., 1999,
Comparison of methods to determine infiltration and percolation rates along a reach of the Santa Fe River near La Bajada, New Mexico, in Bartolino, J.R., ed., U.S. Geological Survey middle Rio Grande basin study; proceedings of the third annual workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 24-25, 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-203, p. 75-76.
Cox, M., Rosenberry, D., Su, G., Conlon, T., Lee, K., and Constantz, J., 2002,
Comparison of methods to estimate streambed seepage rates, in Kenny, J.F., ed., Ground Water/Surface Water Interactions, AWRA 2002 Summer Specialty Conference Proceedings, Keystone, Colorado, July 1-3, 2002: American Water Resources Association, p. 519-523.
LeBlanc, D.R., and Vroblesky, D.A., 2008,
Comparison of pumped and diffusion sampling methods to monitor concentrations of perchlorate and explosive compounds in ground water, Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2004-05: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5159, 17 p.
Maurice, P.A., Pullin, M.J., Cabaniss, S.E., Shou, Q., Namjesnik-Dejanovic, K., and Aiken, G.R., 2002,
A comparison of surface water natural organic matter in raw filtered water samples, XAD, and reverse osmosis isolates: Water Research, v. 36, no. 9, p. 2357-2371, doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00442-0.
Gibs, J., and Imbrigiotta, T.E., 1989,
Comparison of well-purging criteria for sampling purgeable organic compounds, in Mallard, G.E., and Ragone, S.E., eds., U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, September 26-30, 1988: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 88-4220, p. 495-500.
Nelson, S.J., Johnson, K.B., Weathers, K.C., Loftin, C.S., Fernandez, I.J., Kahl, J.S., and Krabbenhoft, D.P., 2008,
A comparison of winter mercury accumulation at forested and no-canopy sites measured with different snow sampling techniques: Applied Geochemistry, v. 23, no. 3, p. 384-398, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.12.009.
Belaval, M., Lane, J.W., Jr, Lesmes, D.P., and Kineke, G., 2003,
Continuous-resistivity-profiling for coastal ground-water investigations--three case histories, in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), San Antonio, Texas, April 6-10, 2003: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. CD-ROM, 14 p.
Williams, J.H., Lacombe, P.J., Johnson, C.D., and Paillet, F.L., 2007,
Cross-borehole flow tests and insights into hydraulic connections in fractured mudstone and sandstone, in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP 2007), Denver, Colorado, April 1-5, 2007: Denver, Colo., Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, p. 1,140-1,152 (CD-ROM).
Liu, L., Zhou, C., Lane, J.W., Jr., and Haeni, F.P., 1997,
Cross-hole radar attenuation tomography using a frequency centroid down-shift method--Consideration of non-linear frequency dependence of EM wave attenuation, in Technical Program, Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 2-7, 1997: Tulsa, Okla., Society of Exploration Geophysicists, v. I, p. 442-445.
Savoie, J.G., Lane, J.W., Jr., and Joesten, P.K., 2001,
Cross-hole radar method monitors PRB installation: Ground Water Currents, no. 42, p. 3-4.
Graham, J.L., Loftin, K.A., Ziegler, A.C., and Meyer, M.T., 2008,
Cyanobacteria in lakes and reserviors--Toxin and taste-and-odor sampling guidelines (ver. 1.0): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 9, chap. A7, section 7.5, 65 p (available online only).


Ekwurzel, B., Schlosser, P., Smethie Jr, W.M., Plummer, L.N., Busenberg, E., Michel, R.L., Weppernig, R., and Stute, M., 1994,
Dating of shallow groundwater--Comparison of the transient tracers 3H/3He chlorofluorocarbons and 85Kr: Water Resources Research, v. 30, no. 6, p. 1,693-1,707, 94WR00156, doi:10.1029/94WR00156.
Kharaka, Y.K., Ambats, G., Thordsen, J.J., and Evans, W.C., 1997,
Deep-well injections of brine from Paradox Valley, Colorado--Potential major precipitation problems remediated by nanofiltration: Water Resources Research, v. 33, no. 5, p. 1013-1020, 97WR00573, doi:10.1029/97WR00573.
Franks, B.J., Goerlitz, D.F., and Baedecker, M.J., 1986,
Defining extent of a contaminant plume using onsite analytical techniques, in Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water, Proceedings of the Second Conference of Prevention, Detection, and Restoration, Houston, Texas, 1985: National Water Well Association and American Petroleum Institute, p. 265-275.
Savoie, J.G., LeBlanc, D.R., Blackwood, D.S., McCobb, T.D., Rendigs, R.R., and Clifford, S., 2000,
Delineation of discharge areas of two contaminant plumes by use of diffusion samplers, Johns Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4017, 30 p.
Smith, L.K., Voytek, M.A., Böhlke, J.K., and Harvey, J.W., 2006,
Denitrification in nitrate-rich streams--Application of N2:Ar and 15N-tracer methods in intact cores: Ecological Applications, v. 16, no. 6, p. 2191-2207, doi:10.1890/1051-0761(2006)016[2191:DINSAO]2.0.CO;2.
Pabich, W.J., 2001,
Denitrification of anthropogenic nitrogen in groundwater--Measurement and modeling using stable isotopic and mass balance approaches: Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, 188 p.
Strobel, M.L., Strobel, C.J., and Delin, G.N., 1998,
Design for a packer/vacuum slug test system for estimating hydraulic conductivity in wells with LNAPLs, casing leaks, or water tables intersecting the screens: Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, v. 18, no. 4, p. 77-80.
Paillet, F.L., Hess, A.E., and Willliams, J.H., 1998,
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Gibs, J., and Imbrigiotta, T.E., 1990,
Well-purging criteria for sampling purgeable organic compounds: Ground Water, v. 28, no. 1, p. 68-78, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.1990.tb02230.x (Note: Journal has Imbrigiotta misspelled as Lmbrigiotta).
Paillet, F.L., Williams, J.H., and Hess, A.E., 1999,
A wireline-operated downhole packer for hydraulic measurements in boreholes, in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (Proceedings), Oakland, California: p. 841-850.
Hess, A.E., 1993,
A wireline-powered inflatable packer for borehole applications: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-485, 19 p.

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There are 346 publications in this section of the bibliography. The above list is sorted by publication title. The Toxics Bibliographic Data Base was last updated on 8/4/09.

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