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News & Media

December 19, 2007. Alexandria, VA: CNPP releases the fact sheet: Trends in Dietary Fiber in the U.S. Food Supply; Sales of Grain Products.

December 6, 2007. Alexandria, VA: CNPP releases Nutrition Insight 37: Diet Quality of Americans in 1994-96 and 2001-02 as Measured by the Healthy Eating Index-2005.

November 19, 2007. Washington, DC: USDA Under Secretary Nancy Johner for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services today announced the appointment of Dr. Brian Wansink as the Executive Director of the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.

October 25, 2007. Washington, DC: USDA Acting Secretary Conner releases MyPyramid for Pregnancy and  Breastfeeding.


Food Plans thumbnailSeptember 24, 2007. Alexandria, VA: CNPP releases monthly update on the USDA Food Plans: Cost of Food.


Thrifty Food Plan, 2006 Report thumbnailApril 3, 2007. Alexandria, VA: CNPP releases the Thrifty Food Plan, 2006 Report.


Expenditures on Children by Families, 2006 thumbnailApril 3, 2007. Alexandria, VA: CNPP releases the Expenditures on Children by Families 2006 Annual Report.|


March 21, 2007. San Francisco, CA: In partnership with HHS and USDA, the Produce for Better Health Foundation launches the Fruits & Veggies—More Matters campaign.


Newsroom 2009

Newsroom 2008

Newsroom 2007

Newsroom 2006

Newsroom 2005

This page was last updated on: 07/09/2009