DeFazio to Hold Town Hall Meetings in Douglas County Wednesday August 19th | Print |
WASHINGTON, DC-- U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-Springfield) will be in Douglas County Wednesday, August 19th to hold three town hall meetings. The House of Representatives recently adjourned for the August district work period and DeFazio has visits scheduled throughout the 4th Congressional District. At the town hall meetings, DeFazio plans to discuss recent congressional efforts to address the current economic crisis, transportation legislation and health care reform, among other issues of interest.  The meetings will give DeFazio an opportunity to hear concerns and answer questions about federal issues.



Wednesday August 19th:






10:00 - 11:00  AM

City Council Chambers

Oakland CIty Hall

637 NE Locust Street






2:00 - 3:00  PM

Seven Feathers Convention Center

Room A

146 Chief Miwaleta Lane






5:15 - 6:15  PM

Ford Community Meeting Room

Douglas County Library

1409 NE Diamond Lake Boulevard