USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


The Toxics Program Develops the Sample-Freezing Drive Shoe


Fred Murphy and Bill Herkelrath have developed a sample-freezing drive shoe. The drive shoe prevents the loss of fluids and sample during retrieval of cores of saturated, noncohesive sediments. The drive shoe has been used successfully at the Bemidji and the Cape Cod Toxics sites., and has satisfactorily collected samples from more than 50 feet (15 m) below the water table. For more information link to the following

* Murphy and Herkelrath's Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation article on their sample freezing-drive shoe is now on line. This is an example of some of the Toxics Program's methods development work.
* A collection of photographs of the sample freezing-drive shoe in action

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* Toxics Methods Development Page

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