Colorado Economic Recovery and Accountability

Press Release: $32 million for Weatherization Projects





Todd Hartman, 303.866.2262,
Myung Oak Kim, 303.947.5708,


Gov. Bill Ritter and U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced Colorado will receive nearly $32 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding to expand weatherization assistance services that reduce energy costs for income-qualified households.

These funds, along with additional funds to be disbursed after the state meets certain Recovery Act milestones, will help the state to weatherize more than 10,000 homes over three years, cutting energy costs for low-income families that need it, reducing pollution, and creating green jobs across the state.

"This latest round of Recovery Act funding is putting people to work immediately. It's also helping the economy with purchases of equipment and supplies and cutting energy costs for those who need the savings most," said Gov. Bill Ritter. "Weatherization is another important component of our New Energy Economy, creating jobs while reducing our energy consumption and lowering greenhouse gas emissions."

Weatherization assistance work is intended to cut energy costs for income qualified households, including for the elderly, people with disabilities, children and high energy-use homes. Energy efficiency services include energy audits, home insulation and the installation of high efficiency appliances such as furnaces and refrigerators. The weatherization assistance program also provides for client education designed to cut energy consumption and save money on household utility bills.

Households that qualify for weatherization services include those where residents are already receiving financial assistance under other programs, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP), Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid. Eligibility can also be determined by household income. Under ARRA, households making up to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible.

Colorado today will receive 40 percent of its total weatherization funding authorized under the Recovery Act, adding to the initial 10 percent of the state's funding allocation that was awarded previously for training and ramp-up activities. The remaining 50 percent of funds will be released after the state meets specific reporting, oversight, and accountability milestones required by the Recovery Act.

After demonstrating successful implementation of its plan, Colorado will receive almost $40 million in additional weatherization funding, for a total of more than $79 million. The state may spend up to 20 percent of its total funds to hire and train workers.

Colorado kicked off its expanded weatherization work in July. The Governor's Energy Office administers the program through 11 regional agencies in Colorado that perform various cost-effective measures in homes, including heating system safety checks, efficiency improvements and replacements, insulation of attics and roofs, reducing air leakage in doors, windows and ductwork and other energy conservation services.

"These awards demonstrate the Obama Administration's strong commitment to moving quickly as part of the country's economic recovery -- creating jobs and doing important work for the American people -- while ensuring that taxpayer dollars are spent responsibly," said Secretary Chu. "Today's investments will save money for hard working families, reduce pollution, strengthen local economies and help move America toward a clean energy future."

For additional information about the weatherization assistance program, visit the GEO website at To see a list of GEO partner agencies that provide weatherization services, visit