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Basin Characteristic Definitions

The names of the basin characteristics given in the StreamStats output for ungaged sites are shown in the second column of the table below, named Characteristic. Shortened labels for the characteristics used by the database are shown in the first column, named Label. The definitions of the basin characteristics are given in third column, named Definition.

Basin Characteristics Definitions
Basin Characteristics Definitions
Label Characteristic Definition English Metric
ABEL8K Drainage_Area_below_8000ft Drainage Area below 8000ft square miles km2
ACARBON Area_of_Carbonate_Rock Area underlain by carbonate rock square miles km2
ACHSWAMP Area_of_Main_Channel_Swamp Main Channel Swamp square miles km2
ACLAY Area_of_Lacustrine_Clay_and_Silt Area underlain by lacustrine clay and silt square miles km2
ACRSDFT Area_of_Coarse_Stratified_Drift Area underlain by stratified drift square miles km2
ACRSTILL Area_of_Coarse_Till Area underlain by coarse-textured glacial till square miles km2
ACTIVE Active_station Station is currently active Yes or No Yes or No
ADETEN Area_of_Lake_and_Detention_Basin Lake and Detention Basin Area square miles km2
ADEVNLCD01 Developed_area_from_NLCD2001 Total area of land-use classifications 21-24 from NLCD 2001 square miles km2
ADJCOEFF Adjustment_Coefficient_From_Page_11 Coefficient to adjust estimates for percentage of carbonate rock in Western Maryland dimensionless dimensionless
AFINMOR Area_of_End_Moraine_Fine_Till Area underlain by end moraines of fine-textured till square miles km2
AFOREST Area_of_Forest_Cover Area covered by forest square miles km2
AG_OF_DA Ag_Land_Percentage Agricultural Land in Percentage of Drainage Area (Idaho Logistic Regression Equations SIR 2006-5035 percent percent
AGLACIER Area_of_Glaciers Area covered by glaciers square miles km2
AIMPERV Area_of_Impervious_Surfaces Impervious area square miles km2
AIMPNLCD10 Impervious_Area_from_NLCD2001 Impervious area determined from NLCD 2001 impervious dataset square miles km2
ALAKE Area_of_Lakes_and_Ponds Area of Lakes and Ponds square miles km2
ALIME Area_of_Limestone Area underlain by limestone geology square miles km2
ALTIND Altitude_Index Altitude Index thousand feet kilometer
AMEDTILL Medium_Till_Area Area underlain by medium-textured glacial till square miles km2
AMUCK Area_of_Peat_and_Muck Area underlain by peat and muck square miles km2
AOS Average_Maximum_Overland_Slope Average Maximum Overland Slope percent percent
AOUTWASH Area_of_Outwash Area underlain by outwash square miles km2
APRAV Mean_April_Temperature Mean April Temperature degrees F degrees C
APRAVPRE Mean_April_Precipitation Mean April Precipitation inches mm
ARBEL8K Area_below_8000_ft Drainage Area below 8000ft square miles km2
ASOILA Area_of_Hydrologic_Soil_Type_A Area underlain by hydrologic soil type A square miles km2
ASOILD Area_of_Hydrologic_Soil_Type_D Area underlain by hydrologic soil type D square miles km2
ASTORAGE Area_of_Storage Area of Storage (lakes - ponds - and wetlands ) square miles km2
ATILROCK Area_of_Thin_Till_over_Bedrock Area underlain by thin glacial till over bedrock square miles km2
AUGAV Mean_August_Temperature Mean August Temperature degrees F degrees C
AUGAVPRE Mean_August_Precipitation Mean August Precipitation inches mm
AURBAN Area_of_Urban_Cover Area covered by urban land use square miles km2
AVMXSS Average_Maximum_Soil_Slope Average Maximum Soil Slope percent percent
AWETLAND Area_of_Wetlands Area of Wetlands square miles km2
AZIMUTH Azimuth Decimal degrees from north of a straight line connecting the points 10- and 85-percent of distance along main stream channel decimal degrees decimal degrees
BARRENLU92 Percent_Barren_from_NLCD1992 Percent Barren from NLCD1992 percent percent
BASIN Drainage_Basin_Code Local code of major drainage basin in which the station is located dimensionless dimensionless
BASINPERIM Basin_Perimeter Perimeter of the drainage basin as defined in SIR 2004-5262 miles km
BASLENAH Basin_Length_ArcHydro_Method Basin length from outlet to basin divide determined using the method in the ArcHydro Toolset miles km
BASSTRMORD Basin_Stream_Order Strahler stream order of the main channel at the basin outlet dimensionless dimensionless
BDF Basin_Development_Factor Urbanization index described by Sauer and others (1981) - Also called Urbanization Index in Texas dimensionless dimensionless
BEGIN_REC Begin_date_of_record First day of record days days
BFI Base_Flow_Index Proportion of mean annual flow that is from ground water (base flow) from Wahl and Wahl, 1988 dimensionless dimensionless
BSLDEM10ff Mean_Basin_Slope_from_10m_DEM_ft_per_ft Mean basin slope computed from 10 m DEM in feet per foot feet per foot m per m
BSLDEM10M Mean_Basin_Slope_from_10m_DEM Mean basin slope computed from 10 m DEM percent percent
BSLDEM250 Mean_Basin_Slope_from_250K_DEM Mean basin slope computed from 1:250K DEM percent percent
BSLDEM30M Mean_Basin_Slope_from_30m_DEM Mean basin slope computed from 30 m DEM percent percent
BSLOPCM Mean_Basin_Slope_ft_per_mi Mean basin slope determined by summing lengths of all contours in basin mulitplying by contour interval and dividing product by drainage area feet per mi m per km
BSLOPD Mean_Basin_Slope_degrees Mean basin slope measured in degrees degrees degrees
BSLOPGM Mean_Basin_Slope_ft_per_ft Mean basin slope determined using the grid-sampling method feet per foot m per m
CARBON Percent_Carbonate Percentage of area of carbonate rock percent percent
CCM Constant_of_Channel_Maintenance Constant of channel maintenance computed as drainage area divided by total stream length square mile per mile km2 per km
CELVBLUE Average_Channel_Elevation Average of outlet elevation and the elevation at the upstream extent of the mapped stream feet m
CELVMEAN Mean_Main_Channel_Elevation Mean elevation along the main channel feet m
CF Climate_Factor Climate factor for area dimensionless dimensionless
CHANCOND Average_Channel_Condition Condition between points 100- 75- 50- and 25-percent along main channel - 2 if entirely paved - 1 if unpaved dimensionless dimensionless
CHSWAMP Percent_Main_Channel_Swamp Percentage of area of main channel swamps percent percent
CIRC_RATIO Circularity_Ratio Circularity Ratio dimensionless dimensionless
CLENBLUE Main_Channel_Blue_Line_Length Length of main channel shown as blue line on a topographic map miles km
COASTDIST Distance_From_Coast_To_Basin_Centroid Shortest distance from Gulf of Maine line along coast to basin centroid miles km
COMPRAT Compactness_Ratio A measure of basin shape related to basin perimeter and drainage area dimensionless dimensionless
CONIF Percent_Coniferous_Forest Percentaqe of land surface covered by coniferous forest percent percent
CONTDA Contributing_Drainage_Area Area that contributes flow to a point on a stream square miles km2
CONTROL Percent_Controlled Percent of basin controlled by lakes swamps and reservoirs percent percent
CONTROLLED Percentage_of_Controlled_Area Percent of basin controlled by lakes swamps and reservoirs - see WRIR 00 4189 percent percent
CONVEY Bank_Full_Channel_Conveyance Conveyance of main stream channel at bank-full conditions cubic feet per second m3 per second
COUNTY County_Code County code dimensionless dimensionless
CRSDFT Percent_Coarse_Stratified_Drift Percentage of area of coarse-grained stratified drift percent percent
CRSTILL Percent_Coarse_Till Percentage of area of coarse till percent percent
CSL10_85 Stream_Slope_10_and_85_Method Change in elevation between points 10 and 85 percent of length along main channel to basin divide divided by length between points feet per mi m per km
CSL10_85fm Stream_Slope_10_and_85_Method_ft_per_mi Change in elevation between points 10 and 85 percent of length along main channel to basin divide divided by length between points ft per mi feet per mi m per km
CSL1085LFP Stream_Slope_10_and_85_Longest_Flow_Path Change in elevation between points 10 and 85 percent of length along the longest flow path determined by a GIS divided by length between the points feet per mi m per km
CSLArc10 Stream_Slope_ArcHydro_Method_10m_DEM Stream slope computed using method from ArcHydro Tools and 10 meter DEM percent percent
CSLBlue Stream_Slope_Blue_Line_Method Change in elevation of the longest stream divided by stream length feet per mi m per km
DA1000 Drainage_Area_Divided_By_1000 Drainage area divided by 1000 square miles km2
DATUM Datum_of_Latitude_Longitude Datum used to determine the site coordinates dimensionless dimensionless
DAUNREG Unregulated_Drainage_Area Unregulated drainage area used in OK regulated equations square miles km2
DECAVPRE Mean_December_Precipitation Mean December Precipitation inches mm
DECAVTMP Mean_December_Temperature Mean December Temperature degrees F degrees C
DESMOIN Des_Moines_Lobe Area underlain by Des Moines Lobe square miles km2
DETEN Percent_Lake_and_Detention_Basin Percentage of area of lakes and detention basins percent percent
DEVNLCD01 Percent_developed_from_NLCD2001 Percentage of land-use categories 21-24 from NLCD 2001 percent percent
DEVPT_LU92 Percent_Developed_from_NLCD92 Percent Developed from NLCD92 percent percent
DINTNLCD01 Development_Intensity_from_NLCD2001 Impervious percentage computed as ((.10*A21+.25*A22+.65*A23+.90*A24)/DA)*100 from NLCD 2001 percent percent
DIRECT Directions Directions dimensionless dimensionless
DISTANCE Distance_from_Ungaged_Station Distance from Ungaged Station miles km
DISTRICT District_Code Code of the state where the station is located. dimensionless dimensionless
DMARMAX Normal_Daily_Max_March_Temp Normal Daily Maximum March Temperature degrees F degrees C
DRFTPERSTR Stratified_Drift_per_Stream_Length Area of stratified drift per unit of stream length square mile per mile km2 per km
DRNAREA Drainage_Area Area that drains to a point on a stream square miles km2
DRNDENSITY Basin_Drainage_Density_km_per_sqkm Basin drainage density defined as total stream length divided by drainage area as defined in SIR 2008-5126 dimensionless dimensionless
DRNFREQ Drainage_Frequency Number of first order streams per square mile of drainage area per square mile per km2
DURREG Flow_Duration_Region_Code Flow-Duration Hydrologic Region code dimensionless dimensionless
DV_OF_DA Dev_Land_percentage Developed Land in Percentage of Drainage Area (Idaho Logistic Regression Equations SIR 2006-5035 percent percent
EFFECTDA Effective_Drainage_Area Total drainage area minus area upstream from erosion-control and flood-retention structures square miles km2
EL1200 Percentage_of_Basin_Above_1200_ft Percentage of basin at or above 1200 ft elevation percent percent
EL5000 Percent_above_5000_ft Percent of area above 5000 ft percent percent
EL6000 Percent_above_6000_ft Percent of area above 6000 ft percent percent
EL7500 Percent_above_7500_ft Percent of area above 7500 ft percent percent
ELEV Mean_Basin_Elevation Mean Basin Elevation feet m
ELEV1000 Elevation_in_Thousands Elevation in Thousands thousand feet kilometer
ELEVMAX Maximum_Basin_Elevation Maximum basin elevation feet m
ELONGRATIO Elongation_Ratio Elongation Ratio dimensionless dimensionless
ELV10_85 Elevation_of_10_and_85_points Average of channel elevations at points 10- and 85- percent above gage - Equivalent to Altitude Index feet m
END_REC End_date_of_record Last day of record days days
EVAP Mean_Annual_Lake_Evaporation Mean Annual Lake Evaporation inches mm
EVAPAN Mean_Annual_Pan_Evaporation Mean Annual Pan Evaporation inches mm
FDRATIO Flow_Duration_Ratio 20-percent flow duration divided by 90-percent flow duration dimensionless dimensionless
FEBAVPRE Mean_February_Precipitation Mean February Precipitation inches mm
FEBAVTMP Mean_February_Temperature Mean February Temperature degrees F degrees C
FINMOR Percent_Fine_End_Moraine Percentage of area of end moraine fine till percent percent
FIRSTYEAR First_Year_of_Record Year in which record was first collected or used for analysis years years
FOREST Percent_Forest Percentage of area covered by forest percent percent
FORESTp1 Percent_Forest_add_1__ID_ROI_Parm Percent Forest plus 1 (ID ROI Parm) dimensionless dimensionless
FORUPLLU92 Percent_Forested_Upland_from_NLCD1992 Percent Forested Upland from NLCD1992 percent percent
FOSTREAM Number_of_First_Order_Streams Number of first order streams determined using the Strahler stream ordering system dimensionless dimensionless
FROST Mean_February_28_Frost_Depth Mean frost depth on February 28 inches mm
GEOFACTVT Geographic_Factor_for_VT Northing of the centroid of the drainage basin in the Vermont State Plane coordinate system divided by 100000 then increased by 1 dimensionless dimensionless
GEOFACTWY Geographic_Factor_for_WY Geographic factor for Wyoming from plate 1 of Lohman (1988) dimensionless dimensionless
GLACIATED Percent_of_Glaciation Percentage of basin area that was historically covered by glaciers percent percent
GLACIER Percent_Glaciers Percentage of area of Glaciers percent percent
GUTTER Gutter_Length Length of gutters per square mile of drainage area miles per square mile km per km2
GWHEAD Groundwater_Head Mean - minimum basin elevation feet m
HIELONGRAT Hawaii_Elongation_Ratio Ratio of (1)diameter of circle with equal area as basin to (2)basin length, as defined in SIR 2004-5262 dimensionless dimensionless
HIGHEQU High_Flow_Regression_Equation Indicates whether the site was used to develop high-flow regression equations Yes or No Yes or No
HIGHREG High_Flow_Region_Code High-Flow Hydrologic Region code dimensionless dimensionless
HIMARRATE Hawaii_Mean_Rainfall_Rate Mean annual rainfall rate determined based on the method described in SIR 2004-5262 cubic feet per second m3 per second
HIRAINRATE Maximum_Weighted_Rainfall_Rate Maximum Weighted Rainfall Rate cubic feet per second m3 per second
HOMDEN2000 Housing_Density_during_2000 Housing density from 2000 census data homes per acre homes per km2
HOMDENCYR Housing_Density_of_Centroid_Year Housing density for centroid year of streamflow data collection homes per acre homes per km2
HOMEDENS Housing_Density Average homes per acre in watershed homes per acre homes per km2
HRBCLTLU92 Percent_Cult_Herb_Upland_from_NLCD1992 Percent Cultivated Herbaceous Upland from NLCD1992 percent percent
HRBNATLU92 Percent_Nat_Herb_Upland_from_NLCD1992 Percent Natural Herbaceous Upland from NLCD1992 percent percent
HUC Hydrologic_Unit_Number Hydrologic Unit Number dimensionless dimensionless
I24H100Y 24_Hour_100_Year_Precipitation Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 100 years inches mm
I24H10Y 24_Hour_10_Year_Precipitation Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 10 years inches mm
I24H25Y 24_Hour_25_Year_Precipitation Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 25 years inches mm
I24H2Y 24_Hour_2_Year_Precipitation Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 2 years - Equivalent to precitation intensity index inches mm
I24H50Y 24_Hour_50_Year_Precipitation Maximum 24-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 50 years inches mm
I24MAX 24_Hour_Maximum_Precipitation Maximum 24-hour precipitation for period of record inches mm
I2H2Y 2_Hour_2_Year_Precipitation Maximum 2-hour precipitation that occurs on average once in 2 years inches mm
ILREG1 Region_1_Indicator__enter_1 Indicator variable for IL region 1, enter 1 if site is in region 1 else 0 dimensionless dimensionless
ILREG3 Region_3_Indicator__enter_1 Indicator variable for IL region 3, enter 1 if site is in region 3 else 0 dimensionless dimensionless
ILREG5 Region_5_Indicator__enter_1 Indicator variable for IL region 5, enter 1 if site is in region 5 else 0 dimensionless dimensionless
ILREG6 Region_6_Indicator__enter_1 Indicator variable for IL region 6, enter 1 if site is in region 6 else 0 dimensionless dimensionless
ILREG7 Region_7_Indicator__enter_1 Indicator variable for IL region 7, enter 1 if site is in region 7 else 0 dimensionless dimensionless
IMPERV Percent_Impervious Percentage of impervious area percent percent
IMPNLCD01 Percent_Impervious_NLCD2001 Percentage of impervious area determined from NLCD 2001 impervious dataset percent percent
JANAVPRE Mean_January_Precipitation Mean January Precipitation inches mm
JANAVTMP Mean_January_Temperature Mean January Temperature degrees F degrees C
JANMAXTMP Mean_Maximum_January_Temperature Mean Maximum January Temperature degrees F degrees C
JANMINTMP Mean_Min_January_Temperature Mean Minimum January Temperature degrees F degrees C
JULAVPRE Mean_July_Precipitation Mean July Precipitation inches mm
JULYAVTMP Mean_July_Temperature Mean July Temperature degrees F degrees C
JULYMAXTMP Mean_Max_July_Temperature Mean Maximum July Temperature degrees F degrees C
JULYMIN Mean_Minimum_July_Temperature Mean Minumum July Temperature degrees F degrees C
JUNAVPRE Mean_June_Precipitation Mean June Precipitation inches mm
JUNEAVTMP Mean_June_Temperature Mean June Temperature degrees F degrees C
KYVAR_INDEX KY_Variability_Index Variability Index as defined by KY WRIR 1991-4097 dimensionless dimensionless
LAGFACTOR Lag_Factor Lag Factor as defined in SIR 2006-5112 dimensionless dimensionless
LAGTIME Lagtime Elapsed time from center of mass of rainfall excess to center of mass of flood hydrograph hours hours
LAKEAREA Percent_Lakes_and_Ponds Percentage of Lakes and Ponds percent percent
LAKESp1 Percent_Lakes_add_1__MN_ROI_Parm Percent Lakes plus 1 (MN ROI Parm) dimensionless dimensionless
LASTYEAR Last_Year_of_Record Year in which record was last collected or used for analysis years years
LAT_CENT Latitude_of_Basin_Centroid Latitude of Basin Centroid decimal degrees decimal degrees
LAT_GAGE Latitude Latitude decimal degrees decimal degrees
LAT_NHD Latitude_on_NHD Latitude of station location on National Hydrography Dataset degrees degrees
LAT_OUT Latitude_of_Basin_Outlet Latitude of Basin Outlet degrees degrees
LENGTH Main_Channel_Length Length along the main channel from the measuring location extended to the basin divide miles km
LIME Percent_Limestone Percentage of area of limestone geology percent percent
LNG_GAGE Longitude Longitude decimal degrees decimal degrees
LOESSDEP Loess_Depth Depth of loess deposits feet m
LOGDA1000 Log_Of_Drainage_Area_Divided_By_1000 Log of drainage area divided by 1000 Log base 10 Log base 10
LOGPREC28 Log_Of_Mean_Annual_Precip_Divided_By_28 Log of mean annual precipitation from PRISM divided by 28 inches mm
LON_NHD Longitude_on_NHD Longitude of station location on National Hydrography Dataset degrees degrees
LONG_CENT Longitude_of_Basin_Centroid Longitude Basin Centroid decimal degrees decimal degrees
LONG_OUT Longitude_of_Basin_Outlet Longitude of Basin Outlet degrees degrees
LOWEQU Low_Flow_Regression_Equation Indicates whether the site was used to develop low-flow regression equations Yes or No Yes or No
LOWREG Low_Flow_Region_Code Low-Flow Hydrologic Region code dimensionless dimensionless
LSTPERM Least_Permeable_Layer_Permeability Permeability of least permeable layer inches per hour mm per hr
LU12 Sum_of_Land_Use_I_and_II Index based on the sum of land use types I and II in Portland-Vancouver WA square miles km2
MAPM Mean_Annual_Precip_Basin_Average Mean Annual Precip Basin Average inches mm
MARAVPRE Mean_March_Precipitation Mean March Precipitation inches mm
MARAVTMP Mean_March_Temperature Mean March Temperature degrees F degrees C
MAREGION Massachusetts_Region Region of Massachusetts 0 for Eastern 1 for Western dimensionless dimensionless
MARMAXTMP Mean_Max_March_Temperature Mean Maximum March Temperature degrees F degrees C
MAXBSLOPD Maximum_Basin_Slope_in_deg Maximum basin slope, in degrees, using ArcInfo Grid with NHDPlus 30-m resolution elevation data. degrees degrees
MAXTEMP Mean_Annual_Max_Temperature Mean annual minimum air temperature over basin surface area as defined in SIR 2008-5126 degrees F degrees C
MAYAVPRE Mean_May_Precipitation Mean May Precipitation inches mm
MAYAVTMP Mean_May_Temperature Mean May Temperature degrees F degrees C
MCD MCD_Code MCD Code dimensionless dimensionless
MCSP Main_Channel_Slope_Proportion Main channel slope proportion computed by Basinsoft as main channel length divided by the square root of the main channel slope dimensionless dimensionless
MCSRBSFT Main_Channel_Sinuosity_Ratio Main-channel sinuosity ratio computed by Basinsoft as main channel length divided by basin length dimensionless dimensionless
MEDPREC Median_Annual_Precipitation Median Annual Precipitation inches mm
MEDTILL Percent_Medium_Till Percentage of area of medium-textured glacial till percent percent
MINBELEV Minimum_Basin_Elevation Minimum basin elevation feet m
MINBSLOPD Minimum_Basin_Slope_in_deg Minimum basin slope, in degrees, using ArcInfo Grid with NHDPlus 30-m resolution elevation data. degrees degrees
MINTEMP Mean_Annual_Min_Temperature Mean annual minimum air temperature over basin surface area as defined in SIR 2008-5126 degrees F degrees C
MIXFOR Percent_Mixed_Forest Percentage of land area covered by mixed deciduous and coniferous forest percent percent
MONREG Monthly_and_Annual_Region_Code Monthly and Annual Hydrologic Region code dimensionless dimensionless
MORTILL End_Moraines_of_Fine_Textured_Till Percentage of End Moraines of Fine-Textured Till percent percent
MSTPERM Most_Permeable_Layer_Permeability Permeability of the most permeable layer inches per hour mm per hr
MUCK Percent_Peat_and_Muck Percentage of area of peat and muck percent percent
MXSNO Median_Seasonal_Maximum_Snow_Depth 50th percentile of seasonal maximum snow depth from Northeast Regional Climate Center atlas by Cember and Wilks, 1993 inches mm
NDAY_REC Number_of_days_of_record Number of days of record days days
NDAYSGT0 Number_of_days_GT_0 Number of days with flow greater than zero days days
NFSL30_10M N_Facing_Slopes_gt_30pct_from_10m_NED Percent area with north-facing slopes greater than 30 percent from 10-meter NED. percent percent
NFSL30_30M N_Facing_Slopes_gt_30pct_from_30m_DEM Percent area with north-facing slopes greater than 30 percent from 30-meter DEM. percent percent
NOVAVPRE Mean_November_Precipitation Mean November Precipitation inches mm
NOVAVTMP Mean_November_Temperature Mean November Temperature degrees F degrees C
OCTAVPRE Mean_October_Precipitation Mean October Precipitation inches mm
OCTAVTMP Mean_October_Temperature Mean October Temperature degrees F degrees C
OHCLFAC100 Ohio_Climate_Factor_100_Year Ohio Climate Factor 100 Year dimensionless dimensionless
OHCLFAC2 Ohio_Climate_Factor_2_Year Ohio Climate Factor 2 Year dimensionless dimensionless
OHCLFAC25 Ohio_Climate_Factor_25_Year Ohio Climate Factor 25 Year dimensionless dimensionless
OHPHYSSECT Ohio_Physiographic_Sections Ohio Physiographic Sections dimensionless dimensionless
OHREG_CODE Ohio_Flood_Region_Letter_Code Ohio Flood Region Letter Code dimensionless dimensionless
OHREGA Ohio_Region_A_Indicator_1_if_in_A_else_0 Ohio Region A Indicator dimensionless dimensionless
OHREGC Ohio_Region_C_Indicator_1_if_in_C_else_0 Ohio Region C Indicator dimensionless dimensionless
OR_HIPERMA OR_Percent_HighPerm_Aquifer Percent basin surface area containing high permeability aquifer units as defined in SIR 2008-5126 percent percent
OR_HIPERMG OR_Percent_HighPerm_Geologic Percent basin surface area containing high permeability geologic units as defined in SIR 2008-5126 percent percent
ORDOMISS Percent_SurficialGeology_Ordo_and_Miss Percent Surficial Geology as Ordovician and Mississippian Rocks percent percent
OTHEQU Other_Regression_Equation Indicates whether the site was used to develop regression equations for other than high or low flows Yes or No Yes or No
OUTWASH Percent_Outwash Percentage of area of outwash percent percent
PCLAY Percent_Lacustrine_Clay_and_Silt Percentage of lacustrine clay and silt percent percent
PCTSNDGRV Percent_Underlain_By_Sand_And_Gravel Percentage of land surface underlain by sand and gravel deposits percent percent
PERREC Period_of_record Period of record years years
PLCHSWAMP Percent_Length_of_Main_Channel_Swamps Percentage of the main channel length that flows through swamps percent percent
POPDENS Basin_Population_Density Basin Population Density persons per square mile persons per km2
PRCWINTER Mean_Annual_Winter_Precipitation Mean annual precipitation for December through February inches mm
PREBC0103 Jan_to_Mar_Basin_Centroid_Precip Mean annual precipitation of basin centroid for January 1 to March 15 winter period inches mm
PREC10to4 Mean_Oct_to_Apr_Precipitation Mean precipitation for winter period defined as October to April inches mm
PRECIP Mean_Annual_Precipitation Mean Annual Precipitation inches mm
PRECIP28 Mean_Annual_Precipitation_Divided_By_28 Mean annual precipitation from PRISM divided by 28 inches mm
PRECIPCENT Mean_Annual_Precip_at_Basin_Centroid Mean Annual Precip at Basin Centroid inches mm
PRECless35 Mean_Annual_Precip_less_35_LA_ROI_Parm Mean Annual Precip - 35 (LA ROI Parm) inches mm
PREG_03_05 Mar_to_May_Gage_Precipitation Mean precipitation at gaging station location for March 16 to May 31 spring period inches mm
PREG_06_10 Jun_to_Oct_Gage_Precipitation Mean precipitation at gaging station location for June to October summer period inches mm
PRENOVAPR Basin_Ave_Rainfall_Nov_Apr Precipitation November-April basin average, mean monthly as defined in SIR 2008-5065 inches mm
PRENOVDEC Basin_Ave_Rainfall_Nov_Dec Precipitation November-December basin average, mean monthly as defined in SIR 2008-5065 inches mm
PSFSLp1 Pct_South_Facing_Slopes_add_1__ID_ROI Pct. South Facing Slopes plus 1 (ID ROI Parm) dimensionless dimensionless
PWIN_ME Dec_to_Feb_Mean_Precipitation Mean annual precipitation for winter defined for Maine as December to February inches mm
RCN Runoff_Curve_Number Runoff-curve number as defined by NRCS and shown in table 4 of Dillow (1996) dimensionless dimensionless
RECESS Recession_Index Number of days required for streamflow to recede one order of magnitude when hydrograph is plotted on logarithmic scale days per log cycle days per log cycle
REGULATE Regulated Indicates whether flow at the site is affected by regulations or diversions Yes or No Yes or No
RELIEF Relief Maximum - minimum elevation feet m
RELRELF Relative_Relief Basin relief divided by basin perimeter feet per mi m per km
REMARKS Remarks Remarks dimensionless dimensionless
ROCKDEP Depth_to_Rock Depth to rock feet m
ROIREGN ROI_Region_ID ID for the radius of Influence region dimensionless dimensionless
ROTUNDBSFT Rotundity_of_Basin_from_Basinsoft Rotundity of basin from Basinsoft computed as 0.785 time shape factor dimensionless dimensionless
RUGGED Ruggedness_Number Ruggedness number computed as stream density times basin relief feet per mi m per km
RUNCOEF Runoff_Coefficient Soil runoff coefficient defined in Davis (1975) dimensionless dimensionless
SANDGRAV Fraction_Underlain_By_Sand_And_Gravel Fraction of land surface underlain by sand and gravel deposits dimensionless dimensionless
SEPAVPRE Mean_September_Precipitation Mean September Precipitation inches mm
SEPAVTMP Mean_September_Temperature Mean September Temperature degrees F degrees C
SHAPE Shape_Factor Shape Factor for Area dimensionless dimensionless
SHAPEBSFT Shape_Factor_from_Basinsoft Shape factor from Basinsoft computed as basin length divided by basin width dimensionless dimensionless
SINUOS Main_Channel_Sinuosity Main Channel Sinuosity miles per mile km per km
SLENRAT Slenderness_Ratio Main channel length - squared - divided by the contributing drainage area dimensionless dimensionless
SLOP30_10M Slopes_gt_30pct_from_10m_NED Percent area with slopes greater than 30 percent from 30-meter NED. percent percent
SLOP30_30M Slopes_gt_30pct_from_30m_DEM Percent area with slopes greater than 30 percent from 30-meter DEM. percent percent
SLOP50 Slopes_Greater_Than_50_Percent Slopes Greater Than 50 Percent as percent of drainage area percent percent
SLOPERAT Slope_Ratio Slope ratio computed as main channel slope divided by basin slope dimensionless dimensionless
SLOPERATIO Slope_Ratio_NY Ratio of main channel slope to basin slope as defined in SIR 2006-5112 dimensionless dimensionless
SN10 10_Yr_Max_Mar_15_Snow_Water_Equiv Maximum March 15 Water Equivalent of Snow Cover at 10-Year Recurrence Interval inches mm
SN100 100_Yr_Max_Mar_15_Snow_Water_Equiv Maximum March 15 Water Equivalent of Snow Cover at 100-Year Recurrence Interval inches mm
SN2 2_Yr_Max_Mar_15_Snow_Water_Equiv Maximum March 15 Water Equivalent of Snow Cover at 2-Year Recurrence Interval inches mm
SN25 25_Yr_Max_Mar_15_Snow_Water_Equiv Maximum March 15 Water Equivalent of Snow Cover at 25-Year Recurrence Interval inches mm
SN50 50_Yr_Max_Mar_15_Snow_Water_Equiv Maximum March 15 Water Equivalent of Snow Cover at 50-Year Recurrence Interval inches mm
SNOAPR April_Mean_Snow_Water_Equiv Mean Water Equivalent of Snow Cover in April inches mm
SNOFALL Mean_Annual_Snowfall Mean Annual Snowfall inches mm
SNOMAR March_Snow_Water_Equivalent Mean Water Equivalent of Snow Cover in March inches mm
SNOWATER Mean_Snow_Water_Equivalent Water Equivalent of Mean Annual Snowfall inches mm
SOIL_INF Soil_Infiltration Soil infiltration index from NRCS inches mm
SOILA Percent_Hydrologic_Soil_Type_A Percentage of area of Hydrologic Soil Type A percent percent
SOILD Percent_Hydrologic_Soil_Type_D Percentage of area of Hydrologic Soil Type D percent percent
SOILINDEX Mean_Basin_Hydrologic_Soils_Index Mean STATSGO Hydrologic Soils Index (from PL. 2 WRIR 03-4107 for WY) dimensionless dimensionless
SOILPERM Average_Soil_Permeability Average Soil Permeability inches per hour mm per hr
STAID Station_ID Station Identification Number dimensionless dimensionless
STANAME Station_Name Station Name dimensionless dimensionless
STATE State_Code State code dimensionless dimensionless
STATYPE Station_type Station type code dimensionless dimensionless
STORAGE Percent_Storage Percentage of area of storage (lakes ponds reservoirs wetlands) percent percent
STORAGEp1 Percent_Storage_add_1__MN_ROI_Parm Percent Storage plus 1 (MN ROI Parm) dimensionless dimensionless
STORDELU Percent_Storage_from_DE_Dataset Percentage of wetlands and water bodies determined from 2003 Delaware land-use dataset percent percent
STORNHD Percent_Storage_from_NHD Percent storage (wetlands and waterbodies) determined from 1:24K NHD percent percent
STORNLCD Percent_Storage_from_NLCD Percentage of water bodies and wetlands determined from the NLCD percent percent
STRDEN Stream_Density Stream Density miles per square mile km per km2
STREAM_VAR Streamflow_Variability_Index Streamflow variability index as defined in WRIR 02-4068 dimensionless dimensionless
STRMTOT Total_Stream_Length Total length of mapped streams in basin miles km
SYNTHET Code_to_indicate_synthesized_data Blank if flow data were not synthesized - S if all flows were synthesized - SL if low flows were synthesized - SP if peak flows were synthesized dimensionless dimensionless
TEMP Mean_Annual_Temperature Mean Annual Temperature degrees F degrees C
TEMP_06_10 Jun_to_Oct_Mean_Basinwide_Temp Basinwide average temperature for June to October summer period degrees F degrees C
TILROCK Percent_Thin_Till_over_Bedrock Percentage of area of thin glacial till over bedrock percent percent
TIMETOPK TimeToPeak TimeToPeak hours hours
TNCLFACT2 Tennessee_Climate_Factor_2_Year 2-Year Climate Factor for Tennessee dimensionless dimensionless
TNPHYSFAC Tennessee_Physiographic_Factor Tenessee physiographic factor, computed as described in WRIR 03-4176, p. 14 dimensionless dimensionless
TXURBINDEX Texas_Urbanization_Index Urbanization index defined in WRIR 82-18 dimensionless dimensionless
UAF_OK Urban_Adjustment_Factor Urban adjustment factor as described in OK WRIR 1997-4202 dimensionless dimensionless
URBAN Percent_Urban Percentage of basin with urban development percent percent
VALLEN Valley_Length Valley length measured along general path of floodplane from the outlet to the basin divide miles km
VOLCANIC Percent_Volcanic Percent of drainage area as surficial volcanic rocks as defined in SIR 2006-5035 percent percent
WACTCH Width_Of_Active_Channel Width of active channel feet m
WAT_LU92 Percent_Water_from_NLCD1992 Percent Water from NLCD1992 percent percent
WATCAP Available_Water_Capacity Available water capacity of the top 60 inches of soil - determined from STATSGO data in per in mm per mm
WATWET Percent_Open_Water_&_Herb_Wetland Percent open water and herbaceous wetland from NLCD percent percent
WBANKFULL Width_Of_Bankfull_Channel Width of channel at bankfull feet m
WE_MAR2 March_water_equivalent_2_year_RI Water equivalent of snow cover as of the first week in March - 2-year recurrence interval inches mm
WETLAND Percent_Wetlands Percentage of Wetlands percent percent
WETLNDLU92 Percent_Wetland_from_NLCD1992 Percent Wetland from NLCD1992 percent percent

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