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CRES funded study highlighted in editorial of the journal BioScience

The editorial in the latest issue (July/August) of the journal BioScience highlighted an article in the issue written by the Principal Investigators of a Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies (CRES) project supported by NCCOS in Micronesia. The editorial stressed that the real value of research comes when its results are made available to the stakeholders in a manner that empowers them to take action and change their behavior in order to benefit their environment. This success is credited in the article to the socio-cultural practices and attitudes of Pacific islanders in contrast to the western style of environmental regulations. The main purpose of the article was to compare the two systems, draw lessons from success stories, and make recommendations on how to improve environmental policy and management strategies. For more information contact Felix Martinez at 301-713-3338 x153 or . (CSCOR)

Palau chiefs
Village chiefs in Palau listening to local scientists present research findings and their application to environmental management. (Photo by Catherine Naum)