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IMMSNo 3394 loaded
Source: SURTHREF Report Date: 07/2009
Summary Originator: Michael Ritsche

Instrument Mentor Monthly Summary Report for SURTHREF: 07/2009

1. Data Review:
-SurTHRef data quality OK with the following exceptions:
-R1 and R3 RH% values suspect on the 6th.
-R1 and R3 RH% values and temp values suspect on the 28th and 29th. Probably due to wetting of the sensor during tstms and high winds.

2. Instrument Performance Issues and Trends:
-Sensor swaps began in May 2007 but temperature dependence in the RH data was found. It is likely that multi-temperature RH calibrations will be required so that corrections to the data can be made. See Fig SurTHRef1.png. ECO 694 was opened to determine the path forward since a NIST lab was found that could do below zero calibrations. No further progress.


3. Current Task Status:
-ECO-694 (Characterize the Temperature Dependency of the SurTHRef Probes) is on hold. No further progress.

4. Near-Term Plans:
Nothing Reported

5. Accomplishments:
Nothing Reported

Related OPEN DQPRs, PIFs, BCRs and ECRs: (Note that DQRs are NOT included below)
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DQPRs (open):

DQ Problem Date Range: 07/01/1993-08/25/2009 Quality:All Submitter: All
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PIFs (open):
Subm. Date Range: 07/01/1993 - 08/25/2009 Submitter: All Assignee: All
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BCRs: State - Open

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ECRs: State - Open

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