DeFazio Comments on Bush's FY2009 Budget | Print |

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio issued the following statement on President Bush's fiscal year 2009 budget, which was released this morning.

—U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio issued the following statement on President Bush's fiscal year 2009 budget, which was released this morning.

"With this budget, President Bush has once again demonstrated that he is out of touch with the reality of the American people. This request offers the same failed fiscal policies which have been the hallmark of this Administration and sends the nation even further into debt. America has experienced the five largest annual deficits under President Bush and this year is no exception with a projected $407 billion deficit. Meanwhile, President Bush, in order to maintain his tax cuts to the millionaires and billionaires of this nation has proposed drastic reductions in veteran's benefits, healthcare and transportation.

"Under President Bush's budget, Medicare would experience a $554 billion reduction over the next ten years. This would freeze provider reimbursements and slash payments to hospitals serving large numbers of the uninsured, making it even more difficult for seniors who already have trouble accessing their doctors. Essentially, this would effectively save the nation money because seniors would not be able to access medical care, meaning they would get sick or die.

"The budget also failed to account for the on going war in Iraq and the needed long term fix to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). President Bush requests just $70 billion, or less than six months worth of funding for the war in Iraq and only one year of funding for relief of the AMT. The omitted cost of the AMT totals $408 billion over five years, and, according to the Congressional Budget Office, war costs over the next five years could be as much as $489 billion more than the Administration included in today’s budget. President Bush still pretends that he cannot predict the monthly cost of the war and refuses to acknowledge the long-term costs of AMT fix, apparently preferring to instead borrow money and drive the nation further into debt. This leaves our children to bear an unacceptable level of debt and is just one more reason to end American involvement in Iraq.

"In regard to transportation, at a time when the American economy could use a shot in the arm and there are roughly 3,000 highway and transit projects ready-to-go if funded, the President proposes to cut surface transportation funding by $2 billion.  That could cost 100,000 American construction jobs in the next year. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, every billion we invest in infrastructure creates 47,500 jobs.  This Administration has once again proved that it is not serious about combating congestion, making critical improvements to our nation’s infrastructure, or stimulating the economy through job creation.

"While I appreciate that the President has finally recognized the need to reauthorize the Secure Rural Schools Act, legislation that provides millions of dollars to rural communities across the country, the numbers in this budget fall far short of what is required. The White House has proposed to fund Secure Rural Schools for another three years, but only a quarter of the actual cost of the program. Furthermore, it neglects to site where the budget off-sets would come from to pay for this program. This is completely unacceptable, and I will continue to work for a fully funded multi year renewal.

"President Bush's budget will place a $5.2 billion burden on veterans in fees over the next ten years.  This includes increased co-payments, charging fees for non-disabled higher-income veterans and an increase in pharmacy costs. How we treat those who have served and are serving will directly impact our ability to find volunteers to protect our country in the future. America's veteran's, who have selflessly served our nation, deserve affordable healthcare, a point President Bush clearly disagrees with judging by this budget proposal.