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Grants Information

This website contains the necessary instructions and forms for preparation of an application package for a NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (COP) proposal submission. The information package provided here is taken from the current standard NOAA Grants & Cooperative Agreement Application Package released by the NOAA Grants Management Division.

Please note that it is unlawful to use Federal financial assistance awards for any activities or contacts to influence legislation pending before Congress or the negotiation, award or administration of a pending award. In particular, such awards may not be used for activities which involve direct contact with legislators or indirect contact with legislators through 'grassroots' (advising constituents to contact their legislators) lobbying. The application package has information regarding standard conditions which prohibit lobbying, including certification by applicants that the awards will not be used for lobbying.

Also included on this web site is a copy of the most current general Federal Register Notice for CSCOR/COP and links to Announcements of Funding Opportunity prepared by CSCOR/COP that outline specific requirements and criteria. Please read the Notice and Announcements carefully. Also on this web site we have provided links to specific locations of importance on the websites of NOAA Grants Management Division (GMD) and the White House Office of Management and Budget.

(Click here for a printable version of general grant information and instructions)

*NOTE: Some of the files on these pages are in .pdf file format. You must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 4.0 or higher) installed on your computer to read these files. Click here if you need to download the most current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. In order to save the information entered into the Government Forms shown below, you must purchase Adobe Acrobat (Version 4.0 or higher). Otherwise, you may print and fill the forms for submission.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Ms. Leslie McDonald
CSCOR/COP Grants Office
(301)713-3338, x155