Coalition forces continue to disrupt terrorist network in Laghman
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U.S. Forces - Afghanistan


January 24, 2009                            

Release Number 20092401-01

Coalition forces continue to disrupt terrorist network in Laghman

KABUL, Afghanistan – Coalition forces killed 15 armed militants and detained one suspected militant during an operation to disrupt the Taliban’s terrorist network in Laghman province, Friday.

The operation in Mehtar Lam District, approximately 60 km northeast of Kabul City, targeted a Taliban commander believed to conduct terrorist activities throughout the Kabul, Laghman and Kapisa provinces; killing and injuring innocent civilians and Coalition forces while bringing insecurity to the region.  Taking orders from senior Taliban leaders, both in Afghanistan and abroad, the targeted Taliban commander is known to traffic foreign fighters and weapons into the region in order to conduct attacks against Coalition forces, including the August 2008 attack in which French soldiers were killed.

As Coalition forces approached the wanted militant’s compound, several groups of armed militants exited their homes and began maneuvering on the force.  Armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades, the militants engaged Coalition forces from multiple directions.  Coalition forces returned fire engaging the militants with small-arms fire, killing nine militants and, where it presented no danger to innocent civilians, precision close-air support, killing four militants.

After neutralizing the threat presented by the armed militants, Coalition forces continued the operation and searched multiple compounds.  During the search, the force was again engaged by armed militants inside the buildings.  Coalition forces engaged the militants with small-arms fire, and killed two militants.

During the search, Coalition forces identified one of the 13 militants killed in the initial firefight as a female.  She was killed while maneuvering on Coalition forces and was carrying a rocket-propelled grenade.

During the search of the compounds, Coalition forces discovered 10 AK-47s, four rocket-propelled grenades, multiple rocket-propelled grenade rounds, a hand grenade, bandoliers of ammunitions and other military equipment.  These items were destroyed to prevent future use.


United States Forces Afghanistan’s mission, in coordination with NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, is to conduct operations to defeat terrorist networks and insurgents by developing effective governance and building the Afghan National Security Force.  Effective security throughout the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan facilitates continued regional stability and increases economic development for the people of Afghanistan.

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