Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Colorado International Trade Office

The Colorado International Trade Office (ITO) was established by the Colorado General Assembly in 1983. It was given two goals:

  • To promote the export of Colorado goods and services
  • Attract foreign investment that will create jobs for Coloradans

By promoting Colorado exports and attracting foreign investment, the ITO helps to build Colorado's identity as an international business center, encouraging foreign buyers to look to Colorado for products and services. The ITO is open to the public and most services are rendered at no cost.

Export Promotion

ITO pursues its export promotion mission by working extensively with Colorado companies that want to expand into international markets. ITO works with companies of all sizes and across a variety of industries, including service exports. It also highlights Colorado industries with strong export potential to international groups. A detailed description of the services ITO offers can be found on the Export Services page.

Note: A separate international agricultural marketing section within the Colorado Department of Agriculturepromotes the export of agricultural products; however, ITO coordinates activities with the Department of Agriculture whenever possible.

Foreign Investment Attraction

As part of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade, ITO is the only statewide group to provide foreign investment attraction services. The staff actively promotes Colorado as a place for foreign companies to do business and helps facilitate the process of establishing affiliate offices in Colorado. ITO is committed to encouraging investment in all areas of Colorado. More information can be found by clicking HERE.

Trade-Related Education and Internships

Trade-related education is another important service that ITO offers the Colorado business community. ITO, alone or with partner groups, organizes conferences and seminars on trade-related topics, which bring in experts to speak on opportunities and challenges. In addition, staff members speak at seminars, conferences and workshops related to international trade.

ITO's newsletter, International Trade Resources, covers a variety of trade-related topics, and reaches more than 2,600 readers each month. The trade office also maintains a formal
internship program that allows students and other individuals seeking experience in international business to work under the supervision of a staff mentor.

Colorado Export Development Grant

The Colorado International Trade Office (ITO) is pleased to announce that it will award grant funds of $500 - $2,000 per Colorado company wanting to increase their sales through expanding into a new international market. The mission of the Colorado Export Development Grant is to increase the ability of Colorado companies to export products and services to global markets. The grant funds will help small Colorado companies to develop new export sales by offsetting a portion of the cost for them to travel to an international market and meet with potential buyers, distributors, and/or sales agents. Companies receiving the award may apply the funds towards travel expenses, trade show exhibition or attendance, and/or business match-making services. Up to 20 awards will be granted. Qualification requirements:

- Company may not receive or be receiving grants from any other OEDIT associated programs.

- Company must have a Colorado presence and be registered with the Colorado Secretary of State.

- Company must be export ready. Export readiness is evaluated based on the company's ability to meet new customer demand, provide any necessary customer service to foreign buyers, and meet any applicable export regulations and/or certifications that may be required to sell the product or service in the target market.

- Company must have fewer than 50 employees (globally, does not include agents, etc. that are not permanent employees of the company).

- Company must be new to the export market to which it would like to apply this grant.

- Company must focus on one (1) target market to which they will export for purposes of this grant.

- Company should already produce the product or service that is to be exported, and a description of the product/service to be exported should be provided.

- No consultants or third party representatives may apply.

- Reimbursement requests must be completed by May 31, 2010.

Applicants will have the opportunity to meet with ITO representatives to discuss export goals and strategies prior to any travel, and the ITO will work with companies to identify the best organization with which to coordinate match-making services. Awards will be announced by October 31, 2009, and reimbursement requests should be received by the ITO no later than May 31, 2010. The ITO encourages interested companies to contact our office at 303-892-3850 with any questions they may have about the grant program. The application deadline is September 30, 2009. The application may be downloaded using the link below, or you may request a copy by contacting our office.