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Financing Center of Excellence

Use of Prescription Psychoactive Drugs in Medicaid, 1995

Posted on June 16, 2009 11:15

Topics: Expenditures | Medicaid | Mental Health | Prescription Drugs | SAMHSA | State Data

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Published in 2002, this report presents a set of 1995 Medicaid prescription psychoactive drug statistical tables for the non-elderly population, based on Medicaid data that States submit to the CMS. These statistics are presented in a uniform set of tables for each of 10 selected States, plus a set of tables that aggregates data across all 10 States. The tables provide a range of information on users, drug claims, and expenditures for each State. The fundamental purpose is to provide policy makers, interest groups, and others with basic information on prescription psychoactive drug use in Medicaid, and associated trends.

The tables are available from SAMHSA here: http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publications/allpubs/SMA02-3712/default.asp

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