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Guaranteed Ride Home - Registration

Guaranteed Ride Home Logo

The Guaranteed Ride Home Program is for commuters who use alternative transportation at least 3 times per week. By filling out this form, you are guaranteed that if you are ever stranded, the City will provide you a ride from your workplace or school to your home. This program only applies to transportation to and from workplace, school and home.

Required fields are marked with a red box.

Your Name & Mailing Address
Your Work or School Name & Location
You must select at least one.

Verify That You Use Alternative Transportation

Please enter one name and phone number per line.
Which Transportation Do You Use Most Often?
You may choose more than one.
Comments or Additional Requests
I hereby certify that I qualify for the GRH by traveling to and from my workplace or school by carpool, vanpool, ABQ RIDE bus, Mini Ride, or bicycle. I, on behalf of my heirs, successors, or assigns, hereby release and hold harmless my employer, and the City of Albuquerque from any liability, claims, and demands of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to, any liability for personal injury, loss, theft or damage to my personal property, loss of income, consequential damages resulting from delays or absence of a shuttle, or termination of the service. Furthermore, I understand that if I incorrectly use this service I may be restricted from using GRH again.

More Information on Guaranteed Ride Home

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