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BicyclistBicycling and walking are the healthiest modes of transportation available, and ABQ Ride is designed to work well with bicycle commuters!

10 Reasons To Try Bicycle Commuting

  1. Biking conserves resources
  2. It's non-polluting
  3. It's inexpensive - no costly gasoline or vehicle maintenance
  4. It relieves traffic congestion
  5. You'll avoid parking expenses
  6. You'll save time by combining exercise and commuting
  7. You'll arrive at work invigorated
  8. Every seat is a window seat
  9. You can experience nature
  10. It's healthy!

Bike & Ride the Bus

It's as Easy as 1 - 2 - 3

Bicycle racks are mounted on the front bumpers of all buses to carry most bicycles (non-motorized only). Our 300 and 400 series buses have a rack that can hold two bikes at a time, while the 700, 900 and Rapid Ride buses can accommodate three bikes. If the bike rack is full our bike policy is as follows:

  • If the bicycle rack is full, and the bus is not to full capacity with passengers (there is sufficient space to hold a bike without impeding other passengers), the passenger will be allowed to take the bike on the bus.
  • The bicycle will only be allowed in the front portion of the bus in the wheelchair area if the space is free.
  • The passenger will be required to stand with their bicycle to secure it.
  • The bicycle rack must be full in order for the passenger to take the bicycle on the bus. 


The video below demonstrates how the bike racks work.


Loading your bike on the bus

  • If the bike rack is folded up against the front of the bus, pull the handle up to release, and lower the rack into its working position.
  • Load your bike into the rack, starting with the front wheel. If your bike is first, load with the handlebars toward the curb, and the wheels in the slots nearest the bus. If your bike is second, load with the handlebars opposite.
  • Pull the hook out and over the front wheel, and release it gently. Remove your water bottle, pump, etc., before boarding the bus.
  • Just before your stop, remind the driver that you will need to unload your bike, and exit through the front door.

Unloading your bike from the bus 

  • Pull the hook out and over the front wheel to release your bike. Allow the hook to spring gently back into its resting position.
  • Lift or roll your bike out of the wheel slots, always moving it toward the curb, and if yours was the only bike, fold up the rack.
  • Quickly move away from the bus, then signal the driver that it is safe to leave.

How ABQ RIDE can help your company:

  • Provide FREE bike maps to you and your employees
  • Offer FREE trip planning for those who bike and bus to work - just call 243-RIDE
  • Guaranteed Ride Home program
  • Marketing and promotion of biking
  • Organize employee informational meetings on biking and walking
Call 243-RIDE for more information!

Tips for safe bicycle riding

  • Always wear a bicycle safety helmet!
  • Watch for people walking and for cars backing out of driveways when riding on a sidewalk.
  • Wear brightly colored clothes so that others can see you better.
  • Keep both hands on the handlebars and carry packages in a basket, carrier, or backpack.
  • Avoid riding your bicycle at night or in bad weather.

More Bicycling Resources

"Effective Cycling" courses

League of American Bicyclists (LAB) "Effective Cycling" (Road 1) courses are available through the Bicycle Safety Education Program. Offered during spring and fall, this course is a must for beginner or novice riders wanting to become comfortable cycling on the road. Included are principles of vehicular cycling, bicycle selection and fit, helmet use, basic bicycle handling skills, traffic rules and responsibilities, and minor maintenance skills. For information on class dates or to register, call 768-BIKE.

"Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles."
-John Forester

Greater Albuquerque Bicycling Advisory Committee (GABAC)

A citizens advisory committee meets the second Monday of every month to review and comment on projects that effect on-street cycling within the Albuquerque metropolitan area. GABAC meetings are open to the general public. Anyone interested in more information about GABAC, please call the City's Bicycle Planner at 768-2526.

City of Albuquerque
Department of Municipal Development
Engineering Division
PO Box 1293
Albuquerque, NM 87106
(505) 768-2680

Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee (GARTC)

A citizens advisory committee meets the third Tuesday of every month to review and comment on policy and projects affecting trails ( bike, pedestrian, equestrian, in line skates, etc.) within the Albuquerque metropolitan area. GARTC meetings are open to the general public. Anyone interested in more information about GARTC, please call 768-3649.

City of Albuquerque
Department of Municipal Development
Engineering Division
PO Box 1293
Albuquerque, NM 87106
(505) 768-2680

Other Commuting Resources

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