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ABQ RIDE Accomplishments

December 1, 2005 - Present

FY 06 Accomplishments

700 Series Bus

· New bus service connecting the Rail Runner, Rio Rancho and Albuquerque
· Expanded Rapid Ride service to Sundays
· Recorded more than 8.5 million passenger boardings for FY 06 (most ever)
· Passenger boardings on the Central Avenue corridor exceed 350,000 per month
· Reported more than 182,000 paratransit trips
· Reported 2 million revenue miles on the paratransit fleet
· Purchased 6 new Rapid Ride vehicles for a permanent west side route in FY 07.
· Purchased 35 new diesel electric hybrid buses to bring ADA compliance to 89%.
· ABQ RIDE purchased 30 new paratransit vans.
· ABQ RIDE introduced Rock Star Shuttle, service to Journal Pavilion concerts.
· Increased ridership by 22% during the Dump the Pump campaign with record high gas prices.
· ABQ RIDE launched the Discover a Book on ABQ RIDE program, collecting more than 50,000 children’s books to be placed on all city buses.
· ABQ RIDE came in $6,000 under budget for FY 06.
· Opened the new Greyhound bus Terminal at the Alvarado Transportation Center.
· Luminaria Tour on-line sales introduced. 

FY 07 Accomplishments

Mayor Marin J. Chávez

· Record 9.3 million passenger boardings in FY 07, the highest passenger ridership ever recorded.
· Introduced Downtown Circulator, “D-RIDE” July 14, 2007
· Purchased 58 new diesel electric hybrid New Flyer buses to replace buses that date back to 1989.
· Received 6 new Rapid Ride buses (purchased FY07) to start the Rapid Ride Blue Line from the West Side to UNM. Ridership/Boardings 1300 each weekday.
· Lamar Transit Advertising receives contract to manage bus advertising. It also includes a bus shelter component that allows Lamar to build 100 bus shelters at no cost to the city. Lamar will receive the advertising revenue from the shelters until they re-cooperate the cost of the construction of the shelters (approximately $ 1 million investment)
· 6, 500 passengers (record) boarded ABQ RIDE for Freedom Fourth.
· Arts on the Bus (Poetry on the Bus and Trappings) introduced to the City
· Luminaria Tour sold out in record time with 800 (25%) more tickets purchased.
· During FY 07, ABQ RIDE added the following routes
    Route 40 D-RIDE
    Route 151 ABQ-Rio Rancho Rail Runner Connection
    Route 157- All day route along Montano then to KAFB
    Route 222 – Rail Runner connection to the Sunport 
    Route 317 – Rail Runner connection from Downtown to KAFB
    Route 790 – Rapid Ride Blue Line – All day route with service from the West Side to UNM

FY 08 Accomplishments

AVL Screens at ATC dispatch center

· Customer Service complaints dropped by 30% from 2006. Ridership for the same period increased by 10%.
· ABQ RIDE fleet went 100% ADA compliant.
· On March 15, 2008 the ABQ RIDE fleet ran on 100% alternative fuel (half of fleet is CNG.)
· Security officers and Albuquerque police officers in city buses and at bus stops were increased.
· An Automatic Vehicle Locator system was introduced to the ABQ RIDE fleet that track the speed and location of buses.
· New Rapid Ride route (Blue Line) was added in July 2007 connecting the West Side with UNM and UNMH Complex
· Rapid Ride routes logged their 5 millionth passenger boarding in March 2008.
· 158,093 passengers have taken advantage of the D Ride (down town circular) as FY 08.
· The Student Ride Pass, where fulltime students ride for free, was expanded to include the University of New Mexico (August 07) and Central New Mexico Community College (October 07)
· Passenger boardings passed the 10 million mark.
· March of 2008-- 5 million passengers recorded on the Red Line.

FY 09 Accomplishments

New Shelter

· New Northwest Transit Center opened to high demand.
· Implementation of the New Fare Ordinance with the new One Day and Two Day Passes.
· New electronic, self-serve kiosk put in at the Alvarado Transportation Center; minimum of five more kiosks planned for other areas of the city
· Addition of Route #350 – free shuttle service between ATC and the Albuquerque International Sun Port.
· Plan Your Ride – an online trip planning service was introduced.
· 30 additional bus stop shelters (non-Lamar) were constructed.
· D- Ride increased by 9%
· Monthly ridership goes over 1million (1, 011,853) 
· Independent Delta Services, Inc. ADA Compliance report ranks ABQ RIDE among the best in the country for accessibility and navigability for passengers with disabilities. Locator announcements for the visually impaired are made 98.6% of the time in December 2008 compared to 49.5% in May 2006.
· Average age of fleet in CY 2008 is 6.0 years compared to 11.1 years in CY 2007
· Ridership in 2008 up 41% over 2005
· 43% of the fleet now have capabilities to sell one-day passes from fareboxes on the bus
· ABQ RIDE introduces new Rapid Ride "Green Line" Route to Central and Tramway; anticipated operation start date is July 2009
· ABQ RIDE built three new Rapid Ride shelters on the "Blue Line" route at Lomas and 4th Street, Lomas and Stanford Drive NE and Central and Rio Grande; plans are underway to build 10 more along the "Blue Line" and 6 more along the “Red Line” by CY 2009.
· ABQ RIDE purchased 32 – 900’s Diesel Hybrids and 6 Articulated-- Rapid Ride Diesel Hybrids.

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