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Funding Category: Transportation Funds Pie Chart Bus Stop Shelters & Improvements Fare Box Upgrades Self-Serve Ticket Kiosks


Category Description:

Safe, efficient transportation systems are essential to America's continued economic vitality, our ability to compete in a global economy, and most importantly, to the quality of life of all Americans. Transit serves many public purposes, among the most important ones are: affordable mobility, congestion management, and supporting neighborhoods served by intensive transit services.

Total Funding: 


Jobs Created/Retained:


Transportation Programs:

Transportation Implementation Team:

Greg Payne, City of Albuquerque
Connie Meadowcroft, City of Albuquerque
Chris Blewett, Middle Rio Grande Council of Governments
Clovis Acosta, University of New Mexico
David Albright, Bernalillo County
Steve Miller, Bernalillo County
Mike Riordan, City of Albuquerque
Dierdre Firth, City of Albuquerque
Larry Ahrens, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce
Jacob Winowich, City of Albuquerque

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