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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 4 - Sustainable Community Development 25 - Accessible parks
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25 - Accessible parks

Goal 4 - DCC 25 - Parks, open space, recreation facilities, and public trails are available, accessible, and strategically located, designed, and maintained.

The number of City parks, open spaces, and trails has increased at a rate greater than the City’s growth. Recreation facilities rank near the top of similar Southwest cities. Residents recognized their importance and assessed the City’s progress first among all 51 Desired Community Conditions.


Local Trend  LOCAL TREND:

City parks and open space increased in acreage between 2003 and 2007. Trail mileage is increasing and recreation facilities are numerous. Park acreage increased 13% from 2003 to 2007 while Albuquerque’s population increased 6.8%. Open space acreage increased 5.7% while the total city land acreage remained relatively flat during the same period. Parks and trails are also strategically located and accessible. Ninety-two percent of Albuquerque’s residential lots are within one-half mile of a city park, bikeway, or trail. Virtually all residential lots are within one mile.


Albuquerque has more parks and open space land than all five of the other Southwest benchmark cities of Austin, Colorado Springs, El Paso, Oklahoma City, and Tucson. In FY 2006, Albuquerque led in all areas including total acres, acres per 1000 residents, and acreage as a percentage of total city area. Among the benchmark cities, Albuquerque also has more tennis courts per capita, ranks second in skateboard parks, third in ball diamonds, dog parks, and golf courses, and fourth in the number of swimming pools.

Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION:

In 2007, Albuquerque citizens considered the availability and accessibility of parks to be an important aspect of a sustainable community. They also recognized the progress Albuquerque has made in providing parks, open space, recreation facilities and public trails, assessing the City’s progress the highest of all 51 Desired Community Conditions.


Opportunity to



  Local Trend  LOCAL TREND IS:  Positive    Positive Local
  National Comparison  ALBUQUERQUE, COMPARED TO OTHERS, IS:  Better      Positive Local 
  Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION COMPARED TO DATA:  Matches   Positive Local

NOTE: For help in understanding this page, see Creating a Community Report Card.

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