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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 2 - Public Safety 13 - Safe travel on streets 13.2 Alcohol Involved Crashes & Fatality Rates
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13.2 Alcohol Involved Crashes & Fatality Rates

Goal 2 - DCC 13 - Indicator 13.2

This indicator is part of Safe travel on streets.

Indicator description:                                                           

This indicator notes the percentage of traffic collisions locally which involve alcohol, whether or not anyone was injured. The percent of traffic collisions in Albuquerque in which alcohol is a factor has steadily dropped since 2003, to its lowest level in five years. Concurrently, the number of crashes has dropped during the same time period, as noted in Indicator 12.1. The comparison data consists of traffic fatalities involving drunk drivers. Despite the fact that Albuquerque's local trend shows improvement, Albuquerque's rate of traffic fatalities involving drunk drivers per 100,000 population is still the highest among peer Southwest cities.

Indicator 13_2a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Alcohol is involved in 40% of traffic deaths nationwide; among persons under 21, alcohol is involved in 36% of traffic deaths. Research shows that local policies have a direct effect upon rates of alcohol related traffic fatalities. Lower rates of alcohol related traffic fatalities were found in communities that limit access to alcohol, including licensure of outlets that serve alcohol and strict enforcement and discipline of outlets that violate the law. Studies also demonstrated that communities can decrease alcohol related motor vehicle fatalities by providing better access to substance abuse treatment while reducing the ease with which alcohol is accessed in the community, and by addressing drinking among teens and young adults.

Data Sources:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatality Analysis Reporting System data, 2006 city data file; New Mexico Department of Transportation, UNM/DGR, 2001-2007 Data.

Indicator 13_2b

What can we tell from the data?

  • Albuquerque's local trend is positive, with a reduction in alcohol involved crashes for the past several years.
  • Compared to peer Southwest cities, Albuquerque has the highest rate of fatalities involving drunk drivers.
  • Compared to the residents of these other cities, Albuquerque
    residents have a higher statistical likelihood of being involved in a traffic collision in which alcohol was a factor.


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