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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 3 - Public Infrastructure 21 - Linked integrated transportation 21.2 Uses of Integrated Transportation Options
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21.2 Uses of Integrated Transportation Options

Goal 3 | DCC 21 | Indicator 21.2

This indicator is part of Linked integrated transportation.

Indicator description:                                                           

This indicator measures the use of transportation alternatives to the automobile by Albuquerque residents. Each of these modes connects to one or more of the others. For example, bike riders have the option of riding their bicycle to many bus stops and then riding the bus with their bicycle stored on the bus-mounted bike rack. Even Albuquerque’s airport, the Sunport, connects via bike routes, bus routes, and soon will be served by a Railrunner (commuter train) station. Integrated alternative modes of transportation make it easier for Albuquerque residents to get from point to point within Albuquerque and beyond.

Indicator 21_2a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Increasing use of alternative modes of transportation results in many positive conditions. Air quality improves. Congestion is lessened and infrastructure maximized. Yet, without convenience and timeliness, alternative modes often fail to compete with single occupancy vehicles. Integration enhances the travel potential for both modes of travel by offering a number of advantages that each mode alone cannot provide; for example, bike-on-transit service enables bicyclists to travel farther distances and overcome topographical barriers. Bike-on-transit services to recreational destinations during off-peak periods can increase overall transit ridership and increase efficient use of capacity. Bicycle-to-transit services (trails, on-road bike lanes, and bike parking) enlarge transit's catchment area by making it accessible to travelers who are beyond walking distances to/from transit stations. As Albuquerque grows, increasing the use of transportation alternatives optimizes its street system, which at the same time becomes more difficult to expand.

Indicator 21_2b

Data Sources:
City of Albuquerque Departments of Aviation, Municipal Development, and Transit; Middle Region Council of Governments; American Public Transit Association

What can we tell from the data?

  • Sunport passenger levels (enplaned and deplaned) have recovered from the air travel downturn, resulting from September 11, although reductions in flights might impact future years.
  • ABQ Transit ridership is growing rapidly, caused by improved services, costs of automobile commuting, and better integration with other modes (note that FY/08 ridership increased by 11% over FY/07).
  • Albuquerque transit ridership lags behind other transit services (Austin, Tucson, Salt Lake City), which have more mature multi-modal systems.
  • The Railrunner commuter train has operated for one year in its current route configuration. Each Railrunner trip supplants 22.5 miles of automobile use. 519,000 Railrunner passengers represent a reduction of over 11,500,000 miles of vehicle miles traveled.


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