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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 3 - Public Infrastructure 18 - Quality wastewater systems 18.2 Wastewater Treatment Effectiveness Rate
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18.2 Wastewater Treatment Effectiveness Rate

Goal 3 - DCC 18 - Indicator 18.2

This indicator is part of Quality wastewater systems.

Indicator description:                                                           

This indicator measures the percentage of time in a year (fiscal) the wastewater treatment facility is discharging effluent (treated wastewater) into the Rio Grande in compliance with quality standards defined in the discharge permit from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This percentage of time can also be quantified by the number of EPA Permit Violations. The percentage of time is compared to that of combined water and wastewater utilities, utilities serving populations greater than half a million, and utilities located in the western United States. It should be noted that up through Fiscal Year 2005, Albuquerque operated under a very strict discharge permit required for religious ceremonies conducted at the Isleta Pueblo, downstream from the treatment plant.

Indicator 18_2

Why is this indicator relevant?

Wastewater systems are composed of two major components: the collection system and the treatment system. This indicator rates the effectiveness of the treatment process in meeting the discharge requirements established by permit with the EPA. If the permit terms are violated, remediation is required with probable expensive upgrades and fines. Also, New Mexicans downstream may be impacted by health threats and water treatment costs.

Data Sources:
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) Fiscal Year 2008 and 2009 Performance Plans, citing American Water Works Association (AWWA) Benchmarking survey.

What can we tell from the data?

  • The area’s wastewater treatment plant effectiveness is improving. In FY/06 the number of permit violations decreased from 27 to 9.
  • Still the effectiveness rate places our plant very close to the bottom quartile among other large utilties serving populations greater than half a million and in the bottom quartile when compared to other western utilities.


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