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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 1 - Human & Family Development 3 - Responsible youth 3.1 Developmental Assets Inventory
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3.1 Developmental Assets Inventory

Goal 1 - DCC 3 - Indicator 3.1

This indicator is part of Responsible youth

Indicator description:

Developmental Assets for Adolescents are 40 essential building blocks of healthy development. These include measures of external support that children receive from their families, school and community, and their individual commitment to learning and social competencies. The Albuquerque Public School system surveyed students between grades 6-12, to determine how many of these assets they possess. The number of Assets possessed by Albuquerque students are virtually equal to the national average by the 12th grade. However, between 1995-2005 the percent of youth who possessed more than half of the assets fell by 5%, and those with positive adult role models fell 17%.

DCC 2 Graph 3


Why is this indicator relevant?

Research shows that young people who report having more of the Developmental Assets are less likely to engage in high-risk behaviors including drug use, underage drinking and violence. Research also indicates that high assets are positively correlated with success in school, helping others, and maintaining good health. Asset building involves parents, families, schools, youth organizations and the entire community.

Data Sources:
Albuquerque Public Schools (APS), Developmental Assets: A Profile of Your Youth, May 2006; The Search Institute.

What can we tell from the data?

  • Albuquerque public school students are virtually equal to the national average for students grades 6-12 in the number of Developmental Assets they possess. Lower grades trail the national average by about 3%, but by the 12th grade Albuquerque students remaining in school have caught up to the national average.
  • Albuquerque youth with positive adult role models fell 17% between 1995-2005, and those who possess 20 or more of the 40 possible Developmental Assets fell by 5% over the same time period. The number of students who reported having a sense of purpose fell by 27%. The number reporting a caring, encouraging school climate (26%) remained unchanged, while those involved in community service increased by 11%.


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