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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 7 - Community & Cultural Engagement 43 - Well informed residents 43.1 Assessment of Citizen Perception Ratings in APR 2008 Compared to Indicator Data Trends
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43.1 Assessment of Citizen Perception Ratings in APR 2008 Compared to Indicator Data Trends

Goal 7 - DCC 43 - Indicator 43.1

This indicator is part of Well informed residents.

Indicator description:

This indicator examines citizen perceptions of the Desired Community Conditions (DCCs) contained in this report and compares each to the indicator data used to evaluate progress for each respective DCC. This indicator reflects whether citizen understanding of community conditions as reflected by the results of the 2007 citizen surveys on the importance of and progress made toward achieving the DCCs is consistent with what the indicator data tell us about the DCCs. In these surveys, citizens were asked to assess DCC importance and progress using seven point scales (one being low, four being mid, and seven being high). Importance and Progress Means were calculated for each DCC. When statistically valid, cross tabulations with demographic responses were calculated. These demographic characteristics included: income, household size, cultural/ethnic identity, residence location (community planning area), age of respondent, etc.

Indicator 43

Why is this indicator relevant?

The more accurate the public understanding is the more likely community assets will be utilized efficiently and effectively. At the grass roots, community response, and policy making levels, it is important that accurate understandings of conditions exist, because investments of public resources and community assets are made on those understandings. Communities invest resources in their priorities, utilizing local taxes and other public resources, voluntary donations of dollars and time, civic participation, and public involvement. When citizens know the facts, policy leaders are better able to address community priorities and develop effective strategies to achieve desired end results. Also, when citizens know what the state of the community really is, they are better able to make decisions about what personal actions are necessary to improve them.

Data Source:
2007 Resident Opinion Surveys by the Indicators Progress Commission and the City of Albuquerque Office of Management and Budget.


What can we tell from the data?

  • Citizen perception of DCCs matches the indicators’ data for almost two-thirds of the Desired Community Conditions measured in the 2008 Albuquerque Progress Report.
  • Citizens recognized that some of these conditions do not have positive trends or favorable comparisons with other cities. For example, citizens showed great concern about youth developing responsibly; this is borne out by indicator data. They also recognized that travel on our streets is less safe and that is confirmed by comparisons to other similar cities. Showing similar insight, citizens recognized that our community has made great progress toward the following conditions - responsible treatment of domestic animals, well designed and accessible parks, a reliable and sustainable water system, and citizen ability to access their local government.
  • Still, misperceptions seem to exist around several desired conditions, including: active and healthy residents (Goal 1, DCC 4); public health risks (Goal 1, DCC 9); effective wastewater treatment (Goal 3, DCC 18); information infrastructure (Goal 3, DCC 20); alternative transportation options (Goal 3, DCC 21); renewable energy options (Goal 3, DCC 24); accessible mixed use areas (Goal 4, DCC 29); effective solid waste disposal (Goal 5, DCC 32); appreciation of ecological diversity (Goal 5, DCC 35); and, abundant, competitve career oriented employment opportunities (Goal 6, DCC 39).
  • Citizen perceptions either under or overestimated progress, as measured by the indicators.


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