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Five Year Goals

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Goal 1: Human and Family Development
People of all ages have the opportunity to participate in the community and economy and are well sheltered, safe, healthy, and educated.
Goal 2: Public Safety
Residents are safe, feel safe and secure, and have trust and shared responsibility for maintaining a safe environment.
Goal 3: Public Infrastructure
Ensure that all existing communities are adequately and efficiently served with well planned, coordinated, and maintained sewer, storm, water, and road systems and an integrated multi-modal regional transportation system. Ensure that new development is efficiently integrated into existing infrastructure and that the costs are balanced with the revenues generated.
Goal 4: Sustainable Community Development
Guide growth to protect the environment and the community's economic vitality and create a variety of livable, sustainable communities throughout Albuquerque.
Goal 5: Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Protect and enhance Albuquerque's places and natural environment—its mountains, river, Bosque, volcanoes, arroyos, clean air and underground water supply.
Goal 6: Economic Vitality
Achieve a vital, diverse and sustainable economy in which businesses and residents have opportunity for success.
Goal 7: Community and Cultural Engagement
Residents are fully and effectively engaged in the life and decisions of the community to: promote and enhance our pride, cultural values and resources; and, ensure that Albuquerque's community institutions are effective, accountable and responsive.
Goal 8: Government Excellence and Effectiveness
Government is ethical and accountable; every element of government contributes effectively to meeting public needs.

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