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MOVE UP Awards for Outstanding Volunteers

The MOVE UP Award Program is an ongoing non-competitive volunteer recognition program to honor outstanding volunteers for their service to others and the community.

July 2008 Move Up Awards Recipients The Mayor’s Office of Volunteerism and Engagement (MOVE) manages an ongoing non-competitive volunteer recognition program to honor outstanding volunteers for their service to others and the community. The “MOVE UP” award was established to acknowledge and recognize volunteers in the City of Albuquerque and surrounding communities.

Individuals who meet all nomination criteria will be recognized in the following way:
 Official certificate signed by the Mayor of Albuquerque and MOVE UP outstanding community volunteer pin.
 Recognition through listing on the MOVE website.
 Possible feature on GOV16 television broadcasts and other media outlets.

Nomination Criteria:
• Nominations are open to outstanding volunteers in the City of Albuquerque and in Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia counties.
• Recognition is for volunteers demonstrating exemplary or outstanding service to individuals, organizations, or the community at large.
• Members of the MOVE Advisory Board will review nomination forms on a quarterly basis and verify volunteer service. Awards will be posted online ( Nominees will be notified at quarterly intervals throughout each year.

On July 22, 2009, Mayor Martin J. Chavez presented Duque certificates to the following volunteers at a reception held at the Albuquerque Museum:

Diana Almaraz. Nominated by Rio Grande Valley Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Diana began volunteering in November 2004. Diana has successfully advocated on behalf of five cases of abused and neglected children. She works hard on her cases and never gives up, working closely with the children in foster care to ensure their needs are being met, and accurately informing the judge of their wishes. Diana is a mother of two natural and one adopted child and is also a foster parent.

Toni Backstrom. Nominated by Keshet Dance Company, Toni has volunteered with Keshet since January 2008. She has helped out with the silent auctions for the 2008 Gala, and managed the 2009 Spring Concert silent auction. Toni has worked in the “front of house” for every show and brings boundless energy, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude that has enriched the organization.

Fareeza Belcher. Nominated by Ronald McDonald House Charities, Fareeza has been volunteering for more than four years. She comes in every Friday and answers the phones, and recently won the “golden roller” award as the official coin roller. In addition to the Ronald McDonald House, Fareeza volunteers at the airport and the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.

Geraldine Birdsbill. Nominated by the N.M. VA Health Care System, Geraldine has served this agency for the past 48 years. Geraldine is an integral team member of the Chaplain Service, helping escort patients to and from the two Chapel Services on Sundays. Geraldine is well liked by staff and other volunteers and currently has 3,168 hours of volunteerism to her credit. Geraldine strives to “Put Veterans First!”

Debbie Chavez. Nominated by TAX HELP New Mexico, Debbie has been a site coordinator and volunteer at TAX HELP for several years (often the site’s sole volunteer). Many clients return year after year to have Debbie prepare their tax returns. During the past three tax years, Debbie donated 185.5 hours to TAX HELP N.M., providing $3,619.00 in services to the State of New Mexico.

Dom Ciccone. Nominated by the Albuquerque Police Department - Family Advocacy Center, Dom has served APD for the past 18 months and unselfishly volunteers his time 20 hours a week. Dom has become a critical component of the Family Abuse Stalking Training team by assisting with the repeat offender tracking system, as well as other important projects. Dom is a perfect example of community engagement, which leads to dynamic civilian service to the City of Albuquerque.

David Craft. Nominated by the Albuquerque Opportunity Center, David began volunteering with the Metropolitan Homelessness Project in 2006. In 2007, David became the volunteer coordinator and helped create numerous new volunteer positions that always keep the homeless residents’ needs in mind. He is detailed, organized, respected by the staff and volunteers—a true asset to the center!

Natalia Davis. Nominated by the ReadWest Adult Literacy Program, Natalia has been helping adults learn to read or speak English for almost 20 years. Originally from Panama, Natalia knows the importance of learning a second language and is often heard reminding students while they are in the center to use English, English, English! A friend to all she meets, Natalia is a wonderful example of a life devoted to serve others!

Joshua K. Dickson. Nominated by YDI New Mexico, Joshua began volunteering with the mentoring program in March 2008 and now participates in both the school based “Wise Men and Wise Women” and the community based “Mentoring Children of Promise” programs. The program requires four hours of service per month. Not only does Joshua see young Michael every week, he also spends time with him outside of school taking him to museums, ball games and other activities. Michael says, “My mentor makes my life happy!” Michael’s mother says that Joshua has changed Michael’s life in a positive way.

Elaine Diers. Nominated by the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department, Elaine is a regular at almost every animal welfare adoption event. She is so great at finding the perfect home for each pet--from the smallest and calmest dogs, to dogs as big as she is! Elaine offers a wealth of information to the new adopters, and is very much appreciated by all.

Janice Donnelly. Nominated by TAX HELP New Mexico, Janice is one of the longest serving volunteers for TAX HELP N.M., having prepared taxes since 1991 when returns were still done by hand. Janice’s years of service to the program has infused several hundred thousand dollars to the N.M. economy in the way of tax refunds and helped thousands of clients in Albuquerque with this free service. In addition to TAX HELP N.M., Janice has volunteered as an English as a Second Language tutor for the past ten years.

John R. English. Nominated by the Mid-Rio Grande Chapter of the American Red Cross, John has volunteered with the Disaster Services department for the past five years. With his HAM operator experience, John has helped the chapter stay connected during times of disaster and is presently working on a plan to update the chapter’s equipment. John has also gone out to fires and other disasters to provide basic emergency assistance to clients.

Danielle Ferreira. Nominated by Keshet Dance Company, Danielle began volunteering early this year in exchange for dance classes for her son. Although she was only asked to volunteer for a few hours, Danielle comes in weekly to send faxes and e-mails, hand out brochures, solicit donations, and any other task that is asked of her. Danielle is an irreplaceable volunteer for Keshet!

Rufina Griego. Nominated by Cuidando los Niños, Rufina has been volunteering as part of the Senior Affairs Foster Grandparent Program for many years. She comes in each morning Monday through Friday to be with the children. All the children at Cuidando los Niños refer to Rufina as “Grandma.” In fact, one of the boys has decided that only Ms. Griego is allowed to sit in her chair and will tell others, “No Grandma” if they try to use the chair. He is only two years old and knows how special “Grandma” is!

Terrie Gruen and Sherrie Simek. Nominated by the American Cancer Society, Terrie and Sherrie have been volunteers with ACS Relay for Life since 2000. Both skin cancer survivors since the age of 17, the twins have served as team captains and planning committee members for six years as well as co-event chairs for the past three years. As a result of their passion and countless hours of service, they have helped ACS raise more than $400,000 for cancer research, education, advocacy and patient services!

Esther Hedberg. Nominated by Wells Fargo Bank, Esther has been actively involved in teaching children in the all-day “teaching blitz” through the Junior Achievement Program of N.M. In 2008 and 2009, Esther was a co-teacher to two 4th grade classes at a low-income elementary school. During the past three years, she and her husband have overseen 15 Christian education classes on a weekly basis at their local church. Esther actively recruits volunteers for Junior Achievement, as well as other Wells Fargo endorsed volunteer programs.

Jenny Johnston. Nominated by the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department, Jenny volunteers at the shelter and adoption events. She is exceptionally good at finding homes for many homeless pit-bulls. She always finds time to help with the homeless pets, even while attending classes at UN.M.. Jenny is a shining example of what an animal volunteer should be.

Orlando & Lee Klassen. Nominated by Albuquerque Meals on Wheels, Orlando and Lee have been volunteering with the program for ten years. They volunteer in the kitchen one day a week, and are volunteer drivers one to three days a week delivering meals to the homebound. Lee and Orlando go that “extra mile” and Meals on Wheels is blessed to have them in its program.

Dr. Louis J. Lafrado. Nominated by the Albuquerque Police Department, Dr. Lafrado is the director of a nonprofit called the N.M. IceHoles Charitable Foundation. Founded in 1996, this foundation is a community-based, grassroots organization that has nearly 30 members from across New Mexico and the United States. The program is dedicated to supporting and recognizingc the needs of small charities directed toward public health concerns for the citizens of New Mexico. The dedication of Dr. Lafrado and other members has resulted in more than $60,000 in donations to a wide variety of New Mexico charities that help “those in need.”

Susan Lunde. Nominated by Hospice Compassus, Susan is a dedicated hospice volunteer who gives of herself to those who are often abandoned by the health care system. Susan provides compassion and a humane presence when it is needed most, and demonstrates over and over again, her love for her “neighbors.”

Sherry M. Mangold. Nominated by Hospice of the Sandias, Sherry and her rescued greyhounds Milagro, Freddy and Winston volunteer every Monday morning. Sherry’s greyhounds have been trained to meet and greet children, hospital patients, nursing home residents and hospice patients. Sherry also visits Lovelace Women’s Hospital and, since 2007, has donated 108 hours of volunteer time visiting 600 patients.

Lisa R. Martin. Nominated by her employer at the City of Albuquerque 311 Center, Lisa is the sponsor of the 311 Citizen Contact Center Lending Hands team and devotes endless hours to ensure that the team gets the support it needs to help our community. Additionally, Lisa volunteers for Junior Achievement, Dismas House and the Bernalillo Public Schools Foundation.

Larry Martinez. Nominated by Mandy’s Special Farm, a residential facility that specializes in adult female autism, Larry became a volunteer last fall and with all of his skills, he knew that he had a lot to offer. Larry is a general contractor and no job is too small or too large for him. He even volunteers to supervise the sixth grade students from Albuquerque Academy who do their community service at the farm. Larry has given his valuable time, and the farm could not function as well as it does without his expertise and work ethic.

Ray Martinez. Nominated by the City of Albuquerque RSVP Volunteer Program, Ray has been volunteering throughout the community since 2005. Ray volunteers for the Department of Senior Affairs twice a month as a van driver. He drives seniors to medical appointments, grocery shopping, or just to get out. Ray also collects items for donation to various nursing homes and has logged over 1,000 hours of service. Ray is truly an exceptional volunteer and his dedication is much appreciated.

Verónica Méndez-Cruz. Nominated by the U.N.M. Mexican Student Association (MexSA), a student organization that focuses on Latino students, Veronica has been part of MexSA for five years. She has contributed limitless services to this organization by providing materials such as computers and projectors. Veronica has numerous resources that assist her with advocating for the students and she supports the organization with her knowledge, advice and ideas.

Luke Mills. Nominated by the Mid-Rio Grande Chapter of the American Red Cross, Luke began volunteering in December 2008 as one of the youth volunteers. Luke has proven invaluable with manikin cleaning, room set up and inventory control. He also trains and supervises other volunteer manikin cleaners. A community minded young man, Luke also volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, and will continue his efforts with the American Red Cross while attending high school and beyond!

Georgette Nichols. Nominated by Animal Humane New Mexico, Georgette has been a weekly volunteer for more than 18 years. An avid cat lover, Georgette supports the Animal Humane mission by volunteering in the Thrift Store where sales help fund “pet” programs. Georgette frequently brings her fabulous baked goods in to share. She has great conversations with visitors, and her positive attitude is absolutely infectious!

N.M. Quilters’ Association. Nominated by the Mayor’s Office of Volunteerism & Engagement, association members sew quilts every year that are donated to various agencies such as domestic violence shelters, local hospitals, and police and fire personnel to distribute during emergencies. Additionally, the association donates quilts to nonprofit agencies for use as fundraisers. Debra Saine writes, “When my mother was hospitalized during the Christmas holidays last year, she and other patients received a beautiful quilt made by this group of volunteers. This was a special touch to brighten the holidays for those who were hospitalized!”

Diane Harrison Ogawa. Nominated by the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, Diane is a founding advisory board member. Diane’s ability to see and articulate possibilities is one of the biggest gifts she has given the center. She brings optimism, compassion, intelligence, talent and integrity to any cause she cares about and her vision now serves hundreds of nonprofits in the areas of leadership, board development, fundraising, grant writing and financial management.

Linda Pena. Nominated by Kim Jew Photography, Linda was responsible for getting the anti-meth documentary “Crystal Darkness” on air. Linda enlisted volunteers to help with this cause and immediately following the documentary, 263 people called the hotline seeking help. Since the airing, Linda has been a tireless advocate against methamphetamines. She heads the local chapter of Mothers Against Methamphetamines (MAMA) that provides support to family members who have been impacted by meth addiction.

Terry R. Plekowski. Nominated by the N.M. VA Health Care System, Mrs. Plekowski has volunteered at the N.M. VA Health Care system and supported its veterans for the past 39 years. She is an integral team member of the Pharmacy Service where she sorts, packs and mails prepared prescriptions to veterans. Mrs. Plekowski has earned an award for 8,750 hours served, and the VA is very proud to have her as part of their volunteer family.

Amanda Pope. Nominated by the Los Griegos Library, Amanda only began volunteering 11 weeks ago. She typically comes in 3-4 hours each day and has already logged in 70 hours. Amanda helps wrap and shelve reserved books; assists with many clerical tasks; and has recently begun to mend books. Amanda’s many hours of volunteering has helped the Library complete tasks that may otherwise not have been done in a timely manner.

Sally Price. Nominated by Animal Humane New Mexico, Sally has volunteered since August 2005 as a surgical recovery volunteer in the veterinary clinic. As a career hospice and homecare nurse, Sally has brought considerable medical experience to recovering four-footed patients. Sally comes in every Tuesday, logging in hundreds of volunteer hours that contribute enormously to the lives of countless homeless dogs and cats.

Dan Rask. Nominated by Planned Parenthood of New Mexico, Dan is a recent volunteer to the agency, and quickly jumped in to perform a variety of tasks requiring a specific skill set. Dan recently embraced the responsibility of coordinating and supervising volunteers for the 45th Anniversary Gala fundraiser. He volunteers every Friday afternoon in the office, when he could be out riding his motorcycle!

Rebecca Risk. Nominated by Roadrunner Food Bank, Rebecca began volunteering in October 2007. She is committed to the mission of the food bank to End Hunger in New Mexico. She assists and directs volunteers with repacking cereal; sorting canned and dry goods; and packing food boxes. Rebecca sets an example for her teenage son, Sam, who occasionally volunteers.

Olivia Sampson. Nominated by the City of Albuquerque RSVP Volunteer Program, Olivia has been actively involved in the community and her neighborhood since 1986. She volunteers with St. Mary’s Nursing Home and the Department of Senior Affairs. She drives seniors to field trips; prepares and serves senior lunches; has been calling on one senior for nine years checking on her well-being and much, much more. Olivia has contributed more than 1,000 recorded volunteer hours, and is a dedicated and invaluable volunteer.

Nick Sciumbato. Nominated by Cuidando los Niños, Nick has been volunteering in the Toddler Classroom two mornings a week for several years. Nick always comes prepared with his own books or CDs to read and play for the kids. He loves to read to the children and has developed a special bond with them. Nick also assists in the classroom by cleaning up after lunch and getting the children ready for naptime. His commitment to Cuidando los Niños and the children is very special!

Naomi Shafer. Nominated by the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Naomi has been a key volunteer at the center since its opening in 1976. She was one of the very first volunteers and is still there after 33 years of service. Naomi was one of the founders of the archives and has volunteered once a week for 25 years, contributing to the growth of multiple rooms filled with more than 2,000 books, 17,000 magazine articles, thousands of photographs and other important collections which document and preserve Pueblo culture and history.

Stan Silva. Nominated by the Albuquerque Police Department, Stan has volunteered for the past two years, currently working with the Cold Case Homicide Unit. Since becoming a member of the team, Stan has reviewed in excess of 350 unsolved homicides and has completely updated the Cold Case Management system. Stan works almost as many hours as the detectives assigned to the unit, and has even volunteered on holidays in order to meet a deadline. Stan is retired from the U.S. Army, and has had careers with The Defense Nuclear Agency at Kirtland Air Force Base, and the Military Entrance Processing Station in N.M.

Dr. Jen Swiderski. Nominated by the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department, she is a specialist in Veterinary Surgery. She volunteers her time to help injured animals that have come into the City Shelters. Jen has personally been responsible for saving the lives of many animals at the Animal Welfare Department, and has taught several of the shelter veterinarians new surgical techniques that have enabled more animals to get adopted. Dr. Swiderski will move away from Albuquerque in August, and her caring and expertise will be greatly missed.

Jennifer Thomas. Nominated by the Center for Nonprofit Excellence, Jennifer is a strong community leader and advisory board member who has helped grow the center from a fledgling program to a strong organization that now serves hundreds of nonprofits in N.M. Jennifer has been instrumental in keeping the board focused, articulating the vision of the center and sharing her commitment with the community at large.

Jose M. and Rosely C. Valdez. Nominated by the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Jose and Rosely who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 10th, have been volunteering since 2001. One of their contributions to the docent program was to provide tours in Spanish. One of these tours was so successful that they were invited by the group to visit them in Alburquerque, Spain. The couple has participated in many other programs and events and is treasured by other volunteers, docents and staff.

VCA Veterinary Care Intern Class of 2008/2009. Nominated by the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department, Shauna England, DVM; Cassandra Erickson, DVM; Amber Jennings, DVM; Sherry Moyer, VMD; Jessica Slack, DVM; and Sonya Wesselowski, DVM, have rotated through the Shelter Surgery/Medicine program on a volunteer basis, spending one day a week helping with the tremendous spay/neuter surgery volume. This has saved the City of Albuquerque approximately $35,000 directly from their volunteer efforts. Several of these doctors have also fostered or adopted sick or injured animals, often paying for medical treatment out of their own pockets. This intern class has made a tremendous positive impact on the American Welfare Department!

Maere Ward. Nominated by the Los Griegos Library, Maere has been a volunteer there for more than seven years. She volunteers three hours per week at Los Griegos, as well as for the Friends of the Library at the Main Library. Maere helps clear the huge mountain of books deposited in the book drop; shelves videos and books for the “new book” display; and jumps right in from the minute she arrives, making sure everything runs smoothly so the staff can focus on assisting library users.

Nancy Wiggins. Nominated by the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails, Nancy is a Special Education teacher by day, and for more than 20 years she has volunteered in various capacities with the Girl Scouts. She has worn many hats with the organization, which include: troop leader, trainer, cookie manager, board member, and photo historian. She is currently serving as a National Delegate for the Council. Her love of Girl Scouts is evident in her dedication and donation of her time and talents.

Luane Williams. Nominated by the YWCA, Luanne began volunteering in 2004 for “Our Sisters Closet.” Luane is friendly, kind, dependable, and efficient at all her tasks. Due to her great sense of style, she has helped countless women select clothing. Luane is enthusiastic and positive and the staff at the YWCA appreciates her very much! 

To nominate an outstanding volunteer, contact the MOVE office at 505-767-5815.

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