US Imports of Steel Mill Products
FOR Standard Pipe -- C & A

Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

'C & A' = Carbon and Alloy products, 'S' = Stainless products

Graph Country Census Data License Data
  JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 OCT08 NOV08 DEC08 JAN09 FEB09 MAR09 APR09 MAY09 JUN09 JUL09 AUG09
M WORLD 104,017 87,937 89,376 109,982 95,446 89,537 92,532 102,625 42,822 56,748 42,773 34,387 35,183 38,927 16,085
M CANADA 34,831 28,785 27,276 31,974 26,183 22,279 17,083 19,619 13,735 14,522 10,772 10,937 13,494 15,656 4,365
M MEXICO 2,544 3,362 3,461 2,379 2,551 1,105 2,680 4,169 3,657 4,759 6,545 5,394 6,228 7,543 2,022
M INDIA 3,064 2,667 8,319 8,202 3,799 8,052 8,207 3,537 2,635 3,317 3,318 5,448 5,029 2,222 2,630
M TURKEY . 5,399 858.6 . 9,285 7,369 11,503 6,233 873.7 489.4 4,940 3,470 22.7 . 576.7
M KOREA 9,108 13,229 10,841 11,624 12,531 14,391 4,506 6,344 5,765 2,025 4,293 1,444 1,177 1,498 656.3
M VIETNAM 2,876 2,644 4,233 1,541 3,474 2,424 3,349 1,306 555.8 3,053 2,106 2,464 1,587 1,809 737.2
M UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1,343 2,346 3,792 1,924 1,283 695.0 1,440 1,705 394.0 139.0 2,271 443.2 1,477 1,013 636.0
M JAPAN 3,776 640.3 2,258 3,749 783.3 1,852 2,554 11,104 296.4 1,257 3,685 178.8 221.6 951.7 2,436
M CHINA 4,862 7,378 10,137 10,007 7,933 7,850 9,614 7,169 2,718 7,415 997.4 1,456 1,347 4,805 864.2
M GERMANY 1,541 1,675 910.0 4,220 1,233 620.0 1,941 2,079 658.9 935.0 952.4 173.1 1,056 398.6 124.7
M DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 487.9 794.7 490.7 443.4 390.2 600.9 309.9 139.7 671.2 725.4 306.6 863.2 698.3 556.9 151.4
M ITALY 1,457 353.2 459.1 616.4 673.2 1,333 1,319 1,845 849.6 1,005 778.4 628.8 320.2 151.0 2.72
M OMAN 1,265 673.0 1,716 1,330 3,739 3,506 4,461 6,137 2,574 . . 142.5 1,290 831.6 187.0
M SPAIN 1,022 3,532 313.6 83.5 1,889 3,696 3,557 1,532 1,256 2,249 456.3 255.8 . 224.3 .
M TAIWAN 7,132 5,338 8,994 4,066 6,209 4,911 3,379 2,596 1,543 344.9 214.4 346.5 47.2 24.9 8.83
M INDONESIA . 380.6 . 646.3 2,241 306.2 . . 141.2 . 519.5 . 62.4 44.0 .
M VENEZUELA 379.8 1,402 1,442 532.8 197.1 159.9 564.0 69.2 105.3 33.4 151.2 156.6 136.7 138.7 .
M ROMANIA 759.9 1,524 20.1 724.6 1,201 1,663 352.0 1,157 23.5 289.3 2.27 334.2 . 475.6 .
M MALAYSIA 690.5 1,082 2,143 278.9 5,223 1,011 838.5 6,446 237.3 449.5 . . 331.7 75.8 0.11
M ARGENTINA 557.9 95.0 293.4 77.8 787.3 386.7 7.41 176.4 24.8 238.3 25.1 73.4 220.7 1.32 42.1
M SWITZERLAND 55.9 189.9 235.9 184.8 154.7 76.2 75.0 98.7 133.6 155.8 76.9 56.5 78.8 94.4 153.9
M SOUTH AFRICA . 809.3 . 1,178 292.7 . 2,494 140.6 505.9 . 143.5 . 0.20 . .
M COLOMBIA 26.0 36.2 50.0 78.1 . . . . . 22.2 11.5 47.0 52.8 . .
M PAKISTAN 755.7 862.1 644.4 1,931 205.9 2,878 820.3 . 49.3 . . . 100.2 97.3 264.0
M UKRAINE 121.5 189.3 160.8 611.7 308.1 205.2 169.3 67.0 18.7 46.8 1.73 40.7 52.7 14.0 36.2
M THAILAND 24,893 . 15.4 20,909 1,916 921.9 10,790 15,603 4.16 12,594 15.4 . 66.1 35.5 49.6
M BRAZIL 0.27 4.59 . 91.4 4.12 10.3 35.4 10.5 75.2 3.25 68.4 . . 0.03 7.20
M FRANCE 13.1 281.3 11.8 96.5 146.7 82.4 12.0 168.4 2,065 204.4 40.6 4.72 10.6 11.3 0.90
M UNITED KINGDOM 9.52 9.19 2.58 31.2 31.5 70.3 . . 96.9 3.30 8.33 3.80 41.0 0.02 0.00
M PHILIPPINES . . . . . 122.6 . . . . 37.3 . . . .
M CZECH REPUBLIC 308.5 . 4.35 0.94 12.9 310.5 150.1 1.87 105.1 292.0 15.8 11.8 6.65 34.2 75.4
M NETHERLANDS . 2.09 . 11.1 . . . . . 91.9 . . 14.7 0.88 7.68
M SWEDEN 8.44 . 0.06 0.86 108.5 11.8 10.1 108.5 4.55 36.1 0.42 9.81 1.52 0.02 .
M CHILE . . . . . . . . . . 8.68 . . 0.70 0.17
M RUSSIA 1.09 1,748 1.15 1.48 433.8 . 132.1 2,922 1,041 . 7.49 . . . .
M GUATEMALA 119.2 272.3 169.9 248.7 10.1 6.28 157.8 . 1.63 38.8 . . 5.22 0.26 .
M AUSTRIA . . 2.76 . . . . . . . . . . . .
M CYPRUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.27 .
M DENMARK . 0.96 0.50 . 14.7 . 0.79 . . . . . . 0.57 .
M FINLAND . . . 0.04 . . . . . . . . . . .
M HONG KONG . . . . 13.1 34.6 10.8 38.4 . 9.49 . . . . 0.24
M HUNGARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01 .
M NICARAGUA . 114.3 44.7 . 42.7 . . . . . . . . . .
M POLAND . . . . . 379.6 . . . . . . . . .
M SLOVAKIA . 111.5 68.3 180.4 138.6 209.9 . 93.9 . . . . . . 0.00
M UNITED STATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.7 46.7

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: August 18, 2009, with
Licensing data collected through August 18, 2009 and
Final Census data compiled through June 2009
Data listed in order of descending volume imported during last THREE months of census data,including preliminary data
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
Data extracted from the import licenses are not official Census data
To see License Data at HTS 6-digit level click on chart title at the top of the page.

Link to Annual Summary of Census Data

Link to Summary Level of Monthly Census Data