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NOAA Coral Reef Information System - CoRIS NOAA's Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) is de...
NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program Links Useful links related to coral reefs.
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Mosaic Acidic Process Water Release - Preassessment Report Preassessment Data Report Mosaic Acid Water Proces...
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Mearns Rock Time Series
A photo time series of Mearns Rock, a large boulde... (20 images)
Major Oil Spills
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Asarco Site Tour
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Strandley-Manning Site Tour
A Superfund site on south Puget Sound in Washingto... (11 images)
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
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small noaa logo Home | Software & Data Sets | Interested Public
Information for those interested in ocean and coastal issues.
icon for anacostia navigation. Anacostia River Watershed Database and Mapping Project Software & Data
The Anacostia River Watershed Database and Mapping Project is comprehensive database with a GIS mapping component. The project focus is on contaminants in the sediments and in the river. This decision-making tool is intended to help partner agencies and local citizen groups identify priorities and base watershed management decisions on the same sets of data.
Biological Resources
Animals and plants that may be impacted by oil spills are shown on ESI maps, along with other at-risk resources. There is also detailed information about their seasonality, concentrations, and breeding activities.
Charles River Watershed Database and Mapping Project Software & Data
This describes the purpose and content of the Charles River Watershed Project.
Delaware Estuary Watershed Database and Mapping Project
This Delaware Estuary Watershed Database and Mapping Project is a product of the 2006 Interagency Agreement (IAG) between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Hazardous Site Cleanup Division.
Downloading ESI Maps and GIS Data
Find out what ESI products can be downloaded for free.
Elizabeth River Watershed Contaminant Conceptual Model Project
This is a data collaboration between federal, state, and local partners and is designed as a decision support tool for clean-up and restoration efforts in the Elizabeth River.
A small section of an ESI map. Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps
ESI maps help oil spill responders and planners to identify vulnerable coastal locations, establish protection priorities, and identify cleanup strategies.
ESI Training
A new training module is now available for ESI users. The manual and associated training materials will help spill responders and planners learn to use ESI data in multiple formats.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about ALOHA
Questions and answers about the ALOHA hazard modeling software that is part of the CAMEO software suite.
Get ESI Maps and GIS Data
Find out how to order or download ESI maps and GIS data.
Human-Use Resources
Human-use resources (such as public beaches and parks) that may be impacted by oil spills are shown on ESI maps, along with other at-risk resources.
Portland Harbor Watershed Database and Mapping Project Software & Data
ARD has developed the Portland Harbor Watershed project, which covers the Portland Harbor site and adjacent areas upstream to Willamette Falls and downstream into the Columbia River. Portland Harbor was named as a Superfund site by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2000. NOAA is involved in the site investigation and cleanup work because the site impacts natural resources that NOAA manages on behalf of the public.
Shoreline Rankings
ESI shoreline rankings rate how sensitive an area would be to an oil spill.
St. Lawrence Watershed Database and Mapping Project Software & Data
The St. Lawrence River Watershed Project is being developed to focus on services lost due to contamination. Data regarding PCB and PAH concentrations are the primary contaminants in the sediment samples that are being reviewed and compiled. The GIS project will support efforts by the agencies and stakeholders to quantify injury and scale restoration projects.
Current News:
Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet Assessment Project Learn about NOAA's special Suisun Bay project investigating potential impacts from the mothball, Reserve Fleet in Suisun Bay, CA. (updated: July 28, 2009)
Of Special Note:
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program NOAA's Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) is responsible for assessing and restoring coastal and marine resources injured by oil spills, hazardous substance releases, and vessel groundings.
Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps ESI maps help oil spill responders and planners to identify vulnerable coastal locations, establish protection priorities, and identify cleanup strategies.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Overview of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Includes links to many related resources, including photo galleries.
NOAA Restoration Portal Web Site Provides centralized access to information about NOAA restoration resources, including restoration techniques and NOAA restoration references, through a single point-of-entry.
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