USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

Toxics Bibliographic Search Engine
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Search Engine Instructions:

  • To begin a search enter text in one or more of the text input lines or select an option for one or more of the pull down menus
  • To start the search click on the "Search the Data Base" button
  • All multiple-field searches are "and" searches. For example, if you entered Doe in the author field and 2001 in one of the year fields then you would get all references that were written by Doe and were published in 2001.
  • The "AND" and "OR" radio buttons after the title and author fields apply only to searches within the title and author fields

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The Toxics Bibliographic Data Base was last up dated on 8/4/09.
Thanks for using the Toxics Bibliographic Data Base.


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Page Contact Information : Webmaster
Page Last Modified: 5/28/08
Page Served On: 8/14/09 at 1:03 AM Eastern Time.