National Endowment for the Arts
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Civil Rights Office of the National Endowment for the Arts

Section 504 Self-Evaluation Workbook

This Program Evaluation Workbook (Workbook) is designed to assist staff of Endowment grant recipients in evaluating the current state of accessibility of their programs and activities to disabled visitors and employees. More specifically, the Workbook is intended to assist organizations in their efforts to: (a) comply with the Endowment's regulations implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, including the preparation of a self-evaluation of all programs, activities, policies and practices to determine areas of noncompliance, and (b) better understand the relationship between 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Workbook is also designed to be used in conjunction with DESIGN FOR ACCESSIBILITY, A Cultural Administrator’s Handbook a how-to guide for making arts programs accessible to people with various disabilities. Please see the “Resource List” page of this Workbook to obtain a copy. The Arts and 504 Handbook is no longer available.

While you are not obligated to use this Workbook, if you do, it should be completed by your 504 coordinator. If you elect not to use the Workbook, you need to ensure that the pertinent information is in a comparable document and is kept on file.

If you have any questions about the Workbook, establishing a 504 coordinator position, or anything concerning Section 504 and ADA regulations, please contact Denise A. Pearson, EEO Staff Assistant, Civil Rights Office at (202) 682-5454.

The Workbook is available in both Word and PDF versions. Please note that upon completion, the Workbook should be printed and filed.

 Word version

This version can be completed and saved on your computer and printed out.

Note: when downloaded, the Word version of the Workbook may open to page 6, where the form section begins. Be sure to scroll to the beginning of the Workbook to read the opening pages of the document.

 PDF version

This version can be completed on your computer, and printed out using the free Acrobat Reader. However, the Adobe Acrobat Reader does not allow you to save the completed forms on your computer. You can save your completed forms only by using the full Acrobat Standard or Professional programs.