[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 7]
[Revised as of October 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR837.4]

[Page 197]
                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION
Sec.  837.4  Other material.

    (a) Production prohibited unless approved. Except in the case of the 
material referenced in Sec.  837.3, no employee or former employee of 
NTSB shall, in response to a demand of a private litigant, court, or 
other authority, produce any material contained in the files of the NTSB 
(whether or not agency records under 5 U.S.C. 552) or produce any 
material acquired as part of the performance of the person's official 
duties or because of the person's official status, without the prior 
written approval of the General Counsel.
    (b) Procedures to be followed for the production of material under 
this paragraph. (1) All demands for material shall be submitted to the 
General Counsel at NTSB headquarters, Washington, DC 20594. If an 
employee receives a demand, he shall forward it immediately to the 
General Counsel.
    (2) Each demand must contain an affidavit by the party seeking the 
material or his attorney setting forth the material sought and its 
relevance to the proceeding, and containing a certification, with 
support, that the information is not available from other sources, 
including Board materials described in Sec. Sec.  837.3 and part 801 of 
this chapter.
    (3) In the absence of General Counsel approval of a demand, the 
employee is not authorized to comply with the demand.
    (4) The General Counsel shall advise the requester of approval or 
denial of the demand, and may attach whatever conditions to approval 
considered appropriate or necessary to promote the purposes of this 
part. The General Counsel may also permit exceptions to any requirement 
in this part when necessary to prevent a miscarriage of justice, or when 
the exception is in the best interests of the NSTB and/or the United 