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Economics and Historic Preservation

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The economic impacts and benefits of historic preservation are both far-reaching and profound. Preservation is a vital economic development tool for communities and regions, while at the same time it is a proven means for creating jobs, attracting investment, generating tax revenue, and supporting small business and affordable housing.

The various beneficial roles of historic preservation are becoming better known now  – downtown revitalization, neighborhood stabilization, job creation, heritage tourism, affordable housing, local economic development, sustainable development, and more. One of the great economic arguments for historic preservation in this country is the positive local impact on jobs and household incomes that rehabilitation makes -- relative both to new construction and to most other economic activities.

Read the Economic Reasons for Investing in Historic Preservation.

Read about Federal Programs that Can Support Heritage Tourism.

Read about a growing number of studies that quantify the economic impacts of historic preservation.



Updated April 14, 2009

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