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Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) 1993 - State and National Transportation Analysis Regions CD

Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) 1993 - State and National Transportation Analysis Regions CD Author: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Format:  Compact Disc
Availability: Out-of-print
Price: Free

Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Publication Date: September 1997
Publication Number: CD-CFS-93-3A

This 2-CD set presents data and information from the 1993 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) on the movement of goods and products shipped by manufacturing, mining, wholesale, and selected retail establishments in the United States. The data cover domestic shipments plus exports but exclude imports. This 2-CD set provides information on commodities shipped and their value, weight, size, and mode of transportation as well as the origin and destination of shipments. This 2-CD set have data on the individual 50 states and the 89 National Transportation Analysis Regions, which are based on the Bureau of Economic Analysis regions.

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau cosponsored the 1993 and 1997 CFS. The CFS reports the value, weight, mode, and distance transported for commodities shipped by manufacturing, mining, wholesale trade, and selected retail and service industries. The CFS covers both local and intercity freight movements, including exports but not imports; identifies parcel, postal, and courier as a separate mode of transportation; includes freight movement between coastal ports; and estimates freight carried by intermodal combinations of carriers. The CFS also reports commodities that are hazardous materials and those shipments that were exports.

NOTE: If you want to purchase an aviation data CD, place a bulk order or have any questions, please email Renita Hamlet at renita.hamlet@dot.gov.

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