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Home arrowEconomic Issues in Historic Preservation arrowWeb-Available Studies on the Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation arrowGeneral Studies
General Studies on the Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation

Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage (2002)
A 120-page report that includes a discussion of economic value. Key chapter/section titles:
"Assessing Values in Conservation Planning: Methodological Issues and Choices"; "Anthropological-Ethnographic Methods for the Assessment of Cultural Values in Heritage Conservation"; "Economic Valuation of Cultural Heritage: Evidence and Prospects"; "Numbness and Sensitivity in the Elicitation of Environmental Values"; "Cultural Capital and Sustainability Concepts in the Economics of Cultural Heritage"

The Contributions of Historic Preservation to Housing and Economic Development (1998)
A 48-page study. Key chapter/section titles:
"Historical Overview of Historic Preservation Programs and Activities in the United States"; "Historic Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of the Existing Stock"; "Historic Preservation and Housing Production"; "Historic Preservation and Heritage Tourism"; "Historic Preservation and Downtown Revitalization"; "The Contributions of Historic Preservation to Housing and Economic Development: Multiplier Effects"; "Cautionary Considerations Regarding the Relationship Between Historic Preservation and Housing and Economic Development"

Economics and Historic Preservation: A Guide and Review of the Literature (2005)
A 67-page report. Key section titles include: “Economics and Preservation: Review and Results from the Literature”; “Methods Used to Understand the Value of Preservation”; “Future Research Directions.” There are an annotated bibliography and reference list.

Measuring the Economic Impact of Federal Historic Properties(2005),%20FPI%20Information%20Paper,%20June%202005.pdf

This 45-page report discusses: the difficulties in measuring the economic impact of preservation; an economic impact analytical framework for federal property managers; and the potential positive impacts of federal historic preservation activities.

Values and Heritage Conservation (2000)
A 96-page report that includes discussion of economic value. Key chapter/section titles:
"Stewarding the Past in a Perplexing Present"; "Economic and Cultural Value in the Work of Creative Artists"; "Cultural Heritage and Globalization"; "Cultural Heritage, Liberal Education, and Human Flourishing"; "Cultural Fusion"; "Preserving the Historic Urban Fabric in a Context of Fast-Paced Change"; "The Making of Cultural Heritage"; "Challenges for Heritage Conservation and the Role of Research on Values"


More Studies:

Statewide Studies
General Community and Resource Studies
Impacts of Historic Designation
Impacts on Property Values
Impacts of Preservation Tax Credits

Posted October 9, 2008

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