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Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grants: 2008 Summary

ARC funds nine renewable energy and energy efficiency projects totaling $546,000 including: renewable energy production, energy efficient facilities, and training and certification programs.

ARC received 36 applications from 11 states totaling $2.4M in requests for the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grants Competition. The applications focused on renewable energy production, energy efficient facilities, biofuels, and training and certification programs. An independent Energy Selection Committee reviewed the applications and 9 were selected for FY2008 funding totaling 546,000. These projects are located in KY, NC, OH, PA, TN and WV, and three of these projects target distressed and at-risk communities. Five additional projects were noted for funding consideration.

Some projects of note include:
  • Wind for Schools projects in NC and GA
  • Biofuels production projects in MS, TN and VA
  • LEED certified facilities in MD, OH and PA
  • Loan and investment funds for energy entrepreneurs in KY and WV.
Renewable Energy - Energy Efficiency Grants Competition 2008

Approved Projects
Project Organization State Amount
* Kentucky Highlands Energy Business RLF KY Highlands Investment Corp KY $75,000
Madison County Wind for Schools Mountain Valleys RC&D NC $75,000
Hocking College Energy Institute LEED Certification Hocking College OH $48,500
Alternative Energy Program Cleveland State Comm. College TN $65,000
WV Energy Efficient Building Practices West Virginia Division of Energy WV $20,000
* Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Economy Natural Capital Investment Fund WV $75,000
Energy Efficiency Renovation and Curriculum Juniata Valley School District PA $74,000
* Sustainable Energy and Agriculture Project Johnson County Government TN $63,500
Kingsport LEED Certified Higher Education Building City of Kingsport TN $50,000

Kentucky Highlands Energy Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), KY Highlands Investment Corporation, KY $75,000
The grantee will establish an Energy Business Revolving Loan Fund to support graduates of a new Energy Business Boot Camp. The Boot Camp is an intensive performance-base entrepreneurial training and mentoring program, conducted in partnership with Technology 2020 (in Knoxville, TN). The first five graduates are anticipated to complete the program shortly and nearly all will need capital to advance their businesses. Loan amounts from the new Energy Business RLF will range from $20,000 to $40,000. Rate will be Prime plus three points, with 3 – 6 months deferred payment terms available. Loan term is one to three years, based on use of funds. The grantee anticipates that five businesses will receive loan support, leveraging $500,000 in private capital and helping to create 12 – 16 new jobs.

Madison County 'Wind for Schools' Education Demonstration, Mountain Valleys Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D), NC $75,000
The grantee will help install four small wind turbines at Madison County Public School sites and at the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service. Curriculum will be employed at local High Schools, Middle Schools, and Elementary Schools to provide scientific and economic education about wind power. Teachers will be trained to provide this curriculum to public school students, which will also be offered to the community at-large through the Extension Service. A professional wind installer will help install the turbines which will be interconnected by the French Broad EMC and Progress Energy utilities. Additional project partners providing technical assistance include Appalachian State University Appropriate Technology Program, which operates a wind turbine demonstration center, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. The grantee anticipates that 240 students will receive training, and that 17 new jobs will be created as a result of these activities.

Hocking College Energy Institute. Hocking Technical College, OH $48,500
The grantee will offer a range of courses and business assistance support at the LEED Platinum-certified Energy Institute that is under development. The Energy Institute will work with organizations that are producing new energy products, and will provide 12,000 sq ft of training and laboratory space. Areas of focus include: training in wind and solar energy development, biofuels production, fuel cell development, and LEED building design and certification. The Energy Institute will be the first LEED Platinum-certified building in the state of Ohio. The grantee anticipates that over 175 students will receive training in advanced energy technologies annually.

Energy Efficiency Renovation and Curriculum, Juniata Valley School District, PA $74,000
The grantee will install energy efficiency equipment as part of a high school renovation, and institute energy efficiency curriculum in the K – 12 schools. In addition, a USGBC LEED Building Analysis will be performed on the completed renovation project. The Juniata Valley school system will develop energy efficiency curriculum in partnership with Penn TAP, a PA technical assistance program, which will be included in high school ecology courses, as well as provide training for elementary school teachers so that they may expand their science curriculum to include energy efficiency topics. The grantee anticipates that 555 students will received training in energy efficiency annually, and that two new jobs will be created.

Alternative Energy Program, Cleveland Sate Community College, TN $65,000
The grantee will expand an existing Energy Efficiency training and education program to provide several additional features, to include: conversion of existing curriculum to on-line access; providing 10 new non-credit courses to the community; hosting six major community workshops on energy efficient building techniques; and continuing to partner with Habitat for Humanity to build energy efficient homes. Cleveland State will continue to undertake these activities with the support of an Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, which includes local utilities, builders associations, Cleveland City Schools, TVA, ORNL, and non-profit environmental groups. The grantee anticipates that 420 students will participate in these training activities, which will result in the creation of 30 jobs.

Appalachian Sustainable Energy & Agriculture Project, Johnson County, TN $63,500
The grantee, in partnership with Appalachian Native Plants (a local non-profit), will install passive solar greenhouses on a closed County landfill and provide training and technical support to local agriculture enterprises. The greenhouses will utilize an innovative energy design, a subterranean heating and cooling system, allowing for seedling production throughout the fall and winter months. Classroom training will be provided on such topics as marketing, financial feasibility, and costing, and on-going individual and small group counseling will be offered to new and expanding agricultural ventures. The training will be provided by Appalachian Native Plants, the SBDC, County economic development staff, university instructors, and private sector practitioners. Mentors will also be identified to support participating businesses. Over 20,000 native plant seedlings are expected to be sold annually, which will help the project become self sustaining. It is anticipated that 10 businesses will start or expand as a result of this program, creating 12 new jobs.

LEED Certified Higher Education Building, City of Kingsport, TN $50,000
The grantee is developing a new LEED certified education facility which will incorporate a range of green architecture and energy efficient technologies. The facility will offer self-guided tours and exhibits on energy efficient building design. In addition, an interactive building energy measurement system, or ‘building dashboard’, will be available on the internet and in the facility at a kiosk. As a component of this project, the City will provide a range of promotional and training opportunities on energy efficient construction to the local building community, the school system, city employees and to the general public. The grantee projects that 750 businesses and 750 City employees will receive educational information on energy efficient construction methods.

WV Energy Efficient Building Practices, West Virginia Division of Energy $20,000
The grantee will hold a series of energy efficiency training workshops in seven counties targeting building professionals, including: contractors, home builders, building code officials, local government officials, architects, realtors, and other interested parties. The workshops will focus on existing local and county building codes, with an emphasis on 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) practices. Workshops will be one day in length and will emphasize the importance of cost effective energy-efficiency measures. A range of professional trade associations will be solicited to attract participants for these trainings. The grantee anticipates that five workshops will be held, attracting a total of 250 attendees and helping to create 5 new jobs.

Advancing Energy Efficiency & the Renewable Energy Economy in WV, Natural Capital Investment Fund, WV $75,000
The grantee will provide loan capital, training, and technical assistance for energy efficiency upgrades and to renewable energy businesses. A series of training workshops will be held on topics such as green building and energy efficient design, biofuels production, and other related subjects. Technical assistance for commercial energy audits will also be provided. Financial technical assistance, loan structuring and loan capital will be made available to implement strategies presented in the training workshops. Project partners include the WV Small Business Development Center, Department of Environmental Protection, and Division of Energy. The grantee anticipates that 90 businesses will receive training and technical assistance, 15 businesses will receive loans totaling $375,000, $750,000 of private capital will be leveraged, and that 25 new jobs will be created as a result of these activities.

2007 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grant Winners:
Click here for a list of 2007 Energy Grant winners.

About the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grants:
Click here for more information, or to download the RFP.