Drag chute deploy view of the STS-76 orbiter Atlantis landing on concrete Runway 22 at Edwards Air Force Base. Conditions at EAFB were clear and calm with no weather concerns. Landing was 11 minutes before daylight at 5:29am local time which under flight rules is considered a daylight landing. The deorbit burn fired at 7:24 a.m EST. Atlantis executed a 275degree left overhead turn into the landing strip and twin sonic booms were heard at Edwards 3min before landing. Main Gear Touchdown at 9 days 5 hours 15 min 53 sec or 8:28:57 EST. Nose gear touchdown at a MET of 9 days 5 hrs 15 min 4 sec or 8:29:08 EST and wheels stop at 9 days 5 hours 16 min 48 sec or 8:29:52 EST. (Dryden Flight Research Photo # EC96-43494-2) (Photo Release Date: 3/31/96 )

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