Close up view of STS-76 mission comming to a close as the orbiter Atlantis lands on concrete Runway 22 at Edwards Air Force Base. Conditions at EAFB were clear and calm with no weather concerns. Landing was 11 minutes before daylight at 5:29am local time which under flight rules is considered a daylight landing. The deorbit burn fired at 7:24 a.m EST. Atlantis executed a 275degree left overhead turn into the landing strip and twin sonic booms were heard at Edwards 3min before landing. Main Gear Touchdown at 9 days 5 hours 15 min 53 sec or 8:28:57 EST. Nose gear touchdown at a MET of 9 days 5 hrs 15 min 4 sec or 8:29:08 EST and wheels stop at 9 days 5 hours 16 min 48 sec or 8:29:52 EST. (Dryden Flight Research Photo # EC96-43494-1) (Photo Release Date: 3/31/96 )

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