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Franklin Fellows Program

Tim Ford, Lockheed Martin
Tim Ford

Tim Ford serves as a Franklin Fellow in the Office of Japan Affairs, in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

Prior to joining the State Department as a Franklin Fellow, Tim worked in Corporate Strategy and Business Development at Lockheed Martin’s Corporate Headquarters in Bethesda, MD supporting the development of strategy initiatives, analyzing strategic conditions, and assessing the corporation’s overall strategic direction.

Tim joined Lockheed Martin in 2005 as a financial analyst on the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program in Orlando, FL at Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training & Support (LM STS). In 2007, he moved to the financial planning and analysis team focusing on developing and reporting the financial metrics and long range plan for LM STS. Tim is a graduate of the Financial Leadership Development Program (FLDP) of Lockheed Martin, a three year program for entry-level professionals to develop leadership skills in the finance discipline through rotational assignments and technical curriculum. He was a catcher on the baseball team at the University of Central Florida where he received both his bachelor’s degree in accounting and his MBA. He is currently sitting for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam and resides in Rockville, MD.