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AQMD Privacy Statement

The AQMD respects your right to privacy and maintains a privacy policy that includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following principles to protect your right to privacy when viewing pages on our Internet site:
  1. Personally identifiable information may only be obtained through lawful means.
  2. The purposes for which personably identifiable data are collected shall be specified at, or prior to, the time of collection and any subsequent use of the data shall be limited to, and consistent with, the fulfillment of those purposes previously specified.
  3. Personal data may not be disclosed, made available, or otherwise used for a purpose other than those specified, except with the consent of the subject of the data, or as required by law or regulation.
  4. Personal data collected shall be relevant to the purpose for which it is needed.
  5. The general means by which personal data is protected against loss, unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure shall be posted, unless the disclosure of those general means would compromise legitimate agency objectives or law enforcement purposes.


The AQMD does not place "cookies" on the computers of visitors to our Web site, except for “session cookies” needed to maintain the functionality of an interactive application.

Cookies created on your computer by using this Web site do not contain "personal information" and do not compromise your privacy or security. We use the cookie feature only to store a randomly generated identifying temporary tag on your computer. You can refuse the cookie or delete the cookie file from your computer by using any of the widely available methods. However, if you turn your cookie option off, you may not be able to access some of the features in our interactive applications.

Public Disclosure

In the State of California, laws exist to ensure that government is open and that the public has a right to access appropriate records and information possessed by government agencies. At the same time, there are exceptions to the public's right to access public records. These exceptions serve various needs including maintaining the privacy of individuals.

All information collected at this site becomes public record that may be subject to inspection and copying by the public, unless an exemption in law exists. AQMD’s Guidelines for Implementing the California Public Records Act explain how records can be exempted. In the event of a conflict between this Privacy Statement and the Public Records Act, the Information Practices Act, or other law governing the disclosure of records, the Public Records Act, the Information Practices Act, or other applicable law will control.

Information Collected and How It Is Used

We collect personal information directly from individuals who volunteer to use some of our services. Collection of this information is required to deliver the specific services, but use of these services is voluntary. The AQMD does not sell any "electronically collected personal information." Any distribution of "electronically collected personal information" will be solely for the purposes for which it was provided to us. However, the AQMD may provide or distribute certain lists and statistical reports of regulatory information as provided by law, but no personal information is sold or distributed and all relevant legal privacy protections still apply to AQMD’s Web site.

If you do nothing during your visit to this Web site but only browse and download information, we automatically collect and store the following information about your visit:

  1. The Internet Protocol Address and domain name used, but not your e-mail address. The Internet Protocol Address is a numerical identifier assigned either by your Internet service provider or directly by your computer. We use the Internet Protocol Address to direct Internet traffic to you and generate statistics used in the management of this site;
  2. The type of browser and operating system you used;
  3. The date and time you visited the site;
  4. The web pages or services you accessed at the site.

The information we automatically collect or store is used to improve the content of our web services and to help us understand how people are using our services. This information does not identify you personally and is used for gathering Web site statistics. The information we automatically collect and store in our logs about your visit helps us to analyze our Web site to continually improve the value of the materials available. Our Web site logs do not identify a visitor by personal information, and we make no attempt to link other Web sites with the individuals that browse AQMD’s Web site. AQMD will not be responsible for information you provide us that is subsequently displayed by Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine.

What Happens to Information You Submit to Us?

If you submit information to us through an on-line application or form, the information will be transmitted through secure lines to our central database. Any private and/or confidential information will only be used for the purposes for which it was provided and will not be shared with another person except as prescribed by law, including, but not limited to, the California Public Records Act.

AQMD limits employee access to customer information to those who have a business reason to know this information. Employees are required to honor our code of conduct, which includes standards to protect confidentiality. Employees are subject to disciplinary action if they fail to do so. AQMD requires independent contractors and outside companies to adhere to strict privacy standards as well.

AQMD uses technological means (such as backup files, virus detection and eradication software, firewalls, and other computer software and hardware) to protect against unauthorized access or alterations to user data.

If You Send Us E-mail

You may choose to provide us with personal information, as in e-mail with a comment or question. We use the information to improve our service to you or to respond to your request. Sometimes we forward your e-mail to other AQMD employees who may be better able to help you. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations or, as required by law, we do not share our e-mail with any other organizations.


In those instances in which registration is required, please use your real name and address in the registration process. Users are reminded to remember their password and please do not share your password with others.

Feedback Information

Any information provided to the AQMD through its Web site and received by the AQMD on a non-confidential basis allows free and unrestricted use of the information by the AQMD.

If you are not prepared to abide by any of the above policies, please log off now.

This page updated: October 29, 2008