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June 15, 2009

IMF Concludes Article IV Consultation with the United States

The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released the concluding statement by the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) following this year's Article IV Consultation with the United States. This statement represents the independent judgment and assessment by IMF staff of U.S. economic performance and policies.

Release of this statement is consistent with the United States' longstanding, strong support for enhanced transparency of the IMF.  The United States also plans to release the IMF staff report and Public Information Notice on the U.S. Article IV review following the Executive Board's discussion of the mission later this summer.

Article IV consultations typically take place once a year. IMF economists visit the member country to gather information and hold discussions with government and central bank officials, and often private investors and labor representatives, members of parliament and civil society organizations.

Participation in these consultations is one of the key obligations of IMF membership. Upon its return, the mission submits a report to the IMF's Executive Board for discussion. The Board's views are subsequently summarized and transmitted to the country's authorities.

