Ozark Partnership


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USGS News Release January 26, 2009



Ozark Summit 2009

May 5-7, 2009, Eureka Springs, Ark.

The 2nd Ozark Summit focused on Ozark natural resource management and research issues, including how climate change and America's energy needs may affect the Ozarks. The meeting was hosted by the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission and the U.S. Geological Survey. Ozark Summit 2009_brochure

Jacks Fork River, Missouri

Ozark Summit 2008:
Ozark Streams

The first Ozark Summit was held May 2008 in West Plains, Missouri. The goal of the summit was to begin to build the framework for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of scientific investigations and resource management activities focused on Ozark Streams. More...

Summit Banner


The Ozarks

The Ozarks are one of the most biologically diverse landscapes on earth. Forests, glades, prairies, streams, caves, springs and fens harbor habitats and species found nowhere else on the planet.

Upper Buffalo Wilderness Area, AR

Ozark biodiversity is due in part to the age of the landscape. Nearly a quarter billion years of erosion and weathering have resulted in a thoroughly dissected plateau of remarkable geologic, topographic and hydrologic diversity. Subterranean dissolution of carbonate bedrock has formed world-renowned karst features of springs, sinkholes and caves. The Ozarks have continuously supported plant and animal life for 225 million years; perhaps longer than any other region in the United States. No glaciers or oceans covered the Ozarks during this time, providing opportunity for species to diversify. During glacial maxima, the Ozarks provided refuge for plant and animal species displaced from more northern latitudes. Isolated populations of some of these species survive today in caves, springs and other isolated damp, cool areas. Over 200 species are largely restricted to the Ozarks; of these, approximately 160 species occur nowhere else in the world. Find out more about Ozark culture and environment here.

The Ozark Partnership

The Ozark Partnership seeks to help sustain the biologically rich, nationally-significant natural resources of the Ozarks. Our aim is to improve effectiveness and efficiency of science and management through the cooperative work of State, Federal and nongovernmental organizations that conduct natural resource research and management in the Ozarks. We also welcome private citizens and landowners.

Steps are being taken to:

  • work cooperatively in geographic locations on topics of mutual interest

  • share research methods and monitoring protocols

  • expand applicability of results

  • share products, tools and information

Ozark waterfall

Join us/partcipate

Ozark endemic species

Ozark hellbender

Ozark hellbender salamander
USGS Amphibian Research
and Monitoring Initiative

Dwarf spiderwort
Tradescantia longipes

Spiderwort flower
Matt Struckoff
U.S. Geological Survey

Woodland crayfish (juv.)
Orconectes hylas

Woodland crayfish (juvenile)
Doug Hardesty
U.S. Geological Survey

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Page Contact Information: Esther Stroh, USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center