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Fisheries Behavioral Ecology - Abstracts

Bejda, A.J., A.L. Studholme, and B.L. Olla. 1987. Behavioral responses of red hake, Urophycis chuss, to decreasing concentrations of dissolved oxygen. Environmental Biology of Fishes 19:261-268.


Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine changes in behavior of red hake,Urophycis chuss, under decreasing concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO). Since the ecological requirements of this species change with age, responses were measured for three different groups: (1) age 0+, x = 89 mm total length (TL); (2) age 1+, x = 238 mm TL; and (3) age 2–3+, x = 397 mm TL. As DO decreased from 8–10 mg l-1 to < 0.5 mg l-1, changes were evident in active time, water column activity, range of horizontal movement, food searching, and agonistic behavior. Age 0+ fish were most sensitive, moving up into the water column and swimming continuously as DO levels fell below 4.2 mg l-1. Age 2–3+ fish were the least responsive, remaining on the substrate and increasing only their range of movement at concentrations below 3 mg l-1. Responses of age 1 + fish were variable, possibly reflecting a transition stage between the younger and older fish. Common to all groups was the decrease and eventual cessation of food searching.


Last updated 26 April, 2007
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