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Spare the Air Status

Thursday 10/22

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

Friday 10/23

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Tomorrow.

Civic Center Lake
Solano County
Air Quality Fact

But the biggest challenges may lie ahead. Maintaining what we have may be the biggest challenge yet. Even in our cleanest year, the Bay Area is still not in attainment with StateĀ ozone andĀ particulate matter (PM) standards. Expected increases in population, motor vehicle ownership and distances traveled and climate change will exacerbate this situation and could turn the clock back if we do not begin to address these issues now.

Solano County

Tri-Valley Resource Team

The Tri-Valley Air Quality Resource Team is pleased to announce the second annual Great Race for Clean Air Challenge, a friendly competition between Tri-Valley area employers to encourage the use commute alternatives to and from work. The Great Race for Clean Air Challenge will run from August through September 2009.

County Web Site: www.solanocounty.com/

Corresponding Air Basin Subregions (climatic subregions):