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The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children



DATE: April 15, 2009


RE: DRA Distribution Workplace

Dear Colleague:

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement is pleased to announce the launch of the DRA Distribution Workplace within the OCSE National Workplace Center. The Distribution Workplace will benefit users in four key areas: serve as a clearinghouse of information; promote intergovernmental collaboration in distributing support collections; provide a platform for States and the Federal Government to engage and identify key issues in distribution; and share training and implementation tools.

The workplace is separated into seven categories. The categories include:

  1. Hot Topics – provides a central location for documents regarding DRA Distribution and key related topics.
  2. Training Tools/Resources – shares available training resources such as the DRA Distribution Curriculum, PowerPoint presentations, and an inter-active on-line training tool.
  3. Status of State Options – displays which options other States have selected. The information presented is based on States’ feedback as of July 2008. The feedback was informal, voluntary, and is subject to change as States weigh their options.
  4. Tribal Distribution – contains the Child Support Distribution in Tribal IV-D Cases, Trainers Guide and Participant Guide and other relevant tools as available.
  5. Upcoming Workshops on DRA Distribution – updates users of future DRA Distribution speaking engagements.
  6. Test Decks – allows States to access the DRA and Revised PRWORA Distribution Test decks. Users can customize and download case scenarios. Also, users will find DSTS contact information to request a copy of the test decks on CD-ROM.
  7. Contact Information – provides an updated listing of our Regional Program Managers and their staff.

To obtain access to the workplace contact Monique Miles at


Donna J. Bonar
Acting Commissioner
Office of Child Support Enforcement

cc: ACF/OCSE Regional Program Managers

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