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The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children



ATTACHMENT: Setup List Self Assessment (357 Kb Microsoft Excel)

DATE: February 25, 2009



Dear Colleague:

This letter is to inform you of the new automated Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Self-Assessment Reporting System, which will become operational March 2, 2009, and to encourage you to use this system to report the results of your annual self-assessment reviews.

As you are aware, all States are required to perform annual assessments of their respective Child Support Enforcement programs and to submit the results of these assessments to their respective OCSE Regional Office, with a copy to the OCSE Central Office, no later than six months after the end of the self-assessment review period. To create uniformity in the reports used by States to report their self-assessment results, a recommended self-assessment format was developed for States to use. This recommended format and instructions for completing it can be found at:

We are now pleased to report that the recommended annual self-assessment report format has been automated and that completed reports may be submitted to the Regional Office and OCSE Central Office via automated processing.

Setup and User Names

Self-Assessment access is controlled by user names, passwords, and roles (State role and Region role). The State and Region roles allow access to Self Assessment screens according to the duties and responsibilities of the staff member. The State role is used to input and submit reports as final using the same screen format mentioned in the AT above. The Region role screens are the same as the "Regional Report of Review of State CSE Program Self-Assessment" form that is submitted annually.

To request access to the system, please complete the enclosed State/Region Setup Log for OCSE's Self-Assessment Reporting System and return it to Delores M. Johnson. You may attach the completed form to an e-mail message and send it to or fax it to her attention at (202) 401-5642. State and Region roles are assigned during the creation of the user ID by ACF staff.

An e-mail message will be sent to each staff member listed on the State/Region Setup Log when a user ID and password is created for that person. A link to the OCSE Self-Assessment Reporting System will also be included within that e-mail message.

Available Assistance

Once you log on to the OCSE Self-Assessment Reporting System, there is a link to the User Instructions to assist you. Also, there is an information icon at each section to provide you with detailed instructions on what should be included in that section. Submitting your Self-Assessment report through this new system will reduce paperwork and allow for quicker analysis.

If you have already mailed your FY 2008 Self-Assessment report, please forward an electronic copy to Delores M. Johnson at


Donna Bonar
Acting Commissioner
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Enclosure (available electronically)

cc: Tribal IV-D Directors

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