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Birth Defects
Birth Defects Home > Basic Facts > FAQs
Birth Defects: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What causes birth defects? 

We do not know what causes most birth defects.  Sometimes they just happen and are not caused by anything that the parents did or didn't do.  Many parents feel guilty if they have a child with a birth defect even if they did everything they could to have a healthy child.  If you have a child with a birth defect, it might be helpful to talk with other parents who have had a child with the same condition (See How can I get in touch with parents of a child with the same birth defect as my child?)  Sometimes the causes of birth defects are figured out after the baby is born.  Whenever possible, it is important to know what you can do for a better chance of having a healthy child in the future.  Some actions might increase the chances of having a baby with a birth defect.  The questions and answers that follow talk about some of these known risks.

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Q. Does alcohol cause birth defects? 

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Q. Does smoking cause birth defects?

A woman who smokes while she is pregnant has a greater chance of having a premature (early) birth, a small baby, or a stillborn baby.  If the mother smokes while pregnant, there is also an increased risk of the baby dying during the first year of life.  Some types of birth defects have been linked to the mother’s smoking.  Birth defects that may be increased when the mother smokes include:  cleft lip, cleft palate, clubfoot, limb defects, some types of heart defects, gastroschisis (an opening in the muscles of the abdomen that allows the intestines to appear outside the body), and imperforate anus (there is no opening from the intestines to the outside of the body to allow stool or gas to be passed).  Talk with your health care provider about ways to help you quit smoking if you are pregnant or can get pregnant.  


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Q.  Do illegal drugs cause birth defects?   

Women who use illegal drugs, or “street drugs,” can have babies who are small, premature, or have other health problems, such as birth defects. 

Women who use cocaine while pregnant are more likely to have babies with birth defects of the limbs, gut, kidneys, urinary system, and heart.  Other drugs, such as marijuana and ecstasy, may also cause birth defects in babies.

Women should not use street drugs while they are pregnant.  It is also important that women not use street drugs after they give birth because drugs can be passed through breast milk and can affect a baby’s growth and development.  Talk with your health care provider about ways to help you quit using street drugs before you get pregnant.


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Q. Does exposure to the MMR vaccine cause birth defects?  Other vaccines? 

The MMR is a vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella.  If a woman gets one of these viruses while pregnant, it may cause her to have a miscarriage or to have a baby with birth defects.  The MMR, like some other vaccines, is made with viruses that are alive but very weak.  Because these viruses are alive, there is a very slight chance that they may cause harm to the baby.  For this reason, a woman who may be pregnant should not get an MMR or other vaccine unless she is at high risk of getting a serious illness without it.  She should talk about the risks and benefits of getting the vaccine with her doctor.  A woman who has just gotten the vaccine and then learns she is pregnant should also talk with her doctor.  Vaccines such as those for tetanus and hepatitis are made from dead viruses or parts of dead viruses and do not cause infection in the mother and should not harm the fetus.  


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Q. When in pregnancy do birth defects happen?

Birth defects happen before a baby is born.  Inherited or genetic factors; things in the environment, such as smoking or drinking alcohol or not getting enough folic acid; and a woman’s illness during pregnancy can cause birth defects.  Most birth defects happen in the first 3 months of pregnancy, when the organs of the baby are forming.  This is the most important stage of development.  However, some birth defects happen later in pregnancy.   During the last six months of pregnancy, the tissues and organs continue to grow and develop.

Some birth defects can be found before birth.  If you want to know more about your risk of having a baby with a birth defect, contact a genetic counselor.  See Where can I find a clinical geneticist or genetic counselor?


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Q. What can I do to keep germs from harming my baby and me? 

Infections: You won’t always know if you have an infection—sometimes you won’t even feel sick. Learn how to help prevent infections that could harm your unborn baby.

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Q. What kind of health care provider can help find out what caused my baby’s birth defect?

Birth defects are common in our country.  Some birth defects are found before birth, some at the time of birth, and some are found during the first year of life.  A few don't show up until the child is older.  It is common for parents to want to know what caused their baby’s birth defect.  However, the causes for about 70% birth defects are unknown. 

A primary care provider (PCP) usually looks at a child who may have a birth defect.  The PCP is most often the child’s pediatrician or the family’s general physician.  PCPs look for important clues in the child’s first exam for a birth defect.  The first exam includes a lot of questions about history, a physical exam, and sometimes testing.  The PCP is trying to find a “diagnosis” (name or cause) for the child’s type of birth defect.  If a diagnosis cannot be made after the first exam, the PCP may refer the child to a specialist in birth defects and genetics.  A clinical geneticist is a doctor with special training to evaluate patients who may have genetic conditions or birth defects.  Even if a child sees a specialist, an exact diagnosis may not be reached.

Counseling the family of an infant with a birth defect is a large part of the PCP’s job.  PCPs may refer parents to a genetic counselor to help parents learn more about their infant’s condition.  A genetic counselor explains the diagnosis, the possible role of genes, and medical aspects of the birth defect.  A genetic counselor can talk with parents about their risk of having future children with a birth defect. He or she also talks with parents about how to lessen their chances of having another baby with birth defects. Counseling can help a family adjust to and plan for their newborn. 


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Q. Who coordinates the health care of my child who has a birth defect?

The PCP usually provides the basic care of a child with a birth defect.  The PCP should know about sources of help for the child and the family.  Help may include support groups, public health services, and current medical literature.  The PCP also coordinates the child’s care.  For example, children with birth defects involving their bones may need to see an orthopedist, a doctor trained in problems with the bones.  A child with a birth defect involving the brain may need to see a neurologist, who is trained to deal with problems in the brain and nervous system.  The PCP may also send the child for special services that will help the child function better.  For example, a child with a cleft palate may be sent to a speech therapist, someone with special training who works with people to improve their ability to talk.  Another common referral is for physical therapy to improve the child’s strength and movement.

Many children with birth defects have more than one problem and may need one or more specialists.  The PCP coordinates the care of a child with a birth defect so that he gets all the special care he needs. 
In summary, birth defects are common, but the causes for many birth defects are not known at this time.  The PCP is generally the best person to coordinate the special care needed for a child with a birth defect.


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Q. What does a genetic counselor do?

A genetic counselor talks with you about birth defects and genetic conditions.  Genetic counselors are part of the health care team and have special training to help families learn about birth defects and conditions passed down through a family.  They can guide families to other resources for help.  They also help families deal with feelings about how these conditions affect their family.  People talk about both medical and personal questions during genetic counseling.  Genetic counselors ask questions about family history and pregnancy history.  They talk with families about tests used to find a condition and, if known, about how to prevent a condition.

There are many reasons to see a genetic counselor.  Some people go because of a family history of a genetic condition.  Others see a genetic counselor because they have trouble getting pregnant or because they have had several miscarriages or infant deaths.  Some women may see a genetic counselor after learning the results of a blood test or because of their age.  Still others seek genetic counseling to learn about the effects of being exposed to things like x-rays, chemicals, illness, or drugs while pregnant.


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Q.  Where can I find a clinical geneticist or genetic counselor?

Your best source is your health care provider.   He or she will know about the resources in your area.  Also, you can call the nearest university medical school or large medical center.  To reach them, call the main telephone number and ask for “genetics.”  A Web site that may be helpful is *  If you cannot find someone in your area, please contact us ( with your location, and we will help you.

Note: *This site is not a CDC site and will be opened in a new browser window. Use your browser "back" button to return to this site.  CDC is not responsible for the content of Web pages found at this link. Links to nonfederal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not indicate an endorsement of these organizations by CDC or the federal government.


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Q.  Where can I get information about my baby's birth defect or genetic condition?

If your child has a birth defect, you should ask his or her doctor about local resources and treatment.  Geneticists and genetic counselors are another resource.  If you need to know where to find these specialists, see Where can I find a clinical geneticist or genetic counselor?

CDC can give you general information about neural tube defects.  For other birth defects, you may contact one of the national groups listed below.  These groups have fact sheets or brochures or can direct you to support groups, where you can meet and talk with other parents of children with the same type of birth defect. Many support groups also have brochures and books to help you learn more about birth defects.

Fact  Sheets about specific birth defects or genetic conditions

Web sites with links to support groups

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Q.  How can I get in touch with parents of a child with the same birth defect as my child?

It is helpful for many parents to have contact with other parents of a child with the same type of birth defect that your child has.  Parents of a child with the same birth defect may have learned how to deal with some concerns and questions you have.  Often, they can give you hints about good resources for your child’s special needs.  They can share what worked best with their child.  Talking with them may provide emotional support and ways to help you deal better with issues about your child.  These resources may be helpful for you:

  • Your child’s health care specialist who deals with other children with birth defects is one of the best sources for contact information about support groups.  The health care specialist could be a genetic counselor, a neurologist or neurosurgeon, an orthopedist, a developmental pediatrician, a physical or occupational therapist, and some other specialists.  Children’s hospitals in your area may sponsor some groups, too.  
  • A national organization dealing with your child’s birth defect, such as Spina Bifida Association of America, that has a state or local branch, such as Spina Bifida Association of Georgia, may exist.  State or local area March of Dimes offices could also be helpful.  United Way offices may be able to point out resources.  Look in the phone book or on the Web for phone numbers and addresses.
  • Internet searches will most likely result in several Web sites for you to check out.  Be careful not to trust all that you read on the Internet.  Some Web sites give good information, but others may not.  Choose Web sites that are associated with well-known national or regional organizations.  There are many Web sites of parents with children who have birth defects.  Some may suggest things that don’t “feel” right to you.  If you have questions or concerns about anything you read on the Web, be sure to ask your child’s health care specialist about it.  

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    Q. What should I do to have a healthy pregnancy?

    • Plan your pregnancy

      • See your health care provider before getting pregnant
      • Get any medical condition (obesity, diabetes, seizures, etc.) under control before getting pregnant
      • Take a vitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid daily before and during pregnancy
    • Take care of yourself
      • Get plenty of rest
      • Exercise moderately
      • Eat a well-balanced diet
      • Avoid contact with chemicals and other things in the home and workplace that may harm an unborn baby
      • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and street drugs
      • Talk with your health care provider before taking any over-the-counter drugs

    If you are planning to get pregnant or you are already pregnant, one of the most important things you can do is see your health care provider.  Prenatal (before birth) care can help find some problems early in pregnancy so that they can be monitored or treated before birth.  Some problems might be avoided with prenatal care.

    Not all birth defects can be prevented, but a woman can take some actions that increase her chance of having a healthy baby.  Many birth defects happen very early in pregnancy, sometimes before a woman even knows that she is pregnant.  Remember that about half of all pregnancies in the United States are not planned.  To see a list of pregnancy tips on “Having a Healthy Pregnancy,” go to  To see the brochure “What You Can Do To Keep Germs from Harming You and Your Baby,” click here.  


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    Q. What is CDC doing to prevent and help find the causes for birth defects? 

    CDC does research to try to find the causes of birth defects.  Some people at CDC work in a lab doing basic science research to find answers.  For example, we may study how chemicals in the air or water or land might harm a developing baby.  Others at CDC are “epidemiologists” who look at all types of birth defects.  They try to figure out what babies with certain birth defects have in common.  They might study people’s genes, their use of certain drugs, or their behaviors.  Sometimes parents might be doing something that could harm a future baby.  CDC studies how behaviors, like drinking alcohol or taking certain drugs, can harm a baby.  We then try to explain to people what they can do, or not do, to try to have a healthy baby.  CDC also works closely with doctors and other health care workers, schools, communities, and the media to help prevent birth defects. 


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    Date: March 11, 2009
    Content source: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities


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