[Federal Register: July 6, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 128)]
[Page 39016-39020]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Office of Thrift Supervision

Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request--Thrift Financial 
Report: Schedules PD and VA

AGENCY: Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), Treasury.

ACTION: Notice and request for comment.


SUMMARY: The information collection requirement described below has 
been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, 
as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507). 
OTS has solicited public comments on the proposal and is now providing 
a summary of those comments as well as final notice of the proposed 
revisions to this information collection.
    On April 29, 2004, OTS, together with the Office of the Comptroller 
of the Currency (OCC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
(Board), and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (collectively 
the agencies), requested public comment for 60 days (69 FR 23502) on 
proposed revisions to the instructions for the Thrift Financial Report 
(TFR), which are currently approved collections of information. After 
considering the comments received, OTS has adopted the proposed 
instructional revisions and also will add new items to the TFR based on 
suggestions by commenters. In addition, on April 26, 2005, OTS 
requested public comment for 60 days (70 FR 21494) on other proposed 
revisions to the TFR. OTS received no comments on these additional 
revisions and has adopted the revisions as proposed. OTS is submitting 
the adopted revisions to OMB for review and approval.

DATES: Submit written comments on or before August 5, 2005.

ADDRESSES: Send comments to OMB and OTS at these addresses: Mark 
Menchik, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of 
Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 10236, 
Washington, DC 20503, or e-mail to mmenchik@omb.eop.gov; and 
Information Collection Comments, Chief Counsel's Office, Office of 
Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552, send 
facsimile transmissions to (202) 906-6518, send e-mails to 
infocollection.comments@ots.treas.gov, or hand deliver comments to the 

Guard's Desk, east lobby entrance, 1700 G Street, NW., on business days 
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. All comments should refer to ``TFR: Schedules 
PD and VA, OMB No. 1550-0023.'' OTS will post comments and the related 
index on the OTS Internet site at http://www.ots.treas.gov. In 

addition, interested persons may inspect comments at the Public Reading 
Room, 1700 G Street, NW., by appointment. To make an appointment, call 
(202) 906-5922, send an e-mail to publicinfo@ots.treas.gov, or send a 
facsimile transmission to (202) 906-7755.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To obtain a copy of the submission to 
OMB, contact Marilyn K. Burton, OTS Clearance Officer, at 
marilyn.burton@ots.treas.gov, (202) 906-6467, or facsimile number (202) 

906-6518, Chief Counsel's Office, Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G 
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552. You can obtain a copy of the 
September 2005 Thrift Financial Report form from the OTS Web site at 
http://www.ots.treas.gov/ resultsort.cfm?catNumber= 275&dl=33&edit=1.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OTS may not conduct or sponsor an 
information collection, and respondents are not required to respond to 
an information collection, unless the information collection displays a 
currently valid OMB control number. OTS has requested OMB approval to 
revise the currently approved collections of information identified 
    The effect of the proposed revisions on the reporting requirements 
of these information collections will vary from institution to 
institution, depending on the institution's involvement with the types 
of activities or transactions to which the proposed changes apply. OTS 
expects that the reporting changes that relate to certain securitized 
U.S. government-guaranteed or -insured residential mortgage loans will 
primarily affect the small percentage of institutions that service or 
securitize and service these loans. The revisions to the TFR dealing 
with acquired loans with evidence of deterioration of credit quality 
since origination, including

[[Page 39017]]

acquisitions of such loans in business combinations accounted for using 
the purchase method, will generally apply only to the limited number of 
institutions that are involved in purchase business combinations or 
that engage in purchases of loans with credit quality problems as a 
business activity. OTS estimates that implementation of these reporting 
changes will result in a small increase in the current reporting burden 
imposed by the TFR for those institutions involved with these 
activities and transactions. The following burden estimates include the 
effect of the proposed revisions.
    Title: Thrift Financial Report.
    OMB Number: 1550-0023.
    Form Number: OTS 1313.
    Statutory Requirement: 12 U.S.C. 1464(v) imposes reporting 
requirements for savings associations. Except for selected items, these 
information collections are not given confidential treatment.
    Type of Review: Revision of currently approved collections.
    Affected Public: Savings associations.
    Estimated Number of Respondents and Recordkeepers: 880.
    Estimated Burden Hours per Respondent: 36.4 burden hours.
    Estimated Frequency of Response: Quarterly.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden: 128,128 burden hours. Because some 
of these changes will not affect all savings associations that file the 
TFR, the burden hours reflected above will vary from institution to 
    Abstract: All OTS-regulated savings associations must comply with 
the information collections described in this notice. OTS collects this 
information each calendar quarter, or less frequently if so stated. OTS 
needs this information to monitor the condition, performance, and risk 
profile of the savings association industry.

Current Actions

I. Overview

    On April 29, 2004, OTS, together with the agencies, jointly 
published a notice (69 FR 23502) soliciting comments for 60 days on 
proposed revisions to the Call Report and the TFR. This joint notice 
requested comments on two proposed instructional changes, one of which 
would affect how institutions report certain information in the TFR, 
but the notice did not propose to change the report forms themselves. 
The proposal affecting the TFR would change and clarify the reporting 
requirements related to certain U.S. Government-guaranteed or -insured 
residential mortgage loans backing Government National Mortgage 
Association (GNMA) securities that meet certain delinquency criteria 
and are subject to servicer or seller/servicer buy-back provisions, 
i.e., ``GNMA loans.'' These clarifications involved the reporting of 
GNMA loans as delinquent and the balance sheet classification of real 
property backing a delinquent GNMA loan on which an institution has 
    OTS received six comments on the April 2004 proposals pertaining to 
TFR changes: Four from savings associations, one from a thrift holding 
company, and one from a trade group whose members include savings 
    OTS has considered these comments and has decided to proceed with 
the instructional revisions pertaining to mortgage loans subject to 
buy-back provisions, but with the addition of new items to the TFR 
Schedule PD on which savings associations report information on past 
due and nonaccrual loans.\1\ This decision is discussed below.

    \1\ The other federal banking agencies joining OTS in the April 
2004 proposal intend to follow a similar course of action with 
respect to U.S. government-guaranteed or -insured residential 
mortgage loans backing GNMA securities subject to buy-back 
provisions in the future, beginning with the June 2005 Call Report.

    In addition, on April 26, 2005, OTS published a notice (70 FR 
21494) requesting comments on proposed revisions to the TFR in response 
to Statement of Position 03-3, Accounting for Certain Loans or Debt 
Securities Acquired in a Transfer (SOP 03-3), which was issued by the 
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. SOP 03-3 applies to 
loans acquired in fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2004. OTS 
proposed to add three items to the TFR relating to loans within the 
scope of SOP 03-3. OTS also proposed a revision to the TFR instructions 
to explain how the delinquency status of loans within the scope of SOP 
03-3 should be determined for purposes of disclosing past due loans in 
the TFR.
    OTS received no comments in response to its April 2005 proposal, 
and has decided to proceed with the SOP 03-3 changes as proposed.
    OTS will implement the proposed TFR changes as of the September 30, 
2005, report date, except for the revisions pertaining to foreclosed 
properties backing delinquent GNMA loans. Nonetheless, as is customary 
for TFR changes, if the information to be reported in accordance with 
the revised reporting requirements is not readily available, 
institutions are advised that they may report reasonable estimates of 
this information for the report date when the proposed changes first 
take effect, i.e., September 30, 2005. With respect to the reporting of 
foreclosed properties backing GNMA loans, institutions should report 
these properties in their TFR in accordance with their existing 
reporting policies for such properties through the December 31, 2005, 
report date. Effective with the March 31, 2006, report date, all 
institutions should report these properties as real estate owned on the 
balance sheet and disclose the amount in a new subitem that will be 
added to the TFR schedule in which information on the composition of 
real estate owned is reported.

II. Revisions to the Thrift Financial Report

A. GNMA Buy-Back Option

    Under the GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities Guide, the issuer of GNMA 
securities has the option to repurchase individual Federal Housing 
Administration (FHA), Department of Veterans Affairs/Veterans 
Administration (VA), and Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) mortgage 
loans backing the securities when these GNMA loans meet certain 
delinquency criteria. Because of this option, if and when individual 
loans that have been accounted for as sold in accordance with Statement 
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140, Accounting for Transfers and 
Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities (FAS 
140), later meet GNMA's specified delinquency criteria and are eligible 
for repurchase, FAS 140 requires these individual delinquent GNMA loans 
to be brought back onto the seller/servicer's books as assets, along 
with an offsetting liability. This rebooking of the GNMA loans is 
required regardless of whether the seller/servicer intends to exercise 
the buy-back option.
    OTS and the other federal banking agencies jointly proposed that 
all delinquent rebooked GNMA loans (including those for which the 
institution is taking steps to foreclose on the real estate collateral 
at the time of repurchase, but for which the sheriff's sale has not yet 
taken place) should be reported as past due on TFR Schedule PD, 
Consolidated Past Due and Nonaccrual Assets, and on Call Report 
Schedule RC-N--Past Due and Nonaccrual Loans, Leases, and Other Assets, 
in accordance with their contractual terms. As part of this change, the 
agencies proposed to eliminate an existing provision in the TFR and 
Call Report instructions that permits institutions not to report

[[Page 39018]]

delinquent GNMA loans that are repurchased when they are ``in 
foreclosure status'' at the time of repurchase as past due loans in TFR 
Schedule PD or in Call Report Schedule RC-N, provided the government 
reimbursement process is proceeding normally. In proposing this 
reporting change, the agencies noted that delinquent rebooked GNMA 
loans would also be reported as supplemental items in TFR Schedule PD 
and in Call Report Schedule RC-N, which disclose amounts for past due 
loans wholly or partially guaranteed or insured by the U.S. Government. 
These items supplement the main body of the past due loans schedule by 
providing information that enables users of the TFR and Call Report to 
determine the amount of an institution's total delinquent loans that 
are not protected by a U.S. Government guarantee or insurance.
    In addition, the agencies proposed that, when an institution 
forecloses on real estate backing a delinquent GNMA loan that it has 
rebooked as an asset, it should report the property as ``real estate 
owned'' and not as an ``other asset'' on the TFR and Call Report 
balance sheets. The foreclosed property should be reported in this 
manner beginning at the time of foreclosure until it has been sold, 
transferred to HUD, or otherwise disposed of.
    OTS received six comments addressing the portion of the April 2004 
proposal on GNMA loan reporting issues. With one exception, commenters 
disagreed with the agencies' proposed reporting treatment for past due 
GNMA loans and foreclosed property. One commenter did ``not object to 
the proposal that all delinquent rebooked GNMA loans should be treated 
consistently and reported as past due'' in the schedule for past due 
loans, observing that users of this schedule ``will have a method to 
identify the amount of loans that are not guaranteed by the U.S. 
Government.'' However, this commenter did not favor the proposed 
treatment of foreclosed property.
Delinquency Reporting
    With respect to delinquency reporting, five commenters did not 
support reporting rebooked past due GNMA loans in the main body of TFR 
Schedule PD. These commenters recommended that if these delinquent 
loans must be reported in this schedule, they should be reported only 
in a Memorandum section of the schedule and should not be aggregated 
with other past due loans. They favored segregated reporting for the 
GNMA loans because these loans have a different risk profile than other 
past due loans due to their guarantees or insurance. These commenters 
stated that reporting these delinquent rebooked GNMA loans with the 
other past due loans will skew analytical ratios used to evaluate 
credit risk, which will lead to misinterpretation of the past due data 
and cause banks and savings associations to have to respond to 
questions regarding these data. One commenter specifically suggested 
that if the agencies decided to proceed with the proposed inclusion of 
delinquent rebooked GNMA loans in the body of the past due schedule, 
``a separate line should be added for past due GNMA loans.'' 
Nevertheless, this commenter also expressed concern that the agencies' 
proposed past due reporting treatment in Schedule PD and Schedule RC-N 
would produce disparities between the TFR and Call Report past due 
schedules and the past due reporting by public banking organizations in 
their filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
    OTS does not believe that the agencies' proposal to include 
delinquent rebooked GNMA loans in the body of the past due schedule 
should lead to inconsistencies in the disclosure of these loans in the 
TFR and Call Report and in SEC filings. Accounting staff members in the 
SEC's Division of Corporation Finance prepared guidance on ``Current 
Accounting and Disclosure Issues in the Division of Corporation 
Finance'' dated November 30, 2004, and updated on March 4, 2005. Both 
versions of this guidance discuss ``Accounting for Loans or Other 
Receivables Covered by Buyback Provisions,'' including, but not limited 
to, loans securitized through GNMA.\2\ (See Section II.K.1. of the SEC 
staff's November 2004 guidance, which was carried forward without 
revision to Section II.N.1. of the March 2005 guidance.) The SEC 
staff's discussion of this topic states the following concerning loans, 
including GNMA loans, that have been ``re-recognized,'' i.e., rebooked 
as assets in accordance with FAS 140:

    \2\ This guidance can be accessed at http://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/acctdis030405.htm

    In the event that loans re-recognized by the transferor have the 
risk elements contemplated by Item III.C.1. of Industry Guide 3 
(i.e., nonaccrual, past due, restructured), the amount of such loans 
should be included in the disclosures required by that Item. 
Supplemental disclosures may be made to facilitate understanding of 
the aggregate amounts reported pursuant to Item III.C.1. These 
disclosures may include, for example, information as to the nature 
of the loans, any guarantees, the extent of collateral, or amounts 
in process of collection. For example, if a loan re-recognized by a 
transferor is accruing, but it is contractually past due 90 days or 
more as to principal or interest, that loan should be included in 
the disclosure required by Item III.C.1(b) even if the loan is 
guaranteed through a government program, such as the Veterans 
Administration (VA) or Federal Housing Authority (FHA).

    As recognized by the SEC staff, delinquent rebooked GNMA loans are 
to be included in the aggregate past due disclosures required by 
Industry Guide 3. However, public banking organizations may provide 
supplemental disclosure of the fact that these loans are guaranteed or 
insured by the U.S. Government to assist users in understanding the 
aggregate amounts of past due loans. The agencies' proposal for 
reporting past due rebooked GNMA loans in TFR Schedule PD and Call 
Report Schedule RC-N parallels the SEC staff's guidance because these 
schedules include items that permit the ``supplemental disclosure'' of 
the amount of past due loans wholly or partially guaranteed or insured 
by the U.S. Government. Nevertheless, the agencies and other users of 
the supplemental Schedule PD and Schedule RC-N items on past due 
government-guaranteed or -insured loans would benefit from having 
delinquent rebooked GNMA loans identified separately from other past 
due government-guaranteed or -insured loans, especially for 
institutions that service or sell and continue to service a significant 
volume of GNMA loans.
    Accordingly, OTS has decided to proceed with the agencies' original 
proposal that would require rebooked GNMA loans that are past due to be 
reported in the main body of TFR Schedule PD and in memoranda items 
PD195, PD295, and PD395, ``Loans and Leases Reported in PD115-PD380 
That Are Wholly or Partially Guaranteed by the U.S. Government, Agency, 
or Sponsored Entity.'' However, based on suggestions from commenters, 
effective September 30, 2005, OTS will add to TFR Schedule PD new 
memoranda items PD192, PD292, and PD392 for ``Loans and Leases Reported 
in PD115-PD380 That Are Held for Sale'' and PD196, PD296, and PD396 in 
which savings associations would report ``Guaranteed Portion of Other 
Loans and Leases Included in PD195-PD395 (Exclude Rebooked `GNMA 
Loans'). OTS will also add new memoranda items PD197, PD297, and PD397 
to Schedule PD effective September 30, 2005, in which savings 

[[Page 39019]]

would report ``Rebooked `GNMA Loans' Repurchased or Eligible for 
Repurchase Included in PD195-PD395.'' \3\ \4\

    \3\ See the OTS website at http://www.ots.treas.gov/resultsort.cfm?catNumber=275&dl=33&edit=1
 for the revised TFR 

Schedule PD effective September 30, 2005.
    \4\ In addition, if a savings association services but did not 
originate mortgage loans backing a GNMA security, i.e., where the 
savings association was not the transferor of the loans that have 
been securitized, the servicing savings association should also 
include any government-guaranteed or -insured mortgage loans that it 
has purchased out of the securitization in Schedule PD, lines PD195-
PD395 and PD197-PD397, even if the savings association was not 
required to record the delinquent loans as assets prior to 
purchasing the loans.

    OTS notes that savings associations that originate and hold FHA, 
VA, and FmHA mortgage loans in their loan portfolios, rather than 
securitizing and selling them in the form of GNMA securities, currently 
report these loans as past due in the main body of TFR Schedule PD if 
and when these loans become delinquent. These past due loans are also 
reported in existing TFR Schedule PD memoranda items PD195, PD295, and 
PD395 for past due loans wholly or partially guaranteed or insured by 
the U.S. Government. The reporting treatment of these guaranteed and 
insured loans in Schedule PD will not change.
Foreclosed Real Estate
    Commenters on the portion of the agencies' April 2004 proposal on 
GNMA loans objected to the proposed balance sheet classification of 
foreclosed real estate collateral backing delinquent GNMA loans as 
``real estate owned.'' Commenters recommended that institutions report 
such real estate as ``other assets'' because they do not believe that 
institutions are exposed to the underlying risk of the real estate, 
despite the foreclosure, due to the insurance or guarantee by the U.S. 
Government. They also observed that, in contrast to foreclosed real 
estate arising from other types of loans, institutions do not intend to 
sell foreclosed properties resulting from GNMA loans in order to 
recover the value of these assets. Instead, institutions look to their 
claim on the U.S. Government for recovery.
    OTS has reviewed and considered these comments. As stated in the 
April 2004 proposal, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 
Development (HUD), the federal entity that administers the GNMA 
program, cannot accept a foreclosed property nor can the government 
guarantee or insurance be honored until all legal actions related to 
the foreclosure process have been completed. Commenters confirmed that 
certain conditions must be met before a property can be conveyed to 
HUD. While these conditions normally will be met, whether they will 
ultimately be met for an individual property is not known at the time 
of foreclosure. For example, the servicing guide for VA loans indicates 
the circumstances in which foreclosed property would not be conveyed, 
including when the VA issues ``no-bid'' advice (because the VA's cost 
of paying its guarantee is less than its estimated cost of taking 
possession of the property and selling it) and when there has been a 
failure to follow the regulations upon which the VA's guarantee is 
    Although the existence of insurance or a guarantee from the U.S. 
Government on a particular foreclosed loan will aid in determining 
whether the carrying value of the asset is recoverable, it does not 
determine the classification of the asset upon foreclosure. Because an 
institution's claim against the U.S. Government is effectively 
conditional until all the conditions have been met for the conveyance 
of a foreclosed property to HUD, the asset resulting from an 
institution's foreclosure on a delinquent GNMA loan has more of the 
characteristics of real estate than a receivable from the U.S. 
Government. Accordingly, the agencies believe that, for TFR and Call 
Report balance sheet purposes, it is more appropriate to view this 
asset as real estate owned than as a receivable at foreclosure.
    The agencies recognize that the more common practice is for 
institutions that foreclose on delinquent GNMA loans to report the 
resulting asset as an ``other asset'' rather than ``real estate owned'' 
on the TFR and Call Report balance sheets. In this regard, some 
commenters recommended that if the agencies concluded that these assets 
should not be reported as ``other assets,'' there should be separate 
disclosure of these assets in the TFR and Call Report because of the 
difference in their risk profile compared to other types of foreclosed 
real estate. OTS sees merit in enabling institutions with foreclosed 
properties from GNMA loans to distinguish the amount of these 
properties from other foreclosed properties. Therefore, OTS will delay 
the implementation date for institutions to report foreclosed real 
estate from GNMA loans as ``other real estate owned'' on the balance 
sheet until the March 31, 2006, report date. OTS will also add to TFR 
Schedule SC a new line, SC429, ``U.S. government-guaranteed or -insured 
real estate owned,'' to enable institutions to disclose the amount of 
such real estate effective with the March 2006 TFR. Until then, i.e., 
through the December 31, 2005, report date, institutions should 
continue to report these foreclosed properties in their TFRs in 
accordance with their existing reporting policies for such properties.

B. Loans Within the Scope of SOP 03-3

    SOP 03-3 applies to ``purchased impaired loans,'' i.e., loans \5\ 
that a savings association has purchased, including those acquired in a 
purchase business combination, when there is evidence of deterioration 
of credit quality since the origination of the loan and it is probable, 
at the purchase date, that the savings association will be unable to 
collect all contractually required payments receivable. To assist OTS 
in understanding the relationship between the allowance for loan and 
lease losses and the carrying amount of the loan portfolios of those 
savings associations that include purchased impaired loans, OTS 
proposed to add three items to the TFR. All three of these items 
represent information included in the disclosures required by SOP 03-3. 
OTS proposed to add three memorandum items to TFR Schedule VA, 
Consolidated Valuation Allowances and Related Data, related to 
purchased impaired loans held for investment: \6\ (1) the outstanding 
balance,\7\ (2) the recorded investment (carrying amount before 
deducting any loan loss allowances) as of the report date that are 
included in Schedule SC, and (3) the amount of post-acquisition loan 
loss allowances that is included in the total amount of the allowance 
for loan and lease losses as of the report date.

    \5\ As defined in SOP 03-3, the term ``loans'' includes ``debt 
    \6\ Loans held for investment are those loans that the savings 
association has the intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable 
future or until maturity or payoff. Thus, the outstanding balance 
and carrying amount of any purchased impaired loans that are held 
for sale would not be reported in these proposed memorandum items.
    \7\ Outstanding balance as defined in SOP 03-3 is the 
undiscounted sum of all amounts, including amounts deemed principal, 
interest, fees, penalties, and other under the loan, owed to the 
savings association at the report date, whether or not currently due 
and whether or not any such amounts have been charged off by the 
savings association. However, the outstanding balance does not 
include amounts that would be accrued under the contract as 
interest, fees, penalties, and other after the report date.

    OTS also stated that it planned to revise the instructions to 
Schedule VA to explain how purchased impaired loans should be reported 
in this schedule. SOP 03-3 does not prohibit placing loans on 
nonaccrual status and any nonaccrual purchased impaired loans should be 
reported accordingly in Schedule PD--Consolidated Past Due

[[Page 39020]]

and Nonaccrual Assets. For those purchased impaired loans that are not 
on nonaccrual status, savings associations should determine the loans' 
delinquency status in accordance with the contractual repayment terms 
of the loans without regard to the purchase price of (initial 
investment in) these loans or the amount and timing of the cash flows 
expected at acquisition. As previously mentioned, OTS received no 
comments in response to its April 2005 proposed reporting revisions 
related to SOP 03-3.
    Accordingly, the OTS will adopt as proposed the remaining changes 
to the September 2005 TFR published in the Federal Register on April 
29, 2004 (69 FR 23502), and April 26, 2005 (70 FR 21494).

III. Request for Comment

    All comments will become a matter of public record. Written 
comments are invited on:
    (a) Whether the proposed revisions to the TFR collections of 
information are necessary for the proper performance of OTS functions, 
including whether the information has practical utility;
    (b) The accuracy of OTS estimates of the burden of the information 
collections as they are proposed to be revised, including the validity 
of the methodology and assumptions used;
    (c) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected;
    (d) Ways to minimize the burden of information collections on 
respondents, including through the use of automated collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology; and
    (e) Estimates of capital or start up costs and costs of operation, 
maintenance, and purchase of services to provide information.

    Dated: June 30, 2005.

    By the Office of Thrift Supervision.
Richard M. Riccobono,
Acting Director.
[FR Doc. 05-13286 Filed 7-5-05; 8:45 am]