[Federal Register: July 6, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 128)]
[Page 38931-38936]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Request for Application To Develop Steps to Healthier Girls 

AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the 
Secretary, Office of Public Health and Science.

ACTION: Notice.


    Funding Opportunity Title: Steps to Healthier Girls Program.
    Announcement Type: Sole source cooperative agreement notice.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance: The Catalog of Federal 
Domestic Assistance number is 93.290.
    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 300u-2(a)(1), 300u-6(e).

DATES: To receive consideration, the application must be received by 

[[Page 38932]]

Office of Grants Management, Office of Public Health and Science 
(OPHS), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), no later than 
August 5, 2005. Mailed application will be considered as meeting the 
deadline if it is received by the Office of Grants Management, OPHS, 
DHHS no later than 5 p.m. e.d.t. on the application due date. The 
application due date requirement specified in this announcement 
supersedes the instructions in the OPHS-1.

SUMMARY: The Office on Women's Health (OWH) is the focal point for 
women's and girls' health within the OPHS, DHHS. Under the direction of 
the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women's Health, OWH works to improve 
the health of women across the life cycles and increase awareness and 
understanding of women's health issues. In addition to its central 
office, OWH has regional offices located throughout the U.S. staffed by 
a Regional Women's Health Coordinator (RWHC).
    Chartered by the U.S. Congress in 1950, Girl Scouts of the USA 
(GSUSA) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all 
girls build character and gain skills for success in the real world in 
an accepting and nurturing environment. GSUSA operates from its 
national headquarters in New York City along with its 300 local Girl 
Scout councils or offices, 236,000 troops/groups, and 986,000 adult 
    OWH in collaboration with GSUSA is planning to provide grant 
support for a Steps to Healthier Girls Program. The purpose is to 
improve the health of diverse girls ages 11 years to 17 years through 
educational and experiential activities related to physical activity/
fitness, good nutrition and healthy lifestyles consistent with the 
Steps to a HealthierUS initiative of the DHHS and the Memorandum of 
Understanding between DHHS and GSUSA. This project is based on the 
premise that motivating girls and adolescents to learn about and 
participate in activities that address these three subject areas can 
have a significant effect on increasing the quality and years of 
healthy life and on eliminating health disparities.
    The Steps to Healthier Girls Program will be a collaborative effort 
among the Regional Women's Health Coordinators (RWHC), GSUSA, and the 
selected Girl Scout Councils in each of the eight (8) Regions of the 
    The Women's Health Coordinators from two Regions (II and III) will 
provide overall oversight for the grant, and Region III will be the 
primary contact, while the RWHC's will provide the technical assistance 
and local oversight of the project at the regional level.
    The Federal Government will:
    a. Conduct an orientation meeting for the grantee within the first 
month of funding.
    b. Review and resolve requested project modifications.
    c. Review the design of the Steps to Healthier Girls programs.
    d. Make site visits to Steps to Healthier Girls program sites.
    e. Review and resolve all initial, 3 month after award and final 
progress reports.
    f. Participate in meetings with grantee and councils.

I. Funding Opportunity Description

    This notice announces a sole source cooperative agreement award 
that is expected to be made, subject to conditions set forth below, to 
the GSUSA for a joint project to be known as ``Steps to Healthier 
    The primary purpose of Steps to Healthier Girls is to educate, 
motivate, and empower 75-100 diverse girls, ages 11-17, in each of 
eight (8) targeted communities (one in each of 8 participating regions 
of the DHHS, OWH) to engage in activities that promote good health in 
the areas of physical activity/fitness, good nutrition, and healthy 


    The DHHS is committed to achieving health promotion and disease 
prevention through its Healthy People 2010 Objectives and the Steps to 
a HealthierUS Initiative. Steps to Healthier Girls program activities 
and evaluations are to be aligned with both of these programs.
    More information on the Healthy People 2010 objectives may be found 
on the Healthy People 2010 Web site: http://www.health.gov/healthypeople.
 Another reference is Healthy People 2000: Final Review. 

One free copy may be obtained from the National Center for Health 
Statistics (NCHS), 6525 Belcrest Road, Room 1064, Hyattsville, MD 20782 
or telephone (301) 458-4636 [DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 99-1256]. This 
document may also be downloaded from the NCHS Web site: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs

    Steps to a HealthierUS is a DHHS initiative that advances the 
President's goal of helping Americans live longer, better, and 
healthier lives. It lays out DHHS priorities and programs for Steps to 
a HealthierUS, focusing attention on promising approaches for promoting 
health and preventing disease. Additional information can be found on 
the Steps to a Healthier U.S. Web site: http://www.healthierus.gov/steps

    The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Web site 
includes the President's Challenge to track physical activity/fitness. 
This free interactive Web site tool will be used to assess the girls' 
levels of physical activity/fitness and will assist with the evaluation 
of the Steps to Healthier Girls program. The Web site is: http://www.presidentschallenge.org

    The objectives of the Steps to Healthier Girls Program are to:
    Increase the number of girls who engage regularly in moderate 
physical activity, preferably daily, for at least 60 minutes per day.
    Increase girls' knowledge of healthy nutrition and healthy weight 
and promote strategies for accomplishing these.
    Increase girls' knowledge about the ill health effects of tobacco 
and promote strategies for accomplishing these.
    Increase girls' knowledge of the importance of a healthy 
environment and strategies to accomplish this.
    The proposed program in each region must address girls' health from 
a gender-based, girl-centered, cultural and community-based 
perspective. Information provided must be culturally, linguistically, 
and age-appropriate for the program participants. The information for 
girls and their parents and guardians must be developed in accordance 
with health literacy principles. This includes assessing the capacity 
of the girls and adults to obtain, process, understand and apply the 
information and designing information that matches their capacities. It 
also includes evaluating the impact of enhancing their understanding 
and decision-making. In addition, in Region VI, the program must also 
address heart health and must engage the participating girls' mothers 
and encourage multigenerational physical activity.
    The DHHS OWH is planning to award grant funds to GSUSA to carry out 
the following activities: (1) Identify and justify the selection of 
eight (8) programs to be implemented and evaluated through the GSUSA 
councils; one program shall be implemented in each of the following 
eight Regions of the OWH: Regions II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & X; 
(2) provide a stipend of up to $6,000.00 to each of the 8 selected 
GSUSA councils to implement and evaluate the program; and (3) 
facilitate collaboration between GSUSA councils and the corresponding 
DHHS Regional OWH in the implementation and evaluation of each program.

[[Page 38933]]

    Program Parameters. Each GSUSA council will plan a special event to 
launch the Steps to Healthier Girls program in their community. The 
Steps to Healthier Girls community program may consist of a health 
expo, a health walk, a health symposium, or related activity addressing 
physical activity/fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles by and for 
girls. All participants will be diverse Girl Scouts ages 11-17. This 
will be followed by a commitment by the Girl Scouts to engage in some 
physical activity/fitness daily over a period of 6 weeks, which they 
will track on an activity log. The activity log can be obtained from 
the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under the 
existing President's Challenge program under ``Kids'' or ``Teens'' 
depending on the girls' ages. The log can be downloaded from the Web 
site: http://www.presidentschallenge.org. In addition, each GSUSA 

council will establish a baseline for the participating girls based on 
their pre-program activity/fitness level and understanding of and 
capacity to act on information about nutrition, tobacco, and 
environmental factors that promote healthy lifestyles. At the 
conclusion of the six weeks, the participating girls will be evaluated 
for understanding gained in the three areas of physical activity/
fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles as well as for an increase 
in physical activity/fitness by evaluating the logs and changes in 
healthy eating habits to include more fruit, vegetables, calcium and 
decrease in consumption of sugar. Each GSUSA council will prepare a 
final report on the activity carried out in each community. Upon 
satisfactory participation and completion of the Steps to Healthier 
Girls program, each of the girls will earn a Girl Scouts badge or 
    The GSUSA and selected Girl Scout Councils in collaboration with 
the eight DHHS Regional Women's Health Offices must: (1) Identify the 
date and place for a kick-off event that highlights the three targeted 
health subject areas for a minimum of 75 diverse girls ages 11 to 17 
years; (2) put into place and track follow up activities that address 
the three targeted health areas for 6 weeks; (3) At the end of the 6 
weeks collect the forms from the girls who have completed the program 
(4) the forms from each of the eight GSUSA councils will be provided to 
their National Office GSUSA in New York City, NY, which will then 
provide these forms to the primary project officer for evaluation of 
the program.
    The GSUSA and selected Girl Scout Councils should use health 
literacy principles to design gender-based, culturally appropriate, and 
science-based literature on each health topic. The health literacy 
literature and principles can be found in the Institute of Medicine 
report, ``Health Literacy: a Prescription to End Confusion'' (2004). 
Other materials can be found in the National Women's Health Information 
Center (NWHIC) Toll-Free Information Line (1-800-994-WOMAN) and NWHIC's 
Web site at http://www.4woman.gov and the http://www.4girls.gov Web 
site, and The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports http://www.fitness.gov and http://www.presidentschallenge.org.

II. Award Information

    Under this announcement, the Office on Women's Health Regions 
(OWHR) anticipates making, through the cooperative agreement grant 
mechanism, to the GSUSA, a one (1) year award in the amount of $60,000 
for a 12-month budget period to support a jointly sponsored Steps to 
Healthier Girls project. The anticipated grant award project period 
under the proposed cooperative agreement is expected to be from 
September 1, 2005 through August 30, 2006.

Criteria for Selection

    Basis for Sole Source Restriction on the Planned Cooperative 
Agreement: The Office of Grants Management, OPHS, has determined in 
accordance with AGAM 2.04 104A 1.e.(2) that this project is an 
outgrowth of a current ongoing collaboration between the OWH and GSUSA 
that is part of the Department's Steps to HealthierUS. In addition, 
responsible government officials have determined that the GSUSA:
    (a) Is a well-established, trusted, national organization that 
serves diverse 11 to 17 year old girls.
    (b) Has demonstrated evidence of commitment to girls' health.
    (c) Has shown interest in the health promotion topics identified as 
priority subject areas under its MOU with DHHS which was the basis for 
an ongoing collaborative relationship and this particular project with 
    (d) Is able/willing to assist the local councils and the RWHCs in 
the design of the program.
    (e) Is able/willing to implement the program designed by the RWHCs 
and the councils.
    (f) Is able to support the evaluation process.
    (g) Has the organizational potential in terms of an ongoing 
structure and resources to sustain and expand health promotion program 
activities for diverse girls 11 to 17 years of age.
    Whether or not an award is actually made will depend on the 
application addressing the program components described in section I. 
Funding Opportunity Description and the amount of funds available for 
the Steps to Healthier Girls program (see Section IV.2 ``Application 
for Submission Information''). The government will not be obligated to 
make any awards as a result of this announcement.

III. Eligibility Information

    Eligible Applicants. The GSUSA is the eligible applicant for the 
Steps to Healthier Girls program.
    Cost Sharing or Matching Funds. Cost sharing, matching funds, and 
cost participation is not a requirement of this grant.

IV. Application and Submission Information

    1. Address to Request Application Package: The application kit may 
be requested by calling (240) 453-8822 or writing to Ms. Karen 
Campbell, Director, Office of Grants Management, OPHS, DHHS, 1101 
Wootton Parkway, Suite 550, Rockville, MD 20852.
    2. Content of and Form of Application Submission: The applicant 
must use Grant Application OPHS-1. Forms to be completed include the 
Face Page/Cover Page (SF424), Checklist, and Budget Information Forms 
for Non-Construction Programs (SF424A). The applicant is required to 
submit an original ink-signed and dated application and 2 photocopies. 
All pages must be numbered clearly and sequentially beginning with the 
Project Profile. The application must be typed double-spaced on one 
side of plain 8\1/2\ x 11 white paper, using at 
least a 12 point font, and contain 1 margins all around. In 
addition to the application forms, applicants must provide the 
    The application shall consist of the Technical Proposal, which 
includes the Project Narrative and Budget Narrative, Appendices, and 
all required forms in the Application Package.
    Project Narrative: The Project Narrative for this Steps to 
Healthier Girls announcement must: (a) Address the Application Review 
Factors (section V) listed in this announcement; (b) present a 
comprehensive Project Plan to develop Steps to Healthier Girls in all 
eight DHHS regions over a one-year period, including identification of 
project staff and a detailed time line for executing the Steps to 
Healthier Girls over the one year period; (c) reflect an understanding 
of the public health objectives and issues addressed in the Steps to 
Healthier Girls Project; and (d) include a Project Evaluation plan 

[[Page 38934]]

the activity tracking forms from the Girl Scout Councils in each of the 
eight participating DHHS Regional Offices on Women's Health.
    The application narrative will include assurances signed by a GSUSA 
representative authorized to bind the organization that GSUSA will:
    a. Work with the RWHC in each region to identify a group of girls 
for the implementation of the program in each of the eight (8) DHHS 
    b. Ascertain that the councils provide a timeline and plan to 
conduct the kick-off event, which will focus on the three areas of 
physical activity/fitness, good nutrition, and healthy lifestyles.
    c. Ascertain that the councils provide a plan and timeline showing 
the educational sessions and tracking of the girls' activities during 
the 6 week period following the kick-off event.
    d. Submit the required initial, 3-month after the award, and final 
reports by the due dates stated in this announcement and the Notice of 
Grant Award.
    The Project Narrative must not exceed a total of 25 double-spaced 
pages, excluding the appendices. The original and each copy must be 
stapled and/or otherwise securely bound. The applicant must pay 
particular attention to structuring the narrative to respond clearly 
and fully to each review factor and associated criteria. If the 
application does not adhere to these guidelines, it may not be 
    A. Memorandums of Agreement/Understanding/Partnership Letters.
    B. Required Forms (Assurance of Compliance Form, etc.).
    C. Key Staff Resumes.
    D. Organizational Chart reflecting Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. 
Headquarters and Councils.
    E. Other attachments (per 6 below ``Other Application 
    3. Submission Date and Times: Application Submission: The 
application should be submitted to: Ms. Karen Campbell, Director, 
Office of Grants Management, OPHS, DHHS, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 
550, Rockville, MD 20852.
    Application Submission Date and Time: To be considered for review, 
the application must be received by the Office of Grants Management, 
OPHS, DHHS, by 5 p.m. e.d.t. on August 5, 2005. The application will be 
considered as meeting the deadline if it is received on or before the 
deadline date. The application due date requirement in this 
announcement supersedes the instructions in the OPHS-1.
    Electronic submission through the Grants.gov Web site Portal 
provides for the application to be submitted electronically. 
Information about the system is available on the Grants.gov Web site, 
http://www.grants.gov. The application submitted by facsimile 

transmission (FAX) or any other electronic format are ineligible for 
review and will not be accepted. The application that does not meet the 
deadline will be considered ineligible and will be returned to the 
applicant unread.
    4. Intergovernmental Review: This cooperative agreement is not a 
grant for health services nor will it impact public health systems. 
Therefore, no Public Health System Impact Statement (PHSIS) is 
required, and Executive Order 12372 does not apply.
    5. Funding Restrictions: The application shall include a Project 
Budget as part of the Technical Proposal. Out of a budget of up to 
$60,000.00, up to $48,000.00 may be designated for use by the Girl 
Scout Councils to implement the regional programs at the local level. 
The amount requested for the Councils is to be divided equally for a 
total of up to $6,000.00 for each of the eight selected. Not more than 
10% (or up to $6,000.00) of the funds may be budgeted for 
administrative overhead, such as office supplies, mailing, and 
personnel to carry out these functions. The remaining part of the 
budget, up to $6,000.00, are to be used to create a report by an 
independent source that aggregates and summarizes the reports received 
from each of the Councils in the eight (8) DHHS Regions and identifies 
program outcomes. All budget requests must be justified fully in terms 
of the proposed Steps to Healthier Girls' program goals and objectives 
and include an itemized computational explanation/breakout of how costs 
were determined. Funds may not be used for construction, building 
alterations, equipment purchase, medical treatment, renovations, or to 
purchase food.
    6. Other Application Requirements: Data Universal Numbering System 
(DUNS) number: Beginning October 1, 2003, all applicants are required 
to obtain a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number as 
preparation for doing business electronically with the Federal 
Government. The DUNS number must be obtained prior to applying for 
Office on Women's Health funds. The DUNS number is a nine-character 
identification code provided by the commercial company Dun & 
Bradstreet, and serves as a unique identifier of business entities. 
There is no charge for requesting a DUNS number, and you may register 
and obtain a DUNS number by either of the following methods:
    Telephone: 1-866-705-5711.
    Web site: https://www.dnb.com/product/eupdate/requestOptions.html.

    Be sure to click on the link that reads, ``DUNS Number Only'' at 
the right hand, bottom corner of the screen to access the free 
registration page. Please note that registration via the Web site may 
take up to 30 business days to complete.

V. Application Review Information

    Review Criteria: The technical review of the application will 
consider the following factors:

A. Technical Proposal (45 Points)

    The completeness, practicality, and feasibility of the applicant's 
approach/methodology in terms of its ability to address the specific 
requirements of the announcement, as well as evidence of creativity and 
innovation. Consideration shall be given for clarity, style, and format 
of the application. Soundness of evaluation objectives for measuring 
program effectiveness and changes in health outcomes.

B. Understanding Public Health Issues (30 Points)

    Awareness and understanding of the complex issues in the area of 
girls' health relevant to disease prevention and health promotion; 
cultural, economic, and health literacy obstacles to achieving health 
goals; as well as demonstrated understanding of health literacy issues 
for target populations and the impact on program design and outcomes.
    Familiarity with Healthy People 2010, the Nation's Health Promotion 
and Disease Prevention Objectives and the 10 Leading Health Indicators; 
and with Steps to a Healthier U.S. program.
    Demonstrated understanding of the target populations.

C. Personnel Capability and Experience (10 Points)

    Relatedness of the educational background and relevant work 
experience of proposed staff to their designated responsibility on the 
project and with the target population.

D. Offeror's Past Experience (10 Points)

    Previous experience of this organization in managing similar or 
related contracts or grants comparable in technical complexity.

E. Facilities (05 Points)

    Availability of, or access to, facilities and compatible equipment 

[[Page 38935]]

appropriate computer hardware and software capabilities) to be used 
specifically for the proposed effort.
    The application will be screened upon receipt. If judged to be 
incomplete or arrive after the deadline, it will be returned without 
review or comment. If the application exceeds the requested amount of 
$60,000.00 for a twelve-month budget period, it may also be returned 
without review or comment. If the applicant is judged to be in 
compliance, it will be notified by the Office of Grants Management. The 
accepted application will be reviewed for technical merit in accordance 
with DHHS policies. The application will be evaluated by a technical 
review panel composed of experts in the fields of program management, 
community service delivery, community outreach, health education, 
community-based research, and community leadership development and 
evaluation. Consideration for award will be given to the applicant 
demonstrating plans for the development of a sustainable, results-
oriented, girl-centered program. The applicant is advised to pay close 
attention to the specific program guidelines and general instructions 
in the application kit that may be obtained from Ms. Karen Campbell, 
Office of Grants Management, OPHS, DHHS, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 
550, Rockville, MD 20852 and to the definitions provided in this 

VI. Award Administration Information

    1. Award Notices: Within two weeks of the review of the 
application, GSUSA will receive a letter stating whether they are 
likely to be or have not been approved for funding. The letter is not 
an authorization to begin performance of grant activities. The 
applicant selected for funding support will receive a Notice of Grant 
Award signed by the grants officer. This is the authorizing document 
and it will be sent electronically and followed up with a mailed copy. 
Pre-award costs are not supported.
    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: (1) Requests 
that require prior approval from the awarding office (See Chapter 8, 
PHS Grants Policy Statement) must be submitted in writing to the GMO. 
Only responses signed by the GMO are to be considered valid. Grantees 
who take action on the basis of responses from other officials do so at 
their own risk. Such responses will not be considered binding by or 
upon the OWH. (2) Responses to reporting requirements, conditions, and 
requests for post-award amendments must be mailed to the attention and 
address of the Grants Management Specialist indicated below in 
``Contacts.'' All correspondence requires the signature of an 
authorized business official and/or the project director. Failure to 
follow this guidance will result in a delay in responding to your 
correspondence. (3) The DHHS Appropriations Act requires that, to the 
greatest extent practicable, all products purchased with funds made 
available under this award should be American-made. (4) The DHHS 
Appropriations Act requires that, when issuing statements, press 
releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other 
documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part 
with Federal money, the issuance shall clearly state the percentage and 
dollar amount of the total costs of the program or project that will be 
financed with Federal money and the percentage and dollar amount of the 
total costs of the project or program that will be financed by 
nongovernmental sources. (5) A notice in response to the President's 
Welfare-to-Work Initiative was published in the Federal Register on May 
16, 1997. This initiative is designed to facilitate and encourage 
grantees to hire welfare recipients and to provide additional training 
and/or mentoring as needed. The text of the notice is available 
electronically on the OMB home page at http://www.whitehouse.gov/wh/eop/omb

    3. Reporting: In addition to those listed above, a successful 
applicant will submit 3 reports: an initial, a three-month after the 
award, and one final report that includes a discussion of steps taken 
to implement the Steps to Healthier Girls program in each Region, the 
impact of the program on the targeted girls, an initial Financial 
Status Report, a final Program Report, and a final Financial Status 
Report. The purpose of the initial and three month reports is to 
provide accurate and timely program information to program managers and 
to respond to Congressional, Departmental, and public requests for 
information about the Steps to Healthier Girls program. An original and 
two copies of the initial and three month progress report must be 
submitted by November 1, 2005, and December 1, 2005 (assuming a 
September 1, 2005 start date). The last final report will serve as the 
annual progress report and must describe all project activities for the 
entire year.

VII. Agency Contact(s)

    For application kits and information on budget and business aspects 
of the application, please contact: the Office of Grants Management, 
OPHS, DHHS, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 550, Rockville, MD 20857. 
Telephone: (240) 453-8822. Questions regarding programmatic information 
and/or requests for technical assistance in the preparation of the 
grant application should be directed in writing to CAPT Rosa Myers, 
Regional Women's Health Coordinator, DHHS Region III, at 150 S. 
Independence Mall West, Suite 436, Philadelphia, PA 19106, e-mail: 
rmyers@osophs.dhhs.gov or to Sandra Estepa, Regional Women's Health 
Coordinator, HHS Region II at 26 Federal Plaza, Room 3835, New York, NY 
10278, e-mail: sestepa@osophs.dhhs.gov.

VII. Other Information

    Information on girls' wellness can be found at the http://www.4girls.gov
 Web site. Information on health can also be found on the 

http://www.healthfinder.gov Web site.

**The Government is not obligated to make any awards as a result of 
this announcement.


    For the purposes of this cooperative agreement program, the 
following definitions are provided:
    Culturally competent: Information and services provided at the 
educational level and in the language and cultural context that are 
most appropriate for the individuals for whom the information and 
services are intended. Additional information on cultural competency is 
available at the following Web site: http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/May2001/factsheets/Cultural-Competency.html

    Cultural perspective: Recognizes that culture, language, and 
country of origin have an important and significant impact on the 
health perceptions and health behaviors that produce a variety of 
health outcomes.
    Gender-based Care: Highlights inequalities between men and women in 
access to resources to promote and protect health, in responses from 
the health sector, and in the ability to exercise the right to quality 
health care.
    Healthy People 2010: A set of national health objectives that 
outlines the prevention agenda for the Nation. Healthy People 2010 
identifies the most significant preventable threats to health and 
establishes national goals for the first decade of the 21st century. 
Individuals, groups, and organizations are encouraged to integrate 
Healthy People 2010 into current programs, special events, 
publications, and meetings. Businesses can use the framework, for 
example, to guide worksite health promotion activities as well as 
community-based initiatives. Schools, colleges, and civic and faith-
based organizations can undertake

[[Page 38936]]

activities to further the health of all members of their community. 
Health care providers can encourage their patients to pursue healthier 
lifestyles and to participate in community-based programs. By selecting 
from among the national objectives, individuals and organizations can 
build an agenda for community health improvement and can monitor 
results over time. More information on the Healthy People 2010 
objectives may be found on the Healthy People 2010 Web site: http://www.health.gov/healthypeople

    Sustainability: An organization's or program's staying power: the 
capacity to maintain both the financial resources and the partnerships/
linkages needed to provide the services.
    Steps to HealthierUS: An initiative of the U. S. Department of 
Health and Human Services that advances the President's HealthierUS 
goal for helping Americans live longer, better, and healthier lives. 
The cornerstones of this program are physical fitness, prevention, 
nutrition, and making healthy choices. More can be found on the Web 
site: http://www.healthierus.gov.

    Health Literacy: Degree to which individuals have the capacity to 
obtain, process and understand basic health information and services 
needed to make appropriate health decisions. In addition to the IOM 
report, information on health literacy can be found at: http://odphp.osophs.dhhs.gov/projects/healthcomm/objective2.htm

    Dated: June 23, 2005.
Dalton G. Paxman,
Regional Health Administrator, Region III, Philadelphia, PA.
[FR Doc. 05-13190 Filed 7-5-05; 8:45 am]