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Journal of Studies on Alcohol

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Supporting Research

Journal of Studies on Alcohol on Drugs (July 2009)
NIAAA created the Rapid Response to College Drinking Problems initiative so that senior college administrators facing an alcohol-related crisis could get assistance from well-established alcohol researchers and NIAAA staff. Following a competitive grant process, NIAAA selected 15 sites and paired each recipient college with a program development/evaluation team. Working closely with NIAAA scientific staff, each team jointly designed, implemented, and evaluated a Rapid Response project. This supplement reports the results of several projects, plus other findings of interest that emerged from that research.

Journal of Studies on Alcohol
The National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health, established two panels of nongovernment experts to research alcohol consumption among college students. The two panels are Contexts and Consequences (panel 1) and Prevention and Treatment (panel 2). An article in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol entitled "College Drinking, What It Is, and What To Do about It: A Review of the State of the Science" consists of commissioned papers by the two panels.

Updated Research on Environmental and Individually-Oriented Interventions
In 2007, in order to continue to provide state-of-the-art research information, NIAAA developed a new publication, “What Colleges Need to Know Now: An Update on College Drinking Research.” This research update revisited some of the key research areas of the College Task Force and analyzed new and emerging areas of inquiry. In creating this update, NIAAA again worked with Drs. Traci Toomey and Mary Larimer, authors of the two original intervention papers used in the 2002 task force report.

Environmental Policies to Reduce College Drinking: An Update of Research Findings
Traci L. Toomey, Kathleen M. Lenk, Alexander C. Wagenaar
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Identification, Prevention, and Treatment revisited: Individual-Focused College Drinking Prevention Strategies 1999–2006
Mary E. Larimer, Jessica M. Cronce
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College Drinking Statistical Papers
These reports compare the numbers of 18- to 24-year-old U.S. college students who experience alcohol-related deaths, injuries, and other health problems in 1998 and 2001.

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Related Research
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Last reviewed: 9/23/2005

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