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News Releases and Statements For 2004


December 2004

Dec. 14, 2004The HIVNET 012 Study and the Safety and Effectiveness of Nevirapine in Preventing Mother-to-Infant Transmission of HIV
Dec. 13, 2004First U.S. SARS Vaccine Trial Opens at NIH
Dec. 13, 2004Broad-based Vaccination of Wild Mice Could Help Reduce Lyme Disease Risk in Humans
Dec. 9, 2004NIAID-Sponsored Clinical Trial Aims to Boost Flu Vaccine Supply
Dec. 1, 2004NIAID Seeks Applicants to Lead Revamped HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Networks

November 2004

Nov. 30, 2004World AIDS Day - Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director, NIAID, December 1, 2004
Nov. 18, 2004HHS Awards $10.4 Million To Fight AIDS On Three Continents
Nov. 15, 2004NIAID Launches Influenza Genome Sequencing Project
Nov. 15, 2004NIAID Launches Expanded Flu Web Site for the Media
Nov. 10, 2004Crohn’s Disease Treatment Shows Promise in Clinical Trial
Nov. 3, 2004Statement on the Death of John R. La Montagne, Ph.D., NIAID Deputy Director
Nov. 1, 2004NIAID Launches Program to Improve Medical Tools Against Emerging Infectious Diseases

October 2004

Oct. 28, 2004Scientists Discover Enzyme Crucial to HIV Replication
Oct. 27, 2004NIAID Media Roundtable: On the Frontlines of Flu Research
Oct. 18, 2004El Día Nacional de Concientización Latina Sobre el SIDA
Oct. 16, 2004National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, October 15, 2004
Oct. 12, 2004New Study on Smallpox in Monkeys Reveals Tactics of a Killer
Oct. 8, 2004Chronic Sinusitis Sufferers Have Enhanced Immune Responses to Fungi
Oct. 7, 2004HHS News: HHS Awards $232 Million in Biodefense Contracts for Vaccine Development
Oct. 7, 2004NIH Funds Centers to Study Islet Transplantation

September 2004

Sept. 22, 2004Scientists Discover Potential New Way To Control Drug-Resistant Bacteria
Sept. 13, 2004NIAID Forms Clinical Consortium to Improve Success of Organ Transplants
Sept. 8, 2004Customized Program Reduces Asthma Symptoms in Inner-City Children
Sept. 7, 2004B Cells Gone Bad: Researchers Uncover How HIV Causes Abnormalities in Antibody-Producing Cells

August 2004

Aug. 17, 2004NIAID Taps Chiron to Develop Vaccine Against H9N2 Avian Influenza

July 2004

July 28, 2004Researchers Identify Better Hepatitis C Treatment for People with HIV
July 26, 2004Genome-Wide Analysis Provides Detailed Understanding of Flesh-Eating Bacteria Epidemics
July 15, 2004News Advisory: Fauci to Present Research Update at World AIDS Conference in Bangkok
July 13, 2004NIAID Expands West Nile Virus Treatment Trial
July 12, 2004New Method Enables Researchers to Make Human SARS Antibodies Quickly
July 10, 2004The Continual Challenge of Emerging Infectious Diseases
July 4, 20043-D Structure of Anthrax Toxin Complex Solved

June 2004

June 24, 2004Intranasal SARS Vaccine Protects Monkeys from Infection

May 2004

May 27, 2004Mouse Study Could Aid Vaccine Designers
May 27, 2004NIAID Announces Contracts to Develop Vaccine Against H5N1 Avian Influenza
May 22, 2004Dr. Fauci's Statement on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, May 18, 2004
May 20, 2004Weekly Cycles of Once-Daily Anti-HIV Drugs Could Reduce Cost of HIV Treatment
May 19, 2004NIAID Forms Network to Tackle Potentially Fatal Reaction to Smallpox Vaccine
May 4, 2004NIAID Rotavirus Vaccine Licensed for Commercialization

April 2004

April 26, 2004HIV Patients Get Long-Term Boost with Short, Intermittent Drug Regimen
April 19, 2004Second NIAID SARS Vaccine Candidate Helps Mice Fend Off SARS

March 2004

March 31, 2004NIAID Vaccine Protects Against SARS Virus Infection in Mice
March 26, 2004Genome Sequence Reveals Leaner, Meaner Intestinal Parasite
March 24, 2004Statement by Christine F. Sizemore, Ph.D., and Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID, on World TB Day, March 24, 2004
March 24, 2004Mouse Model Mimics Real-World Plague Infection
March 15, 2004Mouse Antibodies Thwart SARS Virus
March 10, 2004Effectiveness of Safer Smallpox Vaccine Demonstrated Against Monkeypox
March 3, 2004Harmless Virus with Longer Life for Some HIV-Positive Men

February 2004

Feb. 25, 2004Scientists Find HIV-Blocking Protein in Monkeys
Feb. 14, 2004Database on Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplants Now Available Online
Feb. 9, 2004Early Fevers Associated with Lower Allergy Risk Later in Childhood
Feb. 7, 2004National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Feb. 6, 2004HHS Secretary Names Five to NIAID Advisory Council
Feb. 3, 2004Bacterial DNA Reduces Inflammation in Mice

January 2004

Jan. 26, 2004First U.S. Tuberculosis Vaccine Trial in 60 Years Begins
Jan. 15, 2004RV144, An Ongoing HIV Vaccine Efficacy Trial in Thailand
Jan. 8, 2004Scientists Identify Genes That Regulate Allergic Response to Diesel Fumes


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